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Posts posted by RochesterRob

  1. 6 minutes ago, Kemp said:


    Jones killed hundreds.

    That's chump change to what today's chump has done.


    Hiilary conceded the day after the election.

    Trump conceded ____________? 


    May have died?

    I didn't think you were this stupid.


    Hillary conceded the next day, so on what do you base your opinion that Biden wouldn't have conceded?

      More leftist hysteria.  It has been reported repeatedly that some non-Covid deaths got reported as Covid caused.  Only the people who actually handled the information know for sure.  If they intentionally misreported information then God have mercy on their souls.  

    24 minutes ago, Niagara Bill said:

    Typical, blame someone's healthcare system to justify a leader who cares little about his citizens unless they vote for him. I know socialism is a bad word but deceit, death, violence are not? You seem to care more about Jonestown  than 246000. That is sick, trump is worse than Jones, and you are drinking the koolaid served up by trump. Please do not drink it. Think logically what is happening. 

    Watcha gonna do when the Hulksters run wild on you.....take your vitamins, drink your milk, say your prayers, and hope trumpsters use their brains.

      You are the one who is sick.  Please call for help at once!

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Niagara Bill said:

    I did not say better but now they you suggest it, 100s compared to 246,000 without trying to save them. Your country means little to you if you trample over the deaths of 246000 committed by a lying sob who incites violence for personal gain. Someone who destroys the very basis of democracy in that great nation.

    Ban me for what , calling you out, calling out trump. Seriously, read your own posts. 

    You trample on the bodies of 246000 citizens to support this defeated ????

      Your "presence" here is not a compliment of the Canadian health care system.  That aside your comparison of the lives lost at Jonestown in a mass suicide against those who may have died from Covid 19 is whacked.  

  3. 40 minutes ago, Niagara Bill said:

    Not another Trumper who accepts lies, deceit and man trying to create civil unrest for his personal gain. If you believe in this man you are nothing but a cult follower. Jim Jones was more moral and respectable than trump.


      Your soft touch on Jim Jones says a lot more about you than you intended to reveal I would think.  That aside your comparison is quite wacky.  A guy who led hundreds to their death is better in your mind than Trump?  Those lives at Jones Town obviously mean very little to you if you are willing to trample over their deaths for a momentary slam on Trump.  May God have mercy on your soul and may you have time to regret your statement.  I can only hope that you are banned soon.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Kemp said:


    The definition of irony.

      Kemp = definition of stupidity.  I never said that I was too good for this board at least in the days when the numbers of conservatives and liberals were closer to being equal.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Q-baby! said:

    😂😂😂 Hanging out? 😂😂😂

    I check in to see who is dumb enough to take the bait. 😂😂😂

      Once again I would point out that you are piss poor at deflection.  Take the afternoon and enjoy the view along Cattaraugus Creek before the snow flies.

    7 minutes ago, TBBills said:

    I never said he was, I asked a question.


    Notice how you are too scared to ever talk bout anything being talked about. Instead you snipe little comments and than make stupid comments on top.


    How do you feel about Trump just giving up on this country and you? He decides to golf everyday now and has refused to actually help anyone. He is trying to nosedive this country on purpose and is putting Americans up as cannon fodder.

      Sad to see you descend into blind hysteria once again.  

  6. 9 minutes ago, TBBills said:

    Keep getting fed bull#### by a lier and a bunch of crazy conspiracy theory idiots. Follow the one man who doesn't really give a ***** about you just wants you to bow to him.

    Well when you bash one side expect the same to happen to your side. Why are Trumpies so dumb?

      You truly have crossed the river over to the crazy side.  I would not describe Snafu as a Trump zealot at all.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, GaryPinC said:

    Much like the blind deification of Trump is what gets you right wingers through the day. 

    For someone like me mostly in the middle, and voted Trump in 2016, I am happy to see him gone as no matter what your opinion of him, he was a willing lightning rod stoking divisiveness and controversy.

      Don't delude yourself.  Myself and most of the people who have supported Trump have done anything but deify him.

    10 minutes ago, BillStime said:


      She no doubt is laughing at the blindly loyal dolts such as yourself who would allow her to get away with anything if other people did not resist against her.  

    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, snafu said:


    So laugh about it. That’s a nice look. Trump will be gone in 2 months. People are so obsessed with trump hating that there’s no coming back?  Seems like a defeated take.


      Extreme hatred of Trump is about the only thing that gets the lefty leftovers here out of bed each day anymore.  I can't imagine going through life operating that way.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    We're making progress.  You went from an odd horse analogy boxed with wrapping paper for reasons unknown, to a stale and overused part political/part Ace hardware insult on a MB.  


    It's been a long time since I've been to Jamestown, but my recollection is that is fits the definition of God's country.  Hardworking people, good and decent as a general rule in an area without any major/moderately-sized city foot traffic, kinda pinched between Buffalo and Erie.  When I think about how I approach people on the internet, I generally try and comport myself in a way that would not embarrass me if I did it walking down the street in Buffalo, or in your case, Jamestown.  


    Would I personally seek out a person on the street wearing Biden gear, or stumping for Joe, and scream across the street "HEY LOOK AT ME YA LEFTIST WINGNUT!"?    


    I would not.  I know there are people who do, but it seems to me those people generally seem to have some underlying emotional issues, insecure about something in their life.  I don't really pity them, because human psychology is such that while most folks have the ability to change, they lack the internal strength and discipline to do so.  I do wonder sometimes where things jumped the rails for them.  


    Anyways, progress is progress.  I wish you and yours a good day. 

      The poster So Tier brings out the worst stereotype of people from that region.  Many are hard working, family devoted, and spiritual but the stereotype unfortunately is physically abusive, drunken (or drugged), lazy, and confrontational.  I have to imagine that the poster So Tier is an outlier of the population in the Southern Tier and most likely is a recluse or outcast in his community.  All that aside do not people from Jamestown and the surrounding area identify as being from the Chatauqua Region.

    1 hour ago, Plano said:

    They are that stupid.


    He's scared. Just like his orange leader. Scared and hiding. 

      You are sadly completely self unaware or you would see the irony in the crap that you post.  Wipe my windshield, check my oil, and fill my fuel tank up Goober!!

    • Like (+1) 2
  10. 44 minutes ago, Kemp said:


    I like that you narrowly define dictator to your narrow view of what it means in order to proclaim him as normal.

    Not accepting the will of the people in a free and fair election is exactly what a dictator does.


    One side is behaving like a free society. The other isn't.

    The best part is that you can't process that correctly.


    You've switched from answering everything from Hoax to Marxist.

    It's a sideways move for a dimwit, but to me it's good to see you expanded your limited vocabulary.

      You are being hysterical.  So much so that it should be concerning to anybody who has to be around you personally.

    35 minutes ago, Kemp said:


    Are you truly free when you're a cult member?


    Someone's getting irritated, much like his leader.


    Love when it seeps through.

      Seek help immediately.

    • Haha (+1) 1
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, shoshin said:


    Does it concern you at all that the voice Republicans used to believe and listen to (FOXNews), became the enemy once they reported news that its viewers didn't want to hear, so they just found other "news" sources? 


    I mean this sincerely since most your type ran away from dissenting voices. 

      Outlets change their viewpoints periodically sometimes to reflect the change in ownership.  Rupert Murdoch has established a trust to hold ownership of FOX and now the kids who have a different perspective run the show there.  For that matter I am old enough to remember the Huntley-Brinkley days on NBC News.  NBC has long departed from that type of coverage in part due to the people in the background running that network.  I am free to evaluate and change choices in news coverage just as you are free to do the same.

  12. 14 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


    His base is non-college educated white people who get their "news" from Fox, Breitbart, OANN and Newsmax TV.


    It's a cult. Whatever supreme leader says, they'll believe. 

      Does assuming a Trump supporter is a high school dropout from up in the hills make you feel better about life?  It simply is not true.  If ratings are believed to be true the 1.3 million that watched FOX (prior to the election and going off of a cliff) is far from the 70 plus million that voted for Trump.  I thought you "enlightened" people believed in data and hard math?  Right now I would say that you are into hard meth.

  13. 5 minutes ago, BillStime said:


    Getting back to this - Trump will destroy America and kill Americans on our streets to retain power.  But if Trump thinks 78,000,000 people will sit idly by while he tries to steal the election - the entire QOP is kidding themselves.

      Your entire statement is nothing but paranoid gibberish.  Seek professional help at once.  That aside your 78M is in trouble IN YOUR SCENARIO if they have to depend on the likes of the libs on this board.  I'm surprised that most of you have a free hand to type.  

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