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Posts posted by whatdrought

  1. 7 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:



    You've seen nothing unique regarding Watson to allow you to speculate that the team may be creating this story.  You fabricated a clean past  for him and went from there.



    Are you this obtuse? I mean, I know you’re one of “those posters” but seriously - try to grasp the English language before using it for debate.


    In my original post I made three statements regarding the situation. 

    The first was the fact that Watson has a clean reputation. This is based on public knowledge and isn’t up for debate. It’s true. It’s a fact. Nothing like this has ever happened before and everything you read about him says he’s a stand up guy. 

    My take on Watson as a person has nothing to do with my other statement that I wouldn’t be shocked if this was some crazy thing made up by the team- the team that has been accused of having their players followed, which is completely unprecedented. What’s one more crazy entry.


    You’re acting like I claimed first hand knowledge of watson or the situation, while anyone with a 2nd grade reading comprehension level can tell from my original post that I clearly did not.


    again, don’t be stupid.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    You were clearly fabricating an opinion based on no more insight or info than any of us here have.  You know nothing about this guy. That was pretty clear.


    Trading away Clowney and Hopkins is pretty much the same as hiring a woman to fabricate a sexual assault story so she could then hired a lawyer to file a suit in order to tarnish a QB they have under contract.  



    Good point.


    in what way was it not clear that I was fabricating an opinion?... I said “From everything I’ve seen.” 

    Don’t be idiotic. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Bill from NYC said:

    Once again, no need for personal insults. Would you slow down if acknowledged the fact that you are a really tough guy? I will do it if this is what you want. 

    I guess it shpould happen at least once in all of our lifetimes. 

    So, here it goes: You are a TOUGH GUY!!!  😁😃😄

    Bill, you seem like a fine gent who has all his marbles firmly in place and is never in asinine arguments with respected posters on this board in which you look like an idiot. I hope you have a beautiful day. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 54 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    I'm guessing you know nothing about him, so take #1 off your list.  Your #2 seems beyond far fetched.  The team conjuring up a sexual assault allegation with a lawyer and lawsuit (and a victim)?  Yeah that happens all the time...

    Is “from what I’ve seen” a hard grouping of words to understand?... I thought I was being clear, but I guess not “Mr. WEO” clear. Forgive me. 

    This team we’re talking about is the one that’s been accused of having their players followed and has made some of the stupidest decisions ever in the past several years. Is anything truly off the table?


    50 minutes ago, Bill from NYC said:

    No need for personal insults, is there?  Are you trying to prove that you are a tough guy?


    Step 1: start by responding to a perfectly reasonable comment with moral outrage. 

    Step 2: get flamed for being stupid.


    Step 3: “woah buddy! Relax!”

  5. 5 hours ago, Jauronimo said:

    Why would the Texans want to tank his trade value?

    I wouldn’t presume to think wise decision making is coming from that organization now. It doesn’t make any sense, unless they’re pissed, and trying to get revenge, or they’re trying to dry up the market so they can’t be forced to trade him. Probably unlikely, but this is the team that’s recently been accused of having their players followed, so who the heck knows. 


    1 hour ago, Bill from NYC said:

    Good point. An NFL player never has and never will abuse any woman but if they did, the "timing" would have to be just right?

    I see comprehension is still difficult for you. I’m not surprised. If you find the timing of this suit being filed as completely coincidental, I have a bridge for sale in your neck of the words you might be interested in. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Bronxbomber21 said:

    I kinda want to see what Hodges brings to the table. 

    Same, though I don’t know that he brings much as a vertical speed threat.

    I expect them to draft someone in the late rounds just because they seem to realize that this team will live and die in the air - and they want Josh comfortable with as many pass catchers as possible. If you end up with too many, trade one. Never a bad problem to have. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, foreboding said:

    I think anyone who dislikes this is nuts. A young, super expensive FA is NOT our biggest need right now.
    But ESanders!?! Here is what I like about the signing:

    1. Really, really smart and crafty player, willing to go off schedule with the QB.

    2. Can play slot or run deep routes, has the size and thump to beat man coverage
    3. No need to bring him up to speed, I guarantee he comes into camp, ready to go. Ready to add to a (now) veteran team ready to win (now).

    3. Diggs, Beasley and Sanders are 3 of the slickest route runners in the league. Add in Gabe Davis, who also has these attributes and its gonna be damn near impossible to cover that group.

    4. Good price, one year. Perfect.

    Can you image if we had an RB who could break a tackle or two on his way through the line?

    Exactly. He’s a rental. 

    Go add a guy in the 5th or 6th that gives you straight line speed and some plus special teams ability and see if he can develop into a route runner / speed option in the future - he won’t want for tutors around here. 


    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, Rc2catch said:

    Maybe saying he’s not going to be bullied into dropping the case??? The statement overall was worded a little weird imo 

    The lawyer def. seems like an ambulance chasing, 15 minutes of fame sniffing dude. Doesn’t mean the accusation is false- it just means he and his “client” are definitely out for the very things they claim to not be out for - money and fame. 

    • Agree 1
  9. Oof.... my first instinct is to call bs. Watson has been nothing but a standup guy going back to Clemson - from everything I’ve ever seen.


    My second instinct is to say: who the hell would be surprised if the Texans (specifically Easterbe) was doing something to try and sully Watson’s name? With what we’ve heard that seems perfectly on brand. 

    My third instinct is to say - dang. This’ll be interesting. 

    really my third is my first. 

    • Like (+1) 6
  10. 27 minutes ago, purple haze said:

    Oh, I am aware.  I know Curtis Samuel is close enough to it. 

    Several draftees are too.

    Samuel’s speed is great, and I’d love to have him. He’ll probably get 2x the amount of Sanders.


    Draft is still an option for speed later (Tutu Atwell in the 3rd? Ihmir Smith-Marsett in the 5th?) but that’s potential speed and potential production. Sanders is a sure thing. 

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