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DE Bills Fan

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Posts posted by DE Bills Fan

  1. Totally don't understand your comments. What did Bucky Gleason say that was incorrect? The Bills are a mess. Yes. They won on Sunday, but the QB play as well as the coaching has been horrid this year. Does anyone really think that this team is making progress. I actually think they have a lot of talent to work with. But they need better coaching and a decent QB before I can take them seriously, and who knows when those things will actually be realized. Until they get a QB who can make all of the throws and a coaching staff that knows how to coach, they will fumble along. Maybe they win 6-7 games this year, but only because there are worse teams out there. They have shown they cannot play with upper echelon teams. Defenses have an easy time defending the Bills since there is no threat of a deep pass and they continue to run a horizontal passing game. You saw it on Sunday with the SS playing at the line of scrimmage all day. It makes the whole offense worse because the lack of a decent passing game ultimately compromises the running game as well. We'll see what happens the rest of the year, but until they get a real QB, this team will continue to be below average to poor and my expectations will be the same.

  2. I purchased the NFL Rewind so I have to wait until Tuesdays to watch the games. I am probably going to watch it tonight (without any drugs or alcohol to numb). Being a Bills fan all my life has been an exercise in masochism. Even the Super Bowl years were painful. I can brag that my team made 4 straight SBs then under my breath I mutter that they lost them all...but should've won one of them.


    I am old enought to say I was a fan (as a kid) of the Bills when OJ was great (see, the masochism theme continues!) and Joe Furguson was my favorite QB. They may not have won it all but they were sure fun to watch. I was a fan of the fullback who blocked for OJ but can't recall his name.


    Mine as well. The other RB was Jim Braxton. That was a fun team to watch on Offense, although not much Defense during those years

  3. I want of some what you are smoking. You must be out of your mind. The Bills' teams that went to 4 straight super bowls (never been done and will never ever be done again) and 5 AFC Championship games in 6 years (should have benn 6 straight if not for Ronnie Harmon's drop) had many great players. Name me one on the current roster who anyone would even even consider Hall of Fame material. Let this team make the playoffs for around 8 years straight before you even bring up this thought!

  4. In 2011 the Bills Defense Stunk


    Next to nothing in a pass rush... one of the worse run stopping defenses in the league...

    Bills Defense made the offense look a lot worse than it was...


    Come 2012... Bills now have one of the best D-lines in the NFL .... Rushing the passer and helping to stop the run. Barnett, Shepard, Morrison are the starters at LB... Give them a C grade... with little quality depth..

    At least they will be better than last years club at LB...


    Bills Safties ... FS Byrd and SS Wilson according to Bleacher are in the top 5... I like SS Searchy and SS Scott for depth....


    Corner Backs are a different story... We need 6 this year... If the pass rush is going to be great... Our CBs have to be great... They will see a lot of short passes, slants etc.. We need cover guys to make the opposing QBs take longer to throw..


    Williams is still learning but will most likely start... Florence will be 32 and in his last year.. Same with McGee.. McKelvin.. well is McKelvin... he has left his jock on the field too many times... Rogers is a great kick returner and still learning to play CB... Bills need a high quality CB hopefully in the 1st or 2nd round and in a later round...


    I am hoping Gilmore is available to the Bills in round one, if not I like LB Luechly and even Barron who is great at either safety position and a team leader... A really good cover guy...

    Not sure of your logic. You say we need our CB's to be great, but you also say that we have a great D-Line. Is it logical to say there needs to be a great-great DL/CB tandem? Also, you say that the Bills have a Top 5 Safety situation, but then you say that we should draft Barron who is a Safety. Again, does not make much sense to me.....

  5. I fly into Buffalo every year because of the Bills. I usually go through about two thousand dollars in cash while I'm in town and that's just me. I bring two or three people with with me every time I fly up from Miami and they spend just as much loot as I do. You can't tell me that the Bills don't help the economy in Buffalo. I just don't believe that.

    I agree that the BILLS bring incremental revenue into the region. However, losing the BILLS will have no material impact to the region. While it is true that you and others, me included, come up to Buffalo for a game a year and overall, people spend incremental money on game day for food, drink, souveneirs, hotel, gas, etc. But the reality is that is only 8 games a year (taking the Toronto and 2 preseason games into account which are only half-attended). If you take the $8MM in subsidies that the state would save by the BILLS moving vs. the incremental Income Taxes lost (~$8MM on $120MM of Salaries @ an 8.65% State Income Tax Rate) couple with incremental game-day spending, it is less than one-half of one percent of the total annual GDP of the region cited as $45.15 Billion in the article for 2010). So it would hurt the region, but in a very, very small way financially.

  6. Johnson is a total dumb ass piece of sh$#. I don't care how successful he was today vs. Revis, the drop at the end of the game was bad enough, but the assh&^% antics after his TD in the second quarter cost us the game as it led to a botched kickoff and after the Dareus penaly, set up the Jets to tie it up after we had all of the momentum. I hate what Johnson did today as he if no different than the other sh&^heads around the league who do the same thing. Oh, one other thing. This is not the first time Johnson has dropped a pass to win the game. He is a decent receiver, but also a total jackass. If I were Gailey, I would have him walk back to Buffalo.There is no place in team sports for the selfishness that Johnson showed today. I say trade him and turn the page. Johnson SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate what he did today. NO character whatsoever.

  7. did you watch the game?



    If Jones runs into the endzone instead of stopping and jumping, he has an easy TD catch


    One of the few Fitz passes that was actually well thrown.





    on a separate note, how many time are these WRs going to run patterns short of the marker on 3rd or 4 th down, including Jones?

    I think that's where the coaching comes in. As good as Gailey was early on, he needs to make adjsutments. In fairness, I do not believe that the talent is there. I think we were just luckly early on. The rest of the season will tell, but I think it will sadly be more of the same.. Awful, just awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Tell them to ask David Nelson what he puts on his gloves as he catches everyting near him!

    The passing game is in trouble both in terms of protection (teams have figured out how to pressure Fitzpatrick by implementing blitz packages), the QB's ability to make quality throws consistently and the receivers ability to get separation and actually catch the ball......

  9. D-I-T-T-O

    Totally Agree. It's bad enough to be beaten physically, but we also were badly outcoached today. I know we were immediately down 14 points, but we gave up runninh the ball and put Fitzpatrick at risk when Jackson averaged over 8 yeards per carry. Looks pretty grim for the rest of the year............

  10. This team has no sense of itself. It is not a talented team, but today they were outclassed, outcoached and outmuscled. I can accept them being beat up by the Jets who match up well with them, but today, the Bills had NO answers for anything. Not sure where you go from here. It's beginning to look like the start of the season was a mirage. Consistently No Pass Rush, No ability to stop the run, No ability to win one-on-one match-ups in the secondaty, No WR's making plays, a QB who is average at best and who was absolutely horrible today. The only players were really have are Fred Jackson and our safties and maybe a coupe of interior OLmen.

    Pathetic. This team hs no business competing for a playoff spot and will be lucky to win more than one more game this year. Very Disheartening............

  11. I agree with you, well said.



    Separate subject, your avatar is really bad. Sorry, had to say it.

    Totally agree!!!! Marv levy was totally over-rated as a HC. With that many HOF's on the team, they won in spite of themselves. When it really mattered, especially vs. the Ginats and Redskins, he didn't hvae the answers. What a shame....

  12. So do we BOOH him? I wanna have a heart and not boo the guy for a tough field goal, but this may be our last chance to BOOH him :unsure:

    How about BOOOOing the pathetic Bills "D" that day that allowed Ingram that ridiculous first down on 3rd and 18 along with the Giants 40 minutes of time of posession. Yes. he missed a tough kick, but the "D" is who should be blamed for that loss IMHO....

  13. [8) For the third time.....I am all about Gailey as a coach. But can someone tell me why we were throwing with 4:14 left in the game? We were in position to run, score and win. The truth is that Gailey, (as much as I indicated 3 times that I like him), lost us this football game. You want to blame Fitz? Go ahead, but in my opinion he was doing what he was told to do. And yes, the pick Fitz threw in the 3rd quarter was a flat out awful play. There was ZERO chance of completion, and I mean none at all. I expect more from him. But I don't blame him for this loss.


    Bill - Always enjoy your posts, but have to disagree on the above. I actually agreed with the call. When you have 1 on 1 coverage with your best wide-out, you take it. period! That was the chance to cross-up the G-men and take the initiative, especially with our pourous D. The fact is that Fitzpatrick threw a terrible ball that was intercepted. It's not Gailey's fault. Fitzpatrick, at worst, has to overthrow it, but not throw the int. I don't understand the free pass you are giving Fitzpatrick on this. What do you wnat gailey to do, come up with the play, throw it and catch it. It's up to his players to execute and Fitzpatrick did not do it there. He made a terrible throw that cost us the game. yes. He also made a lot of good throws, but in that situation, with Steve J beating his man by 2 yards was very tough to take.

  14. these values are always high. in 2005 the Vikings were sold for 600 mil. Just last year, a minority owner of teh Rams bought the rest of the team to be the sole owner. If you do the math on that deal, the team sold for 650 mil.


    Now the Vikings are valued at 796 mil and the Rams at 775 mil. Ironically enough the Bills are sandwhiched right in between those two teams. Considering the Rams have a fairly new indoor stadium I doubt the Bills sell for much more than 650, max of 700 mill.


    And for the record, a 640 million dollar investment yeilding 40 mill a year in revenue is only 6% ROI. That sucks for an investment of that size. Thats not counting appreciation obviously, which is unrealized.

    Actually, it is much, much less when you factor in the Present Value of the future cash flows. it all depends on what your hurdle rate is as 6% in some industries is not a bad return.

  15. I was listening this afternoon to "Moving the Chains" on SiriusXM Radio and a caller asked about the Bills. Gannon predicted they would be better than 4-12, but would still finish last in the division. I am not one of the conspiracy theorists that believes the media hates the Bills. I do believe however that there is no way the Bills will finish behind Miami this year. Miami will be a very bad football team and I think the Bills will be better than last year. So no conspiracies, I just happen to disagree with Gannon. I don't really think the Jets are that good either and there is a possibility we could edge them out for the number two spot. I still believe New England will win the division.

    He's right. The bills are one of the worst run franchises in the nfl and will be terrible again this year. Take off the rose-colored glasses and start to face reality

  16. You actually made me feel better. Honestly, your's is the first insightful, positive "Non-Homer" post that I have read in a long time. I hope that you are right as I have been pretty down on the team for a while after being their #1 Fan.

    Keep the positive vibes going....

  17. The NFL does not give a rats ass about where they are geographically. They only care about where they are economically.

    The bolded part is excellent advice for everyone. There is nothing to gain from worrying about things 100% outside of your control.

    You are totally right Code Monkey. All that matters is revenues and profits and Buffalo will not be able to compete once Ralph is gone. The team will be auctioned by Sotheby's to the highest bidder. Sad, but true!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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