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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. If Josh is on and dialed in, we can hang with the Chiefs. We need some big situational stops on D to get the win. Milano on Kelce might be the most important matchup in the game.
  2. I’ve actually been really pleased with the officials in our last two games. Just let them play and stayed out of the way. That OPI call was terrible.
  3. Strangely, I kind of feel the same. If it’s the Browns it’s the Browns, but I’d like another shot at the Chiefs with our guys healthy.
  4. If the Texans dump him, they deserve everything coming their way. Morons empowered the disaster Bill O’Brien who ruined the team around him. Now they seem to favor this slimy Jack Easterby character who supposedly won’t have anything to do with the football operation. Over your franchise QB?!?! Are you F’n kidding me. Dump him to the NFC if you do get rid of him. At least be smart about something.
  5. Way better play calling. Working in short passing and runs. Getting Josh into a rhythm.
  6. Lol. Yeah, I didn’t like seeing him tackle himself, but I still think you should go to it. Anything to get Josh going and in a rhythm.
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