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Troll Toll

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Posts posted by Troll Toll

  1. Shady looks a hair slower this year, he probably has two good years left. AP is just physically at another level from all other NFL RBs, which in itself is mind-boggling because these are elite athletes. You could tell leading up to the draft that AP was this kind of special athlete. I remember one guy saying Adrian Peterson was the 2nd running back he ever saw that he thought could have played in the NFL while he was still in High School.

  2. I think you have to let it run it’s course. You can’t risk having one guy that ran the offense the best so far getting benched for a guy that comes in and stinks up the joint. Let Barkley play himself out of the job and into a supportive role for Josh.


    Josh can learn a ton from Barkley, so I’d like the team to do things to make sure he sticks around and is a good teammate. He definitely earned another start yesterday. The locker room could sour on Josh if he starts the next game and they stink. While I’d like to see what Josh can do, the best thing for the team is to ensure that they believe our coaches have winning as the number one priority. 

  3. I was on board with the fire Jauron billboard. He made a lot more money than Peterman, had no end in sight with our ownership, and seemingly gave no effort or was just a moron.


    Peterman I just feel kind of bad for... He is a late round pick who obviously is not set for life at his pay grade, and he’ll be out of the NFL forever in the next few months. His biggest shortcoming is his arm strength, which would seemingly be out of his control. Just seems like salt in the wounds.

  4. He already couldn’t play football. His injury kept him from playing football, he’s not entitled to a perfect fix. It sucks, but people blow my mind with their sense of entitlement. If the doctors could choose a perfect outcome they would do it every time. That’s like if his team sued him for having a bad game.

  5. 8 hours ago, BullBuchanan said:

    People around here acting like Chad Kelly is actually an impressive Quarterback. He wishes he had half the talent Ryan Mallet did. Change his last name to Wizkowski and no one gives a *****.

    As a proud descendent of the distinguished Wizkowski lineage, I resent that remark.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. I guess I still don’t understand how people can crown Deshaun Watson a stud, demolish Josh Allen, watch a game where they play each other and not grasp the irony of Josh Allen outplaying him. Watson has arguably the best receiver in the NFL at his disposal. There seems to be a lot of irrational opinions on how Josh is developing. Brady won a Super Bowl MVP throwing for 135 yards.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. I see a lot of buyer’s remorse going on with Josh right now and I really don’t get it. I don’t see the other rookie QBs lighting it up yet and Josh was the 3rd one taken. Had he not been injured, I think we beat the Texans and he moves to 3-2 as a starter with 3 wins against playoff caliber teams.


    People say they aren’t seeing improvements and I couldn’t disagree more. The deer in the headlights look is fading and the game appears to be slowing down. I’m seeing far fewer ill-advised decisions. He is still a work in progress (like all the other rookie QBs), but nothing so far makes me think he has any less ability to be successful than the other guys.


    I think the biggest remaining areas for improvement for Josh are:

    1. Properly gauging what is NFL “open”. If he can get a grip on that this year, wait until he gets targets who can separate.

    2. Presnap recognition. He is a really smart kid and I have confidence he will excel in this area over time. This is the first time he is seeing the exotic defenses of the NFL. 


    Biggest reasons for optimism over QBs of the drought era:

    1. The arm talent - Throw on any EJ or Fitzpatrick game and you’ll see head scratching zip code accuracy issues.

    2. Use of the middle of the field - We rarely saw this with Losman and Tyrod. It completely handicaps an offense when you refuse to use half of the field.

    3. Willingness to throw downfield - Trent Edwards was the worst at this. Defenses will play close to the LoS like they are moving the fielders in against the kid who sucks at kickball. You have to keep the defense honest.

    4. Signs of pocket presence - We’ve gone through many QBs who had no feel for the pocket and would just take off at the first sign of pressure. Allen has shown flashes of poise, keeping his eyes downfield, stepping up in the pocket and making a throw. He still has a ways to go, but I didn’t even see flashes of this from past QBs.


    When you throw 23 passes a game, you generally won’t hit 300 yards. To do so would require ~13 ypa which is a phenomenal number. He is developing before our eyes, but it seems like a lot of folks can’t see the forest through the trees. My eyes tell me he is already on par with where Tyrod was a year ago and he is just getting started.

    • Like (+1) 15
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  8. 2 hours ago, I am the egg man said:


    Yeah, a person can dream....enjoy the song/video and see if you can find all the big name music stars who were in this video.  


    There's a few, but you likely need to be at least 50 to recognize them.



    I’m 31... I can recognize Roy Orbison. I thought I saw Elvis Costello playing guitar. The others I can’t place, so I’d say you’re right about needing to be over 50. Great song though, one of the few things I have in common with my father is his musical taste. Hard to come by music from the heart like this nowadays.

    2 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Favre is actually a really good comp for his ceiling. Chances he hit Favre level? Well, we can argue, but I assume everyone will admit that it's low. I'm not really seeing Steve Young; maybe it's because of the lefty thing causing a mental block, but they don't seem like the same type of QB. Even in his difficult early years you could see the uncanny ability to throw on the run, and you could also see that he never had the cannon arm that Allen has. Just kind of a different QB profile.

    Favre is definitely the more apt of the two... With Young I compare more to the intellect, running ability, and heart. With that 38 wonderlic it will be interesting to see how cerebral Josh gets.


    However, I think the closest to Young in similarity is Aaron Rodgers.

  9. Color me unimpressed with Rosen’s first start. Lots of throws that will be picked in the future. Still comes across as cocky college kid that will be put in his place like Manziel. The NFL is filled with grown men, not kids he can embarrass. That said, all rookie QB’s except Baker Mayfield leave a lot to be desired at this point.


    Seems like the media is reaching to try and annoint Allen, Rosen, and Darnold.

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