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Troll Toll

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Posts posted by Troll Toll

  1. 12 hours ago, matter2003 said:


    White knights to the rescue...trying to force other men into the nice little box women put them in. !@#$ outta here with that bull ****.


    A women says to jump? 20 guys come running over to ask how high.


    A woman accuses a man of anything? He's guilty regardless of evidence.


    A woman recants her accusations because she is caught in a lie? He's still guilty, she's just too scared or too scarred to come forward.


    A guy has physical standards and decides to not go out with a woman because of her looks or weight and they are vilified for "being shallow" but yet the same women wont give the time of day to many guys for the same reasons(too short, not in good shape, etc) and its good because they are "picky" and "deserve better" even while bringing literally nothing to the table. 


    Unemployed 30 year old women living with their parents are "smart and practical" while guys doing the same thing are "bums and losers".


    When men bring up the double standards and hypocrisy that exist with women today they are bashed by the white knights and women alike. But yet everyday 5 or 6 stories on yahoo are basically carbon copies of these very things...but I'm delusional apparently because I call BS when I see BS and won't just "go along" with the lemmings as they hurl themselves off the cliff??? Again, !@#$ outta here with that bull ****.


    I speak the inconvenient, non-politically correct truth that an ever increasing amount of women(not all) play the victim card in cases when it benefits them and play the power card in cases when it benefits them regardless of the fact that often times they are diametrically opposed positions and have no accountability either from themselves or any men, having excuses at the ready to rationalize away all the reasons for things...but the white knights are in awe of their beauty and charms and allow themselves to be walked on like a door mat thinking that will garner them some "brownie points" not realizing that women neither like nor respect the men who willingly give away power to strengthen the female position while weakening their own because regardless of how things "are" these days, women view these men as weak and evolutionarily desire men who are strong. Society can try and make things whatever they want but they cant undo instincts that have withstood thousands of years of evolution and are mostly unchanged from what they were then.


    The epidemic decline in testosterone levels over the past 60 years is really starting to really rear its ugly head in all aspects of society...pathetic. And then guys wonder why women say "Where are all the real men?"  Apparently they arent interested by guys that are standing right next to them marching with #MeToo shirts and signs.




    Spot on. Although I slightly disagree on your conclusions. We have a more desirable position than ever since 90% of the population is now essentially female.

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  2. 2 hours ago, K-9 said:

    Great point here. Any hiccup, ANY, in these camps will be scrutinized and used as ammo for the anti Allen crowd, while any great play will be tossed off as needing to wait until he’s in real games. Funny how that works.


    I disagree, I think everyone wants to see him succeed. We kind of saw that vitriol with EJ Manuel, but the guy was literally hitting the hospital tent on his throws in his 2nd or 3rd season. Allen doesn’t have area code accuracy issues. I think most fans will prove to be cautiously optimistic with Allen as long as he isn’t throwing 5 picks a practice.

  3. I think both are likely busts. Rosen’s ability is vastly overrated. Trading up to 2 for Darnold was the move if it was true that they had the ammo to do it. If the Bills kept their 2nds I’d feel okay even though I have my doubts about Allen. I don’t like that every one acknowledges he is a project, yet our Oline is in shambles, our receivers are bottom tier, our offensive coaches are unproven at best (awful at worst), and our only stud Shady is in his last year or so. They just put Allen in an impossible situation. I love the LB they got, but that doesn’t help Allen.

  4. I think Darnold will be a star from close to day 1 and Rosen will be propped up by the media for possibly a few years, but ultimately flop. Mayfield may be a star his rookie season, but I’m not confident he’ll retain that in years 2, 3, 4 and beyond. I think Rudolph will turn into a star in year 2 or beyond. I think Allen will be a bust pretty quickly and Lamar Jackson will struggle to hold a starting job across 3+ seasons.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Doesn't Trump always sound that way? 


    And he is only using this as wedge issue to blame black people and rally his base. Picking fights with  Blacks not standing, scapegoating immigrants and attacking China for "taking our jobs." Being a jackass blowhard is the only think Trump knows how to do. Just a terrible person and the worst president ever 

    The truth does tend to get people riled up... especially when he exposes the corrupt ways the left and right have raped this country for decades so that the politicians on both sides could enrich themselves. Gotta love that the corrupt establishment is trying to blackmail him with a crooked unconstitutional investigation to a deafening silence from congress.

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