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Posts posted by Lfod

  1. 4 hours ago, matter2003 said:

    I am not sure what type of man allows this type of behavior from a woman he is dating/has a child with, let alone a big 350 lb OL...


    Sad that is happened bit even sadder as a man you allow this to happen. And I am NOT suggesting he retaliate with violence himself, I am suggesting he lets her know that will never happen again and if it did he walks away forever. Typically this is the end result after a lot of other disrespectful behavior that is allowed to happen without him doing or saying anything. And by "doing" the advocation is walking away. Always walk away from disrespect from a woman. 



    You need to have dated a really beautiful girl that you love very deeply that has a bit of an attitude to understand why other people would put up with a lot. 


    It's easy to tell a girl your not that attracted too and don't love that much to take a walk. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Ralonzo said:


    Why don't we consult the NSA in Utah for every communication, contact, and online utterance he's ever made? If you're gonna have a purity test, make it a good one.

    They should check the history of everyone on the planet for good measure. I doubt very few come out clean. 

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  3. If I was a famous person being asked questions after a serious emotional event I wouldn't say much other than it is tragic and disappointing and nothing more. 


    I'm not going to put my opinion out there during a time when a lot of people are emotionally fired up about something. People will take advantage of you for ratings. 

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