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Posts posted by Zebrastripes

  1. 54 minutes ago, LaDexter said:

    Yeah, I am "making up" Allen's motion... and I PhotoShopped a pic to back it up...




    Go read how a quality team acquires QB talent at the right price....





    Josh Allen's release is not at all out of the ordinary for an NFL QB... but it is not a QUICK one... and your parroting doesn't even say it is...

    So you're saying Tom Brady has a slow release too then because Allen's and Brady's are pretty much the same.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, LaDexter said:

    Big strong armed QBs who were inconsistent in college with reading defenses and decision making 


    am I wrong about that??


    Cardale won the national championship.  Allen didn't.  I guess that's where the comparison ends...

    Go back and watch some film on these two guys.  You will see they are not even remotely close to the same qb.

  3. Just now, Ga boy said:

    How should Josh be coached to be Brady? 

    Impossible task.  Brady is Brady and we may never see another guy like him.  You have to realize Brady is not throwing the ball to his primary guy every play.  He is coming up to the line diagnosing the defense and making the right call to get the ball to the right guy.  If you could coach a guy to be like Brady there would be 32 Tom Brady's already in the league.  It's just not as simple as saying "you see what Brady does just do that".  

  4. 3 minutes ago, rrosgt said:

    I think this is how we make the playoffs and move forward:

    I have been watching the Bills since I was in my early teens  late 70's and early 80's. I have seen all the ups and downs over the years. I think we are better than we have been in a long time. I think our new scheme of Trust The Process has change our culture in the right direction, Don't You?


    Trust The Process- Beane and McDermott have us going in the right direction. I think now it is up to the players/ team to keep moving forward. A lot depends on how fast A J and Josh get on board with the scheme and Trust The Process. Plus how the rest of the team mesh with them. Lets Go Buffalo :worthy: 

    For me it's all about Allen panning out.  If he is the guy this team will be extremely successful for the next 15 or so years.  If he is not Beane And McDermott may be looking for new jobs.

    Full disclosure I fully trust the process.

  5. 4 hours ago, BB@Shooter said:

    Then why is it that their system allows different qbs to step in and excel? It has been that way for years. 

    Who are these qbs you speak of?

    Matt Cassel went on to have a couple fairly decent years in Kansas City.  Jimmy G.  tore it up in San Fran.  So i believe that you can't say it was the system with these two guys because they went on to other teams with different systems and still continued the same success they had seen in New England.  Plus if it truly were the system why wasnt Tim Tebow successful with McDaniels as his head coach in Denver?

  6. 2 minutes ago, maddenboy said:


    A quote I like:  "practice doesnt make perfect.  Perfect practice makes perfect."  Those Belichick teams practice different than us

    I really find it hard to believe that the patriots practice much different then anyone else.  The CBA limits teams so much anymore that everyone is basically doing the same thing in practice.  The reason why the patriots are better than everyyone else is because they have Tom Brady playing the most important position on the field.

  7. 45 minutes ago, Ga boy said:

    I bet Brady does his homework about players and defenses, 

    Every player in the NFL watches film.


    46 minutes ago, Ga boy said:

    Brady gets the ball away in 2 seconds most of the time.  

    He is an exceptional talent.  Most qbs in the league cannot do this.

    49 minutes ago, Ga boy said:

    If so, I believe all of his mechanics issues can be solved.   Commitment to throw in 2 seconds without analyzing the progressions will allow Josh to get his mechanics set

    How does getting rid of the ball in under 2 seconds fix a guys mechanics?

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, Ramza86 said:


    Well there would have to be circumstances. You cant be on it during regular season unless youre on IR .

    Like if you are on the field you cant fail a test. Mandatory testing for all players. Blah blah blah, im sure the NFL could come up with something. 

    Too many variables for me and it would just add another dimension to guys trying to cheat the system.  At least the way it is now is black and white.

  9. 44 minutes ago, Ramza86 said:

    Honestly...as much as I hate the Pats....the guy tore his ACL and was out for the year. He should be allowed to recover with PEDS. 

    Imagine if he didnt use them and his knee healed poorly and cost him another season. Careers are too short to not take the best option to recovery. 

    That's a terrible idea.  You will have a boat load of guys come years end faking injuries just so they can take peds and gain an upper hand.  It wouldn't be hard for a guy to get a Dr to sign off on a bogus injury either.

  10. 2 minutes ago, MJS said:

    I'd like to see a team offer a player a contract like that. You know what he'd do? Say "No way in hell!" and then go find another team that will pay him what he's worth.


    Players get paid so much because of teams trying to outbid one another for them.


    And by the way, the salary cap is so high because players get paid according to NFL revenue percentages. This means that the fans DEMAND that players make as much as they do.


    The way it currently works is fine.


    Fans from small market teams would then be crying for a salary cap because their team can't throw money around like the Cowboys in Dallas or Rams in LA.

    I completely agree with that.  I was just wondering if this is why people care about bad contracts.

  11. 25 minutes ago, HappyDays said:

    I will never understand people that worry about a billionaire's money.

    I wonder if it has to do with the salary cap.  If there were no salary cap and owners could spend as much money as they wanted would people still care about this?  Or do they only care because of the cap.  If a team signs a slug to a big contract then that hurts their team for the long term.

  12. 9 hours ago, grb said:


    Your quote : "Two games with under 100 passing yards and 6 more with under 200 really isn't doing enough to stay on a NFL team."

    My response : The most important Bill player on offense last year had at least six stinker games, so maybe your logic is faulty.

    Your counter-response : "You can't just pick out a handful of games"


    Hilarious. You can't begin to make this bull**** up........


    Bottom line is you picked out stats that mean nothing for shadys overall season.  The stats I picked fall in line with tyrods overall season.  Shady was top 5 for starting running backs where as tyrod was bottom 5 for starting qbs.   The stats I picked for tyrod obviously are more of a norm for his career where as the stats you picked are an outlier for shadys career.

  13. 11 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Math was involved.  Pro-football-reference, look up the team and the season

    Pass or rush attempts/(pass attempts + rush attempts).   

    The point is to get a apples-to-apples comparison of how much a given offense relies on the pass vs the run, without bringing in number of punts etc.

    Ok thank you I was just wondering if there was a site with all the math done already just for a quick reference.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:

    In 2017, the Rams passed 53% of their QB plays from scrimmage (eg not including punts, FGA etc).  In 2015, the Bills ran 52% of their QB plays from scrimmage

    Not being snarky by asking this I'm just curious to where you found these stats from?  They are super detailed and i2d like to take a deeper look into them.

  15. 8 hours ago, grb said:


    Is this a Taylor-specific rule, or does it apply to other players and positions?

    If so, let's look at a running back in the 2017 season :


    Panthers : 12 carries,   09 yards    0.75 ypa

    Broncos  :  14 carries,   21 yards   1.50 ypa

    Jets         :  12 carries,   25 yards   2.08 ypa

    Chiefs     :   22 carries,   49 yards   2.23 ypa

    Dolphins :   20 carries,   50 yards   2.50 ypa

    Dolphins :   11 carries    10 yards   0.91 ypa


    Said running back got 27% of his season's yards in just two games, which is how he could amass the horror show above. Now : Before heads explode, let me be clear : I think LeSean McCoy is a national treasure, whose visage should be on Mt Rushmore. And there are so many caveats to this list : The worst games are the ones up-top, when the Bills still suffered the strongest effects of a dim-witted scheme change to the blocking. McCoy was out with an injury half the last Dolphin game, so take that into account. Plus, running backs need holes to run thru, which McCoy frequently did not have. So context is important in this case. Just like it doesn't hurt to consider a quarterback was playing with a bad offensive coordinator, spotty pass protection, a tight end who missed a quarter of the season (and could rarely practice otherwise), and one of the worst sets of receivers in the National Football League.


    Context !!!  After all, a feature running back averaging 27.3 yards at 1.82 yards a carry over six games of a season might fail to meet your lofty standards.





    Yet shady still finished 4th in yards.  Don't just cherry pick numbers to help your argument.  Look at the overall season.  Nice try though.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Young34 said:

    It did go up from 2002-2003, by .2%. from 2001 - 2002, his QBR dropped off by 10 points.


    QBR is a rough way to judge QB's though. For example, Tyrod had a much higher QBR than Brady did in each of their first three seasons, which clearly isn't a great example.

    Valid point.  If a qb continues to make safe easy plays and not take a shot his qbr will be greatly inflated.

  17. 5 minutes ago, Young34 said:

    Never once did I say that yards don't matter. What I said was that yards shouldn't be the sole metric for judging a QB off of. There's a ton of data that goes into a QB's performance, and everything should be considered.


    Btw, Brady regressed in his second full season as starter, so your blanket statement of "steady improvement" year after year isn't necessarily true either, and it doesn't need to be. Every pro QB has hiccup seasons, some just brush it off and move forward, such as Brees who you mentioned. What matters is the final product, which is where Tyrod absolutely didn't pan out. I would've been just find with Tyrod having some rough seasons if he cleaned it up in the end, but he simply regressed year after year.

    He attempted 80 less passes that year which would coincide with less yards and tds.  His qbr however did go up.

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