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Posts posted by BillzFreak

  1. 5 minutes ago, GLP said:

    BB turned a 7-9 team into a division winner and a SB favorite in one offseason. McBeane can't compete with that. They're not that good. The last 3 drafts their top picks were all D linemen. To the detriment of other positions like OL and RB. McBeane can't tie BB shoes.  

    Well with the way Billy boy is looking lately I think he may even have a problem tieing his own shoes, guy has definitely been packing on the pounds.

  2. 26 minutes ago, FilthyBeast said:


    I'm not saying the Pats are going to come in and score 30+ points against us but Belichik is going to look at the Titans tape and see what Tannenhill and Vrabel did and run something similar because that's what he does.


    And the style of offense the Pats run can definitely give the Bills defense problems especially in the redzone where they have TE's and RB's that are capable of exploiting this defense.


    At the end of the day though I still don't trust this defense is truly elite because of the sample size and mostly terrible, inexperienced QB's we've played thus far. Mac Jones may also be inexperienced but isn't playing like it in recent weeks.

    Same can be said for the Pats defense as well, are they good enough to stop us for a whole game. I just don't see mac jones being able to score enough to beat the bills.

  3. Just now, ngbills said:

    I blame the play calls. Predictable passes behind the line of scrimmage. It’s like we are game planning to hide a qb that either can’t read a defense or has a weak arm. Or we think that is the only way to beat the blitz. 

    Just wondering how would you beat the rush he saw today, most of those pressure he saw today again was with them rushing 4 which allowed them to sit in zone and take away all the deep routes that take time to develop. I hated the play calling myself but without a running game how do we attack it.

  4. 2 minutes ago, ngbills said:

    They have been doing it for weeks. It is designed and not fooling anyone. 

    But do you blame him for dumping it off today, other games i can understand you're frustration but today he plain and simply got killed. Like I said before I'm surprised he even got up after a few of those hits they were lighting him up.

  5. 1 minute ago, Straight Hucklebuck said:

    Somewhere we’ve become obsessed with dumping the ball off to running backs. 

    To be fair josh had no faith in anyone blocking for him today, I really think he just got tired of being hit time and time again today. Really there are only so many times you can get rocked and get up without saying I'm done.

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  6. Just now, LABILLBACKER said:

    There are no olineman available to swoop in a stop this train wreck.  Josh has been making this failure for 2 years now. Today everything caved in against the worst team in the league. This will not be the year.

    Exactly josh has masked the major flaws of this o-line, but yet people still want to blame him for this loss. Dude got flat beat up time and time again. I'm honestly shocked he wasn't injured he took that bad of a beating today.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Nextmanup said:

    The Josh that played today is a Josh we have all seen several times before.

    When the going gets tough, he goes into hero ball mode, gets very up tight, and just doesn't play well.


    He'll fumble, take huge sacks for huge losses, make terrible INT throws, miss wide open receivers, etc.


    We need to find ways to keep things under control so the good Josh plays and not the bad one.


    OL is going to need major surgery this offseason.



    Are you seriously blaming josh for this loss, dude was beaten up all day. I don't know what qb is going to have any semblance of a good game with the blocking we saw from the o-line today. 

    • Agree 1
  8. 1 hour ago, T master said:

    Alls i know is if the Bills D continues to play like they did yesterday missing tackles and giving away passing yds underneath like they did due to no pressure (which Indy has a great O line) the next game could be their last because Indy has laid out the blue print of how to beat them .


    If it weren't for the missed catch in the end zone that hit Pittman's finger tips and the missed field goal the Bills would be sitting the rest of the play offs at home . Up some 16 points and you give it away  to come down to 3 points the D needs to step up ...

    Yup and if Scott Norwood doesn't miss that kick we win a superbowl. Its football man you survive and advance, style points in the playoffs mean nothing. Yes we struggled on defense but we pulled out a win against a 11 win colts team.

  9. 7 minutes ago, balln said:

    so we keep saying bills won by two scores while no other team has done that as some sort of trophy. THey very well could have scored at the end. Then bills up by 3. Still not a defense. Bills O is inconsistent. Team overall isnt playoff ready

    But yet they didn't score and the Bills won by 10 and that's the chargers worst loss of the season. If we going on could of would of things now the Bill's could be 9-2 if the Arizona hail Mary never happens.

  10. 5 hours ago, High Football IQ said:


    I think this is a very likely scenario especially if this team flounders and doesn't win the division this year, or heaven forbid even make the playoffs.


    Either way his style of coaching is not sustainable and we keep hearing the same hollow platitudes week after week about how they need to score more points, execute their gameplan etc.


    Either way will be interesting to see the pulse of Bills mafia if the Dolphins win the division this year because any window the Bills had will slam shut in a hurry given the Dolphins rise and all the money and draft picks in the first few rounds they have to get even better next year where the Bills will be heavily constrained because of all the poor moves they've made this past offseason.

    Sorry man as long as Josh Allen is playing Qb for the bills the window isn't closing as you suggest. So before you go proclaiming the dolphins the next great AFC east dynasty pump the breaks. And not to mention Josh has eaten you're teams lunch when they play.

  11. McDermott believes in his guys, but in this case with Kline it's that belief that he will get better. I just don't see that happening, he just isn't athletic enough to make plays in this league. I understand he is a "locker room guy", but it's clear he is hurting this team more than helping on the field. So is Beasley a possible savior on this defense I doubt it but it wouldn't hurt to bring him in and see if he has anything left.

  12. 6 minutes ago, BillsMafia13 said:

    Do not compare what NE has lost to what we lost this year. It was literally their heart and half the team, it’s best players at that. You may only see the W, but I see a game we lost until zimmer saved us. Allen looks terrible so does the D against TERRIBLE teams. This level of play against even a good team will get us obliterated 

    So we lost a game never being down on the scoreboard...interesting.

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. I mean the plan on offense was to run the ball on a very poor run defense and it worked, Josh only had 18 attempts and should of had a touchdown to Davis. So to be fair the offense did get what they wanted for the most part. I feel if the defense started pressing up on receivers we may get more tipped passes and deflections in the secondary. For the life of me watching Trey play 5 or 6 yards off the Pats receivers today was quite frustrating. I can see that against a good recieving core but the one we played today was far from that. Giving free releases to them all day made for some easy throws to a QB who has been flat out bad the last few weeks.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson said:

    Win by 1 or 1,000. I loved the win.

    We could of won by 50 and yet it still wouldn't make a difference to the negative people on here. I get we have issues that need to be fixed but we just beat a team with arguably the greatest head coach of all time and it does feel good. I swear some of these people are only happy if they can complain, it's really sad to be a fan of football if you cant ever enjoy a win.

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  15. 1 hour ago, High Football IQ said:

    Will be curious to see the line, probably at least 8 point Seahawk favorites.


    But yes this week will be very dismal in terms of a reality check and back to another Titans/Chiefs type of outing from this team.


    Snacks Harrison and Carlos Dunlap will also likely be making their debuts against the Bills which will help their defense against Allen and this offense.

    You were completely wrong about this week, said this game wouldn't even be close because the pats were going to stomp us. So just please stop, I know you're a troll and love the attention but it's getting old. Crap on a 6-2 record all u want but it is what it is. Win or lose this Seattle game were are way better then you're dolphins who had a whopping 170 yards of offense today.

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Awesome! (+1) 3
  16. More negative threads when the Bills win then when they lose, I understand for allot of people in the drought years winning was a word you didn't hear much, but anytime you can beat a team who has owned you for years and years, it feels good. Analyze everything you want but at the end of the day we won! 

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  17. 7 minutes ago, dpberr said:

    They gave Edmunds play calling duties and he's obviously having difficulty. 


    The over pursuit to me, is too much thinking in executing the play, too much try hard and not enough instinct in predicting and reacting to what he's seeing.  


    I'd give the play calling responsibility to someone else and see if that helps.  


    Injury aside, 98% of it is in his head.



    I'm just wondering if Zo was a big part of the growth of Edmunds last year. He just seems like the kind of guy who teaches and without him this year Tremain looks lost and no one is there to sit him down and get him back on track.

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