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Posts posted by 4thandGoal

  1. On 8/31/2019 at 7:52 PM, Wayne Arnold said:

    This guy must be related to the head coach.


    There's no other explanation as to why he continues making the Bills' 53 man roster year after year without contributing anything whatsoever.


    Even on rare occasions when he's healthy enough to play in the preseason, he doesn't even dominate against opposing 3rd stringers who will be bagging groceries by Monday.


    It's puzzling.

    wow.. you know more then Sean... perhaps we will see you on the sidelines

    • Sad 1
  2. This post and all the comments are what is wrong with society today.  Every one loves to revel in other peoples misery and misfortune. I agree that Zays dad should not have tweeted anything but he did--so what??  He bashed our fan base -- who the F cares. its only words but we decide to trash Zay - we trash his dad. We are no better. We sit behind a keyboard and trash talk everyone when we all have something from our past that we would be criticized about. 

  3. 3 hours ago, theRalph said:

    Schopp talks Bills in the same manner that one might discuss, say, constipation. There is no media personality, even on the national level, that goes to the extremes Schopp does in dismissing ANYTHING of a positive nature with the Bills and especially Josh Allen whom he despises. Schopp, that insufferable douch bag, used to have ex-QB now fine analyst Dan Orlovsky on the program regularly when Dan was down on Josh Allen. Now, Orlovsky is praising Allen and the douche bag is dismissing it with the notion that "nothing in preseason means anything" and no assessment is possible.


    With deepest apologies to all the haters, Debbie Downers, and the like, it must be said that Allen is meeting the eyeball test this meaningless preseason. It's OK to be optimistic, it really is.


    Mike Schopp, please bottle the Bills acid and STFU. And Bulldog, grow a pair and stand up to this idiot once in a while.

    I agree with you but yet you are still listening to him.. 

  4. 5 hours ago, ALF said:

    Patrick Mahomes #4    (but we were able to draft Tre White )


    50 touchdowns, 5,097 yards and an MVP trophy. 

    Khalil Mack  #3    (but Sammy Watkins before him)


    The Bill's could have drafted both these players , I expect to be flamed and rightfully so



    Who cares... the Bills passed on Tom Brady --if we had him-- we would always have a guy in the top 10!!!!


    and I dont give a sh!t about this list. Prove it on the field. When we can do that -- I still wont care about this list!!!

  5. 12 hours ago, fmr60 said:

    When they were going through the pre and post NFL draft shows I felt they were poorly prepared.... new little about most of the prospects.  A total waste of time to listen to them. Very disappointing particularly since this is their livelihood.

    and no one said you have to listen to them... they had many guests on talking about the draft.. tasker does bring a lot to the table and  people bash him and Murph once every two weeks on this site... why be a negative person and offer up some decent opinions

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. 7 hours ago, Estro said:

    I kind of hesitate to write posts like this because I don't like to criticize someone that's giving an honest effort........but Steve Tasker is one of the worst radio hosts I've ever come across.  He stumbles and stammers his way through a 3 hour radio show almost every show.  His questions to guests are so all over the place that I sometimes feel bad for the guest having to try and navigate his ? and give a response.  I think the Buffalo Bills could do a lot better, and putting feelings aside, that's something they need to upgrade. 


    I actually like that show quite a bit more when Murph is coupled with Chris Brown......I know they're both homers, but I just think Brown is much better at orating his points.


    You hate to write posts like this but you did anyways--   Give me Tasker and Murph over the morning crew or Schopp and the Bulldog anyday

    • Like (+1) 2
  7. 2 hours ago, BADOLBILZ said:



    I was pleased with Allen's progress last week...........but they only scored 14 points.


    At this point the blueprint is accurate.


    There are going to be drives where Allen is inaccurate from the pocket and there are going to be drives where receivers don't make plays.


    If you let him run you allow the Bills to move the chains more.......possibly lose field position battles all day.........and at worst get nickeled and dimed with field goals on drives that are otherwise 3 and outs.


    It's wise to make him beat you from the pocket and it's also in the best interest of the Bills and Josh Allen to get THIS kind of experience.



    totally agree---

    If they keep Allen in the pocket--- he will be forced into some turnovers , some bad throws, some bad reads

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 9 hours ago, PittsforDave said:

    I didn’t like him. He always had an awkward look on his face with huge ears. 


    He was just a yes man with no leadership abilities, uncomfortable to be around.  


    Im sure the team is happy he’s gone. 

    you must be perfect---its a shame you have to insult someones looks--- you must be perfect.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 16 hours ago, KOKO NFL said:


    Josh Rosen, the 'other' Josh, led a dramatic Arizona comeback today to pull out a win 18-15 against SF. (I watched the 4th Quarter because I am in a football pool and the game mattered). Down 15-3 in the 4th Quarter, JR was accurate and stayed poised, under duress, in the pocket. Dare I say, unlike the Bills' strong-armed, mobile, yet skiddish and inaccurate rookie, Josh Allen. 


    Did the Bills take the wrong Josh? From the evidence I've seen to date... regrettably, yes.

    are you on crack--- time will tell if we took the wrong josh---- dont let this win fool you cuz he is not the answer!!! and by the way-- DO ALL OUR RECEIVERS SKILLS COMBINED EVEB COME CLOSE TO LARRY FITZGERALD,,,,   


    morda w kubeł 

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