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Posts posted by Lfod

  1. 4 hours ago, IronyAbounds said:

    Yeah, you kind of wonder how the teams Taylor led would have fared with this defense. Somehow I have to think the Bills would have made the playoffs each year.

    Tyrod Taylor already rode on the defenses backs to a playoff birth. Not hard to imagine he could do it again. A lot of QBs could come in and be mediocre and still win with the Bills D. 


    The defense played well enough for the team to win that playoff birth. 

  2. I can only assume that McDermott was still in the process of getting settled in and decided not to pull the trigger immediately in that draft. 


    I have a question I would ask and don't have the answer. How much time did McDermott have to think over the draft considering he was coming into assume his first HC role? 


    If he decided to play it safe and not make any hasty moves I can forgive missing out on Mahomes and waiting until he had a better aim at a target. 


    It looks like Allen has his struggles but I'm not convinced about how good or bad he will be because he has been a bit of both. I would not give up McDermott for Mahomes and that is my final answer. 


    We don't need Allen to be Mahomes. We just need Allen to be a better version of himself. The record  is 3-1 and so close to beating the Patriots. The Bills were one score away from everyone riding Allen's jock. 

  3. Personally I wasn't worried about Josh Allen immediately being "the one". I had the learn to crawl before you walk expectations. 


    After watching so many excellent defensive efforts being squandered by a mostly putrid 3 and out offence that couldn't sustain drives, I was locked into anything is better than nothing mentality. 


    If your defense is balling the team should win games. That is my expectation. Not letting penalties stall drives and come from behind victories also cement that status of being "the one" for me. Win when you should and overcome adversity winning when maybe you shouldn't. 



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