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Fred Clause

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Posts posted by Fred Clause

  1. 6 hours ago, Fadingpain said:

    Folks are overlooking all the stuff Allen did wrong or poorly and focusing on the odd highlight type throw or run that he admittedly did make on occasion.


    That's not good enough in the NFL long term though.  


    For now, it is, b/c we have no expectations, it's the pre-season, and Allen is a rookie getting his first playing time in.


    Allen will need to continually eliminate physical and mental errors as well as play on a consistently high level if he is going to develop into the player the Bills hoped he would be.


    The fact that he can make a great throw on occasion is not the measure of success.





    Some are ignoring the enormous pressure he faced and that he was dealing with receivers that won’t be on the team in 3 weeks...

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  2. 1 minute ago, Green Lightning said:

    Easy Fanboy I watched everything. He was off on a lot of passes, but it's his first game. Just shows he needs time to develop. He made some really good throws as well.

    I didn’t even want him drafted, but the criticism of his play with these sloppy third stringers is rediculous. If I’m a fan boy, you are a hater...

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  3. 1 minute ago, Magnetar said:

    No way, he definitely showed he's a rookie.  The other QB's look like they are much further ahead.

    The other qb’s didn’t face the instant pressure he did, unfair to judge when Nate got to start with the ones. We all saw last year what happens to Peterman when he faces that level of pressure...

  4.  Years ago before I had season tickets we were playing the Steelers at home. Everybody I knew nobody wanted to go to the game. I couldn’t stand listening to Van Miller so I decided to go by myself. I bought a ticket outside from the fan who said he had an extra seat. I made my way to the upper deck and turns out I was sitting in the middle of about 60 Steelers fans.  They were pretty good-natured, but one fan sitting in front of me would turn around and hit me on top of my hat with his Steelers hat every time Pittsburgh did something good. Late in the game Kelley threw a crossing pattern to Reed who took it a long distance to the house. I took off my hat and smacked the fan in the back of the head, unfortunately Knocking the Steelers fans hat off his head, as he was in the front row his hat went over the ledge and down below. I thought I was dead, his friends all laughed at him, he gave me a nervous smile and let me live.

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  5. On 7/12/2018 at 2:58 PM, Westside Madness said:


    EDIT - Please read this in the voice of James Spader.


    You said 'Women do these kind of things all the time. Plenty of women beat themselves to get something'


    I am confused, do women do this all the time or is it slim but possible...but wait, it happens every day? Your first statement conflicts with your second and your second conflicts with itself. Please clarify what your stance is:


    1. 'Women do these kind of things all the time. Plenty of women beat themselves to get something'

    2. 'it's very slim but very possible'

    3. 'can't exclude possibilities that happen everyday'


    As options 1 and 3 are aligned, I suppose the better way to present it is:


    1. 'Women do these kind of things all the time. Plenty of women beat themselves to get something' & 'can't exclude possibilities that happen everyday'

    2. 'it's very slim but very possible'


    If you choose option 1, then cite your evidence for such a claim...that doesn't include personal anecdotes that cant possibly prove statements like 'all the time', 'plenty of women' and 'happen every day'. Your citation should support all parts of this selected option.


    If you choose option 2, I think we can all agree with that statement.


    If you want to choose neither, you can also simply admit that you like to throw around baseless sexist comments. Its not really that uncommon, especially here, but at least own it. And before you follow that up with something about '24/7 feminist', please realize that this is about constructive discussion, not your fear of vaginas.



    Oh and one last thing unrelated to this poster. The other poster who took time to state that #fakenews makes a person look retarded. You used mental retardation as a derogatory term while advising another poster of how their word choice makes them looks silly. You rarely see such a fine example of the pot/kettle.



    Please resume your normally scheduled programming...

    Took all of two seconds to google woman beats herself to frame others to find a few stories about actual occurrences of it happening in the past. So you should not be so dismissive that this never occurs. If some are being caught, how many get away with it?

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  6. 7 hours ago, Seanbillsfan2206 said:

    Santoras has the best pizza in the Buffalo area

    I’m a Bocce’s man myself, but Santoras is right up there. I’m just finishing a 1200 mile drive into town and that’s the first thing I’m going to do, eat Santoras pizza?

  7. 17 minutes ago, 4merper4mer said:

    Ok Mr. brown nose let's tackle this one by one.


    1 ring that has no proven cheating attached and that involved the other team not kneeling twice and kicking a field goal.


    He he has famous, rich wife who is beautiful if you are attracted to men's faces on women's bodies.


    He does have young kids, most of whom are not bastards that he abandoned in utero. 


    They lost to the Eagles and it was enjoyable.  They will not sniff the SB this year.  It is very likely he has already waited too long to retire.  BUh-bye.

    You made my morning?

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  8. 3 hours ago, Buffalo86 said:

    If people were kneeling in protest of America's treatment of its veterans, they'd enjoy near universal support.  But racial inequality?  "Get the hell out of my country!"  

    Well since it all started over a couple of thugs that couldn’t follow the simple instructions of some LEO’S, no, they were not going to get the support of the mostly law abiding citizens of this country. And since they were showing disrespect towards the men and woman who serve and some who gave there lives for this country, what did you expect?

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  9. 14 minutes ago, Scorp83 said:

    I can get behind this post... you have to earn respect...


    people act like Josh Allen (considered by almost every analyst to be the worst QB in this class, let alone not a top 10 pick) is suppose to just walk into this league & be respected with his shaky track record against mediocre competition??? 

    You've gotta be kidding me :lol:

    You’re not really paying attention are you? Many analysts had him top ten if not the best prospect. What are you one of those Peterman lovers or a Taylor apologist? 

  10. On 5/4/2018 at 5:46 PM, Kemp said:


    Josh Allen was the 73rd ranked passer in college, last season.



    This is quite possibly the most useless chart in the whole thread. The quality of the line picking up the blitz is a variable not covered by this stat. Baker wasn’t trying to push the ball down field as much, of course his stat would be higher. So many other variables not taken into account, this is useless...

  11. 6 hours ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    Why doesn’t it make sense? Teams don’t trade top 2 receivers when they are a playoff team. The Falcons are 15 months removes from a 25 point Super Bowl lead. Established superstars don’t get dealt. They especially don’t get traded from good teams. This rumor is absurd and should be treated as such.

    It’s not like we even have the cap space to think about it this year either...

  12. 1 hour ago, jtothebrown said:

    Does he not have valid points??


    I wonder sometimes how many of these posters on here work for the team. 

    He had points, but his points were not valid. The defense needed a serious upgrade at several positions. There’s no saying they don’t add help for the kid in the future either. They got a good o lineman. The remake of roster is not complete. More money available and more picks next year...

  13. 1 hour ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    I fully understand what Im posting is easier said than done. I fully understand it takes two to tango with trades.


    However, I also fully understand the Bills, as a franchise, have always undervalued the QB position. They've NEVER, not once, picked a QB with their original 1st pick of the draft. The times they "tried" to go up and get a guy, they didnt try hard enough and it didnt work out. They've been happy to settle for 2nd-tier guys, and the results are as would be expected.


    I'm counting on still having a chance to get to #2. If the Giants arent selling, and the Browns arent selling, the FO knows this by now, and they really screwed the pooch.

    And here you are blaming this GM for all the past failures and saying he’s screwed the pooch if he doesn’t get to 1 or 2. Even if it’s not possible to do so. It may not have even been possible to get to 3 . The world doesn’t end if we don’t get the Qb we need this year if we hit good on 4 or 5 positions we need to upgrade. We can give away the whole draft next year to move up. With  all the cap we will have next year we still will be in a great position.  If this team was a Qb away this would be more important, but we are not, we are not do or die this year. Giving up the house for a pick that is at Best a 30% chance of success is reckless and sets us back further than not getting a Qb at all...

  14. Just now, K-GunJimKelly12 said:

    I didn't say a word about any polices.  I may very well agree with some or all of what you are saying, but I'm not handing my country over to a psycho con man because he is going to punish liberals.

    Don’t think he is punishing Liberals, how good or bad he will end up being has yet to be seen. You can name Call all you want, but except for his foolish Twitter rants he has done a good job so far. 

    Anyways after the way the crowd treated Kap, do you think he would be interested in coming here? I’m not so certain he would...

  15. 28 minutes ago, K-GunJimKelly12 said:

    Lol.  I'm not a liberal.  I just don't blindly follow a con man because he slaps the label conservative on himself and pretends to not like things to win over the less intelligent portion of our population.

    Would that be the portion that enjoys bringing more of their paycheck home, lessburdensome business regulations, putting America’s people and business owners first??? Just asking. 

    That being said Kap’s last season overall looks good, but I don’t think he did well on a game by game basis, same as Tyrod. I also doubt he would come here, the Buffalo fans were about as nasty to him as anybody, I remember him being not to happy when he left....

  16. 8 hours ago, dave mcbride said:

    He was *clearly* not on the line. It wasn't close. It was very much a cut and dry case. More importantly, though, Philly won. That's what matters in the end.

    It's not semantics; it's math. The referee was in error. Regardless, it probably wouldn't have changed the outcome, and it helped Philly win. 

    Well since he doesn’t have to be on the line , just the helmet lined up with the centers hips, you are wrong, let it go...

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