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Posts posted by RochesterRob

  1. 10 minutes ago, jrober38 said:




    I'm talking about the testimony offered by various intelligence agency heads who said without a shadow of a doubt that the Russians actively interfered in the 2016 election. 


    I couldn't care less about Quebec. Ontario would be much better off just becoming its own country. 

      There is quite the shadow of a doubt when the only things that matter in an election such as equipment and software are tampered with.  Russian hookers and all that nonsense does not matter.


      Please expand concerning your feelings towards Quebec.  I know a fair number of people from Ontario and they all feel the same way.  Just to be clear they all want the western provinces plus the Atlantic Maritime to remain.  Kind of sad that this division exists.

  2. 12 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    The DNC plays by a different set of rules.


    They don't give a you know what. They're happy to disenfranchise voters, gerrymander, practice gross hypocrisy, etc. 

    The GOP needs to figure out that the way things have been done in the past doesn't matter anymore. They're battling a party that will do ANYTHING to cling on to its grip of power. 


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  3. 8 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    The difference here is that every level of the intelligence community said Russia DID interfere with the election, compared to now when there hasn't been a shred of proof of any voter fraud. 


    Crying about something that didn't actually happen makes Trump look like the loser he is.

      Tampering with equipment or software?  No.  The only meaningful measures of tampering.  If that kind of tampering had truly happened you lefty's would still be shouting from the rooftop about it today.  What you are talking about are bogus dossier's and meany Facebook statements about Hillary.  Please address the numerous problems in Canada including Quebec'rs who loath the English language.  You are about due for another push for succession by Quebec away from the rest of Canada.  

  4. 10 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    I am independent.  You are the partisan here.  Why is it that to those in your universe that only those that trend to the left are partisan, but those like you that only watch Fox New or the other right wing alternatives are not?


    You lose the ability of the press to question government, you have a dictatorship.  But that's what you wanted with Trump, wasn't it?  Did he not say that under Article 2 he could do whatever he wanted?  I voted for Biden not because I'm a fan of many of his policies, but because he wants to maintain our system of government and not turn our country into a dictatorship.


    So my question for you is simple:  why did you want to have a dictator run our country?  

      You have eyes but at the same time are blind.  The media is harshly against Trump.  A true dictator would have squashed such a media early on.  By the way I don't watch FOX News so don't try to pigeon hole me.  So, you are a fan of "the thing?"

  5. 13 minutes ago, Iron Maiden said:

    Did Hillary filed lawsuits?.....Did she tell everyone who was willing to listen that the election was rigged ?.....





    Yes, silly lawsuits....cases being dropped everywhere...lawyers quitting the Trump team.....Judges ( both Dems and Republicans ) getting pissed at them for basically bringing up no facts....Donnie is just making lots of noise like a toddler who lost his pacifier....He lost, but cannot admit he'll be branded as a loser....one of a very small group of losers who could not make it to a 2nd term....so, he's creating an " alternative " reality.....most see through it, some do not....

      Hate to tell you this but Hillary did tell anyone willing to listen and a lot who really did not want to hear from her that the Russians stole the election from her.  Further, Hillary could have filed lawsuits but it soon would have become evident she had nothing of substance to go on.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Q-baby! said:

    Sorry, I was out building a fence and you are going to pay for it! 

      I've actually put up fence to control neighbors who can't control their kids, trash, pets, etc..  It would be money well spent to have a measure of control over you.  I would have no more toys from Adult World rolling into my yard from your property.  

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Kemp said:


    I apologize for directly quoting you.


    There are far more indicators that Covid is being underreported rather than overreported. 


    Um, I think you missed something. 


    Biden already crossed the finish line. 


    Also, Coronavirus didn't disappear the day after the election. Your buffoonish god got yet another thing wrong. Surprised you didn't notice that.


    Keep rooting for the dismantling of democracy so you can have the dictator you so deeply desire and deserve.


    When Trump is booted, you can always move to his buddy's place in Russia. You'll feel right at home, there.


    In other words, you suspect Biden might have done the same thing Trump is doing.


    Pretty surprised that you think less of Biden than Hillary. The old boogeyman has been replaced.

      Reading comprehension is not your thing I see.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Iron Maiden said:

    Yes it is....but I  do not remember Hillary filing dozens of silly suits knowing it would not change the results....I don't remember Hillary tweeting that the election was rigged....and, from all we know so far, Trump lost by a much wider margin.....I don't remember Obama stopping Trump's team to begin the transition process.....What Trump is doing right now is really bad for our country....everyone knows it...some can't admit it ..

      Hillary never said anything about Russian interference????  We will see how silly the lawsuits are when it is all said and done.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Niagara Bill said:

    Some act more like they are from God's Kingdom others less, 

    You should be concerned for the families of the 246000 and counting. 

    Pray for 246000 plus

      I pray for all people regardless of affliction, background, or political affiliation.  If Cuomo would come to his senses I would be doing it in church.  I miss the community there which is greater than any online community I associate with.  Sadly, there were a few people who were in failing health that I suspect are no longer with us.  

    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. 21 minutes ago, Iron Maiden said:

    I feel they are simply letting Trump having his tantrum....but they will soon put an end to it....at least, I hope so...another week of court rejections and dropped law suit should do it.....for the good of the country, when he does concede and/or leave, he needs to admit that their was no fraud...otherwise, the extreme Trumpers will truly believe the election was stolen...and that is bad for the USA....

      Fraud was never proven with the 2016 Election but nearly all the Libs here believe that Hillary was robbed.  Do you believe that it is bad for the US for Libs not to accept the results of the 2016 Election.

    14 minutes ago, Muppy said:

    I wish he would admit there was no fraud but I would bet money (and Im not usually a gambler) Id bet he will never concede he lost fairly. I dont think his ego would allow it. And secondly he has his sycophants in his ear telling him that because it truly is what he wants to hear and believe wether it is true or not. He won't put the country first he wants to keep his base supporters thinking he was robbed so he can use them in a 2025 presidential run to restore the perceived wrong. 

      Earth to Muppy :  There is not a POTUS Election in 2025.  I know we all get in a hurry here and make mistakes but this one needed to be set correct.  Sorry.

  11. 6 hours ago, SoTier said:

    So, when do the enablers of the Snowflake-in-Chief put their country before party and before their own selfish interests and stop pussyfooting around Covid Donnie?    They all took an oath of office to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and its Constitution, not an oath to kiss the ass of the demented sociopath currently doing his best to wreck this country just to stoke his ego.


      Some people are enabled to post useless threads to promote their self interests.  

  12. 57 minutes ago, Niagara Bill said:

    So Rob, you have consumed the koolaid if you actually belief that Covid stuff to blame the doctors for counting wrong. You have consumed it and your soul is dieing. Trump is more important than 246000. Trump who would overthrow you democracy is more important than your country.

    Sad Rob. So Sad. 

    And you bring in God because you say a doctor misrepresented the count and you pray to the alter of trump who stood by and watched them die. 

    The koolaid is reacting....

    You are a very big hypocrite.

      Hysterical once again?

    11 minutes ago, TBBills said:

    Says the guy who is part of a Trump cult.

      Throw away your crutches and walk free!!

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 8 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    Speak for yourself.



    1 minute ago, Kemp said:


    You're saying people MAY have died of Covid and diagnosing others as having mental issues.

    I understand that you think Trump is a stable genius, now.


      Don't twist my words.  I am saying that it has been reported that some non-Covid deaths were reported as Covid related.  I NEVER said that ALL Covid deaths were misreported.  I know that you are desperate to push Biden across the finish line but know you are just being ridiculous.

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, TBBills said:

    What's it like to have a cult leader who has given up on you as a people? He decides to play golf while he pulls the strings on you puppets... You have been in a state of hysteria for a while now but you think it's everyone around you. You see the problem? You just sit in this bed of lies, b.c you cannot handle the reality of the situation.

      You are so married to the idea of cults and puppets that I fear the emotional crash when that crutch is pulled out from underneath you.  You also need professional counseling.  

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