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Posts posted by Lfod

  1. Tyrod Taylor was a back up for the Ravens and considered a mobile QB. Tyrod Taylor and Greg Roman we're both a part of the Bills at the same time. Greg Roman is considered a guy with good running concepts. The Bills moved on from both Greg Roman and Tyrod Taylor. It was a failed experiment in Buffalo. 


    On the other hand Ravens having Tyrod as a back up grooming him might mean they have been preparing to go that direction at some point. Now with Greg Roman and Lamar Jackson it seems the Ravens not only embrace a mobile QB like Lamar Jackson but have been preparing for a QB like him back when they still had Tyrod. 


    What I am saying is that it should be obvious things ended up the way they did. It's really working out for the Ravens. I would say it's working out for the Bills as well. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Coach Tuesday said:

    Probably not.  For two first round picks, would you do it?

    You have to make a move like that with the understanding that some Bills fans are also McDermott fans. Let's just say it would upset some people. If it lead to a more improved team people would get over it. 


    If you make that move and the team trends downward you know the pitchforks and torches come out. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, Coach Tuesday said:

    The better question is, would Terry entertain a trade of his head coach?  I raised this possibility last offseason - if Tepper or Jerry Jones offered a first or two firsts for McD, would Terry make that trade?  I don’t think Tepper wants a defensive coach so it’s probably moot but it’s not an unprecedented event, it happened with Gruden.  It’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility.

    After having Rex Ryan as a HC I wouldnt think Terry would entertain letting McDermott go. 

  4. 3 hours ago, LSHMEAB said:

    This line drives me nuts. I've been very critical of Allen and the direction of the team many times on this board. I've also watched every single play since 1997. I was just a kid so I made friends with the guy at Best Buy working the DirecTV setup just so he'd let me keep the display on the Bills games. 


    Ok, so I have missed a few plays. I vividly remember CBS? breaking into a Bills Jets game for the Clinton Impeachment nonsense. There was also the blackout during the Edwards era; can't remember the year.


    Never ONCE have I not been nervously rooting the Bills. Quite the contrary.


    The insinuation that critique and skepticism= hoping the Bills fail is RIDICULOUS.


    You could actually make the argument that the fans who accept everything the team is selling are not real fans. If you're perfectly fine with everything the Bills do, you don't actually want to see them improve. You just want to watch the games and HOPE. 


    I would personally never make this case because it's silly. Who spends time on a Bills message board if they're not rooting for the team? I suppose there are always weirdo's out there, but that number is most likely TINY.


    I don't get the need for the eating crow stuff each and every week. This should not be a fight between skeptical Bills fans and those supremely confident in the direction. I think we can all agree the team appears to be headed in the right direction. That's a GOOD thing.

    Hapless Bills Fan response to this ^^^^ was sufficient to the point that I will only confirm that I definitely didn't call out any posters specifically and it wasn't directed at everybody who ever had a criticism. I actually have some criticisms of my own. 


    I have to agree to disagree about people that exist who think the team will lose and will be front and center when it happens to say I told you so. They will hang around game day threads predicting a loss up until the point the team wins then they vanish. 



  5. 10 hours ago, Nextmanup said:

    Is this forum a place to objectively exchange ideas about the Buffalo Bills?


    Or is it a booster club designed to offer a "Feel good" experience to the most jaded Bills fan?


    Those are 2 different things.  I think the problem is that a lot of posters think this place is supposed to be the former, but most think it is supposed to be the latter.


    Perhaps the moderators can carve out a "Kool Aid" sub forum for those who enjoy living inside an echo chamber and come here looking solely for a "feel good" experience.


    I would be happy to never go in that sub forum myself.  By the same token, I don't come here to spar with that sort of fan.  I come here to objectively discuss the team with like minded fans.


    If we had an entire sub forum filled with the sort of poster I prefer, my time here would be much better spent.



    All I was intending to do was offer advice. I wouldn't consider every person who is hopeful or concerned a kool aid drinker or a negative whiner. 


    I think the team has some positive and negative aspects that both should be open to discussion. I was just suggesting it should be reasonable. 


    I don't think it's time to raise the victory flag. I don't think it's time to throw in the white towel. I think anybody leaning to hard in either direction will probably fall over. 

  6. I think some people feel that the team needs to play to thier level of expectations for them to be able to enjoy the season. I think we all have a variety of expectations honestly. 


    I can admit I was negative about the offense twords Tyrod's last year in Buffalo. Even when people we're still supportive. I do have an understanding of why people are critical. I definitely didn't try to ruin people's experience by being negative every post I made. 


    People that want to be critical should understand that some of us just want to enjoy the season for what it is. You don't have to be hoping that the team loses before every game so you have one more opportunity to throw negativity around. 


    We don't need to be reminded after a bad play that you think the team has flaws. You don't need to bring up the easy schedule hundreds of times as a reason you can't enjoy a winning record. 


    I don't disagree that the team has flaws and plenty of room for improvement. I don't think people have much reason to not enjoy the season. Even in games the Bills win people were calling it a loss.


    I'm not against the detractors. I just think it would be better if they relaxed a little and enjoy the season because it isn't as bad as they make it out to be. 

    • Like (+1) 4
  7. I'll give Kap some credit for milking the situation until the last drop. Extended that 15 mins of fame way past the expiration date.


    I never cared about the situation beyond it's meme status. I want to live in Kaps world. I want to go shopping or eat at a restaurant where all the employees have legalize marijuana shirts or carrying pro/anti abortion signs. I don't care what the cause is just make it happen. In fact half the employees can be for and the other half against and I could witnessed people fighting every day. 



  8. I think odds are that the guy flames out if he starts again. It will be big news and the pressure to start him will increase because he will only end up with a team that isn't confident in thier current starter. 


    Everybody will be so hopeful he is that teams savior. After a few games the teams fans will turn on him because starting him didn't save the day. 


    He isn't going to land in any situation that is favorable for his longevity in the NFL. Still might bounce around a few teams after the big flame out. 



  9. 6 to the left and 4 to the right. I think Josh is good but not great. I think Josh with better talent around him would be more productive. I don't think putting more talent around him fixes things about him he can do better. 


    I'm definitely more in favor of moving forward with Josh than against. I just and not convinced that he will be one of the Top QBs in the future. Just one of the better ones. 

  10. I had more fun watching the Bills lose to the Browns than I did watching the Bills lose the Jaguars in the playoffs. 


    I'm just a casual fan and I just want to be entertained. I am more entertained with the offense now than I was before. At least some plays happened to get excited about. 


    I agree that flaws do exist. I see people in the first and second half threads of every game leaving those reminders. People just hoping that the Bills will lose so the world will be convinced that the Bills suck. 


    I'm just riding out the year hoping for the best. I don't understand how people can enjoy the games if they already have thier minds made up that the Bills suck. 



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  11. I had the mindset that anything is better than nothing. I remember watching Bills games that the offense would go 3 and out and I doubted they could get a first down. 


    The offense may not be dominating but it's definitely coming to life more than ever. I understand people being critical. I think the chicken littles are out in full force on game days. 


    It's a lot better than watching the offense hit the field and run 3 plays and march right back  to the sidelines. 

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