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Posts posted by TuelTime

  1. 4 minutes ago, stevestojan said:

    Careers are over? Let me introduce you to Kareem Hunt. 

    That aside, If the incident that happened last night happened in the parking lot, that’s a felony. 


    Yeah, its weird that they allow people on TV to get away with crimes when there is slam dunk evidence to convict. Its almost analogous to the porn industry. You can pay a woman to sleep with you as long as its on camera, otherwise its prostitution.. doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

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  2. I'm surprised that more incidents like this aren't followed up by law enforcement. This and the elbow from Gronk were assaults that occurred with a weapon with very clear video evidence. If these guys assault women on video their careers are over, but they can hit each other with weapons on live TV and no criminal charges come of it? I also understand it is a violent game, but its not like being on the field and not in the stands should exempt players from being held accountable for assaulting someone. Penalties and fines are cool and all but at what point is this criminal? I know for a fact if I had done that to someone and it was on video I would be charged with assault and would likely do time.

  3. 28 minutes ago, suorangefan4 said:


    Yep don't see a huge female Kevin Owens fanbase.


    I could keep this going.


    Remember Backstreet Boys, Nsync, 98 degrees etc. and all their crazy stalkerish type of fans. Or One Direction. Yep pretty sure girls / women are just as guilty if not even more of going nuts over men for their looks.


    Everyone wants to be treated equally until it is time to pay the tab.

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