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Posts posted by RochesterRob

  1. 4 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    Trump is currently running the same playbook most successful dictators ran to secure power. 


    He's currently in the "undermine election results" phase, with the next phase being to establish himself as a dictator. After that, there will be no reason to hold any elections whatsoever. 

      You have officially stepped over the line of you being insane.  Trump has had 4 years to secure the media from anti-Trump sentiment and strip citizens of any weapons including but not limited to guns.  In my mind he is a pretty bad dictator if he fails to accomplish those tasks while in power. I feel sorry for whoever has to be around you not by choice.  

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  2. 11 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

    You seem to not be understanding the analogy.

      Maybe because you are piss poor at setting up the analogy and easily prone to crying when somebody does not play your game?

    6 minutes ago, daz28 said:

    Just be sure to bring useless banter, and all kinds of unsubstantiated crap with you.  Oh, I see you're already doing that.

      Stop talking about yourself.  I bring great insight and humor.  I look forward to pointing out the many errors that you will make.

  3. 1 hour ago, Plano said:

    CLETUS, back under that rock! 

      GOOBER, clean my windshield!!!!!!!!!!!  Or I will tell Wally on you!!!!!!

    1 hour ago, BullBuchanan said:

    The adults were away for too long and racoons moved in. Like I said, we cleaned up the garbage.

      If there were truly adults in your household then things would never deteriorate to the point of letting in imaginary raccoons.  By the way did the raccoons bring all the empty pizza boxes, wing buckets, and empty beer cans your mom cleaned up while you were no where to be found?

  4. On 11/7/2020 at 4:09 PM, BullBuchanan said:

    Has anyone noticed how nice it's been over here lately? Who wouldv'e guessed that if all you did was take out the garbage, the house wouldn't smell so much like *****?

      Being that it is YOUR house does not that statement say more about your lack of sanitary sense than anything else.  

    14 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Trump getting his ass rained on now, lol, you know he’s pissed 

      Stop worrying about Trump's ass and worry about your own.  Soros is pissed that you failed him.

  5. 1 hour ago, shoshin said:


    Is there a lawsuit anywhere with tens of thousands of votes being requested to be overturned and change the result of the election yet? 



      Are you insinuating that there is a special elections court and that it is currently bogged down with cases?  I don't know if you are aware of this but most courts hear more than one type of case.  As said before none of us have a special seat in this where we get instantaneous updates.  Worry about raking your leaves, cleaning your gutters, preparing your lawn mower for storage, and other chores to keep your mind where it needs to be.

    1 minute ago, TBBills said:

    SO you're saying Trump doesn't need proof?

      I am saying that he along with you are delusional at best.  Dangerous at worst.  The last 4 years were about lefties throwing crap against the wall against Trump.  That proof was not ultimately provided so no lefty objectives were successful.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 1 hour ago, jrober38 said:

    Unlike the last four years where Trump and the GOP threw crap at the wall and let the court of public opinion decide issues, Trump actually needs proof to be successful in his current lawsuits, which he has none of so far. 


    All of their lawsuits are being tossed because they have no proof. Trump is going to leave Washington by Thanksgiving and probably never return. The US Government will function as a rudderless ship until Jan 20. 

      Your post is nothing but hysterical gibberish.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 20 minutes ago, Q-baby! said:

    They only allow Trump ass kissers over there. Delusional nutbars! It’s comical and scary at the same time. 


      Not true as Doc Brown and Snafu are over there. Anyways, if you want to start your own Biden ass kissing site you are free to do so.  But you will not like the other desires in your life you truly lack the ambition and the vision to do so.  I understand that you Cattaraugus County inmates get a nice day once again to pick up trash out along Rte 16.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 1 minute ago, jrober38 said:


    Who is Canada at risk of being attacked by?

      Any small group of people with a boat.  People never suspect a thing until after it has happened.  Most people prior to Dec 7 , 1941 could not conceive of Japan being able to fight the US never mind going on the offensive.  As far as Canada is concerned it has resources such as its farmland that would prove valuable to a nation such as Russia or China.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    Grifters gonna grift.


    They scream about fraud, and meanwhile the money they're collecting to investigate fraud is actually being used to repay the money they spent on a losing election.

      Shouldn't you worry that if the US becomes the leftist paradise you envision that Canada will have to fund a national defense on par with its geographic size.  Right now Canada would have trouble with a group of boy scouts rowing across Lake Erie from Dunkirk, NY to Welland, Ont..

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Niagara Bill said:

    Ok Rob...let's say you are right and his push is all legal issues.

    What IF you are wrong and he is pushing to maintain power past Jan 20. What do you think if trump holds rallies outside of Georgia.

    Will you continue to support him?

      That is nearly 70 days away.  I am sure the courts recognize the need to be expedient or will lay out for all to see the need to go past the 20th.

    2 minutes ago, wAcKy ZeBrA said:


    It doesn't matter - He will continue to hate you and I. That's Rob's truth. 

      Please see a professional at once concerning this feeling that people hate you.  I for one am full of love in a brotherly Christian sense.

  11. 1 minute ago, oldmanfan said:

    You have to have some kind of evidence to challenge in court.  Where is it and why is that such a difficult concept to grasp?

      Where is it?  It's in the hands of lawyers.  There is no law saying that you have a ringside seat to all this.  Why is it difficult to grasp?  That most likely is a problem that resides with you.

    1 minute ago, wAcKy ZeBrA said:

    Rob loves the Donald. 

      You have been reduced to elementary school insults I see.

  12. 2 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    I think Trump is in denial, and so are his supporters. Time is on our side. They need a little time to accept reality. We will get there. 

      I think that you are in denial as to a candidate being able to challenge the results.  What's a little time?  It's been 4 years now since 2016 and YOU have still not accepted the results of the 2016 Election.   

  13. 2 hours ago, TBBills said:

    He doesn't even realize he still needs to try and run this country while he is still in office.


    This is more proof he never cared about this country he only cared about if people followed him. All Trump ever wanted was sheep followers, problem is it came with running the country.

      Your statement is nothing but bald faced hysteria.

    5 minutes ago, SoTier said:


    He's a sociopath.  He cares for nobody or nothing except what he wants.  


    There have been a couple of news reports claiming that anonymous sources within the WH have said that the reason that Senate Republicans have not acknowledged Biden as the President-elect is that Trump has threatened to withhold his support in the January 5  Georgia Senate race if they don't close ranks with him.   That this scenario is even plausible speaks volumes about the soon-to-be ex-POTUS.

      Yours is also nothing but a hysterical response.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  14. 5 minutes ago, Q-baby! said:

    So, you have no friends. That is not surprising. (Cue the bizarre prison reply.) 

      A very inaccurate assessment on your part which is not surprising in the least.  You on the other hand have no friends and ask me to engage in prison talk to keep you from being totally cut off from the world.  Anyways, most of my friends I encounter directly without the need of an electronic device.  You truly are a sad individual.

  15. 30 minutes ago, Plano said:

    It's time clete.


    It's time.


    give it up.


    It's all over.






      You best leave the comedy to the professionals and return to pumping gas and wiping windshields.  Goober (you).

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