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Posts posted by BillzFreak

  1. 9 minutes ago, Success said:

    Let me know when we can start using "the Patsies" again.


    I love how Pats fans always say they're not bandwagon, but half of the comments on twitter are some variation of "football is supposed to be fun, and it's not right now...why should I stick with this team?"



    Allot of there fans think we are going to beat them this week, allot of ours believe we won't. It's the we suck mentality to there oh yeah we suck worse mentality, quite a change from Pats fans for the last 18 years.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Generic_Bills_Fan said:

    I cant understand the word barely being used to describe that win when the jets were held to 4 yards of offense in the second half of a game where we were missing a ton of starters and a lot of the key starters that were playing have been banged up...not to mention the bills are practicing against a similar but improved version of the offense the pats are likely going to run.  I think with the addition of diggs the pats are going to struggle trying to man up our receivers which they had no problems with in the past.  I certainly don't think this will be an easy win but this current patriots team is not even remotely close to the level the chiefs or titans are playing at and they will be one of the least talented teams we have played so far this year on paper.  

    I thought only giving a team 4 total yards on offense was quite impressive, but nothing will ever impress some on this board. I swear if we ever won a superbowl this would be the most depressing place ever, yeah we won a superbowl but one means nothing lol.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, High Football IQ said:


    It's just the reality of the situation and vegas always knows, in fact you can argue that if we played 30 other NFL teams yesterday and we likely lose.


    Jets are terrible and by far the worst team in the league, but a struggling Pats team is still a much tougher opponent on paper since they have a proven coach and still have key talent on the roster.


    I think the Bills lose and probably lose by 10+ points, but if we do find a way to win it will be a last second come from behind type of deal for sure....24 -23 type of game.

    And if we win I'm sure you will say the Pats are a bad team with no real skill. So even if we win you can still complain about something.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, 97bills said:

    I think the fans are a huge lost on defense this year 

    Fans mean allot, I understand playing football should get guys adrenaline pumping, but hearing the roar of a packed stadium just gets you going on a different level.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  5. 1 minute ago, JetsFan20 said:

    And only 18 Points. The Bills made a mistake on every drive. 


    The Jets defense is Hot trash. There was an 8 yard completion underneath available every time Allen wanted it. 


    And that means what exactly? We beat a team we were supposed to beat. You can sit there and say anything you want to make you feel better about the loss but the Bills were the better team today. 

  6. 45 minutes ago, High Football IQ said:


    If San Fran isn't mediorce then what the Dolphins did to them should tell you exactly why they are going to win the division and stomp us when we play them later in the season.


    And what vegas knows is despite the pats losing 3 straight they are still even with the Bills despite their respective records and can easily win a game in Buffalo which they've done every year since 2011.

    Ok now I think you're just trolling. I understand being skeptical towards this team but didn't we beat the raiders and therefore should of beat the chiefs with that logic. What one team does to another has no bearing on any game in this league, it's week to week man. Teams look like world beaters one week and can suck the next. 

  7. Hmm could it be teams watch tape for a few weeks and catch on to what a Qb is doing and does things to stop what he was doing well? The Patriots don't have significant skill on that offense what they do is system based and right now there finding out Cam isn't a good fit for that system. Belichick is a great coach but to think he can get every player on his team to be great isn't reality. Sometimes things just don't work out, it's football and that's how it goes.

  8. 10 minutes ago, JetsFan20 said:

    First of all congrats. I was going to be rooting for the Bills next week, but may need Pats to lose for draft positioning. 

    The Bills came out incredibly flat today and against any other  NFL team it would have cost them. Against the Jets? Not so much. 

    1) This was the first game all year Gregg Williams defensive game plan actually worked. Ignore the stats Allen put up-they are meaningless. The Jets don’t have any corners who can cover and Williams as a result has installed a boring bend but don’t break defense. The idea is to force the offense to execute 10-12 play drives and hope they screw up once or twice to kill the drive. The Bills obviously had numerous drive killing plays. 

    2) The Jets offense started out hot executing scripted plays, but once the bills adjusted and forced Gase to adjust and Darnold to read the defense they both bombed. It’s been pretty typical of the Gase/Darnold era. 

    3) The Bills were fortunate to walk off the field today a winner.  It also shows how difficult it is to lose 16 games in the NFL. Had a couple of those Allen passes ended up in the hands of a Jet defender even this sorry team may have built an insurmountable lead. 


    So by that logic the jets were fortunate all those almost interceptions by the Bills weren't caught, or else it would of been a blowout.

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  9. 15 minutes ago, OldTimer1960 said:

    Gonna be an ugly game with a real possibility to lose to Jets.  No defense, no TEs, no run game and a QB who reverted back to “bad Josh” past two weeks.  Pretty much a recipe for disaster after such a good start.

    Way to stay positive man and have faith, I mean you're right the jets are a juggernaut who will unleash the fury on the Bills tomorrow. Plus Josh couldn't possibly have a better game against a winless jets team.

  10. 5 minutes ago, formerlyofCtown said:

    Either play or don't.  You still have to have self respect.  

    I think if the players told the league they weren't going to play regardless of the leagues intentions then it's case closed.  The NFL already has half the country pissed.  They be done if they pissed off the other half.

    And that's the maddening part having that self respect. I know we don't see the sidelines during the game much but when we do it's just a bunch of guys standing around watching, no group of players in a circle talking it out or coaches getting with certain positions groups. It's like they are there physically but not mentally.

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  11. 1 minute ago, Billever76 said:

    Complete bull#### considering the weather was going to help the defenses from the onset......i hate these coaches inability to diagnose its not working and correct the issue.....you stop the run game and short passes by playing a man to man and have edmunds spy mahomes all damn game......adjustments are meant to be ingame and our coaches never have an answer

    No there answer is the definition on insanity, just do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. But in today's NFL that don't fly, especially against the chiefs.

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  12. Just now, formerlyofCtown said:

    The league jerked the entire team around and handed almost no discipline to a team that didn't take COVID seriously.  That game should have never been played.  The Titans started preparing for the Bills as soon as the Pitt game was rescheduled.  They practiced in secret.  The only team that carried any extra burden was the Bills.

    I get that, so the mentality should be were pissed so let's take it out on our opponents, not give the finger to the league and seem like you screwed us so we don't care if we win or lose.

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Protocal69 said:

    Something is off with this team. For some reason they are not playing with heart and togetherness. I dont know what happened during that extra time they had before the TITANS game but something is up besides the X's and O's 



    Did the covid outbreak in Tennessee make guys second guess about wanting to play the season out, it's like they are just going through the motions out there the last two games. Even when Diggs scored the touchdown to take the lead no one came over fired up and even Diggs looked like he could care less.

  14. And right now I'm trying to figure out why we don't let out supposed lockdown corner take the best receiver and just follow him around the field. I get we play zone but can't we use trey white like a typical lockdown corner. Again I'm no football guy but I watch the top corners in this league take a guy and shadow him, what's the reason we don't with ours? Do they just not want to or are they afraid of him getting burnt. He does one on one drills with Diggs all week, put him on the other teams best and let it play out.

  15. I'm with McDermott, but just watching him get outcoached in games against the upper echelon of teams in this league is getting frustrating. At some point he has to get it together. The raiders found a weakness in the chiefs defense and exploited it, the Patriots found a weakness in the chiefs offense and exploited it. What did we do on either side of the ball that made you say, wow that's great coaching right there, I found none but I'm no football guru so idk.

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  16. To me it's kind of a mindset thing aswell, no one is fired up on defense at all. That's partly the players but allot goes to the coaches to. Send an all out blitz once in awhile scheme an exotic blitz on passing downs. We are content to just rush 4 it seems and hope for the best. Coaches need to evolve as offenses do and to me Frazier doesn't want to. Gotta get creative coach the oldschool mentality of bend don't break will only get us so far, especially when we're bending so much it will eventually snap.

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  17. Who do we think is the leader on defense. I have no clue, last year Lorenzo Alexander seem to be the guy who came out and took that title. This year players seem to be doing it on threr own. It really doesn't feel like a team out there just a bunch of guys running around hoping something good happens.

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