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Posts posted by TuelTime

  1. 10 hours ago, row_33 said:


    Science to you means anything that agrees with your presuppositions and prejudices and fantasies 




    To get a drug approved requires a lot more proven effectiveness than just-so stories or witty anecdotes at dinner parties 


    the lies and nonsense in the name of this drug is piled to the moon and back a million times already



    Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea how pharmaceutical companies get their drugs approved? You do know these companies knowingly sell drugs that will harm users, but they stand to make fortunes even after paying out settlements and lawyer fees, so they release them anyways. Big Pharma is not your friend, and the politicians and the FDA are on their payroll.


    Marijuana wasn't made illegal because it is a harmful substance. It was a calculated move by the rich and powerful to maintain their wealth and power. It is not a "tinfoil hat" conspiracy. It is the truth. Do the research.


    So much ignorance and misinformation in this thread. The amount of brainwashed citizens in this country never ceases to amaze me. News Flash: Most of what you were taught in high school were lies and propaganda used to breed ignorant nationalists who won't question their government.

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  2. 17 hours ago, Rc2catch said:

    Am I the only one who thinks this is a great bargain signing for the jets? 20 mill guarantee for a 4 year deal for a starting caliber receiver.. they saved themselves a ton of money getting him signed now. He may have two years of injuries but that guy makes plays when on the field. I think it was a great signing for them. If you guys are thinking that’s overpaying I hate to see the reactions come free agency time. 


    Enunwa is a stud. Makes some difficult catches, and is very physical as well. Chances are the Bills are going to pay more for a worse receiver.

  3. 41 minutes ago, BringBackOrton said:

    “I take heroin for my anxiety and it works wonders for me.”


    Please stop.

    What medical school did he go to?


    Benzos are such a better alternative since they come from Big Pharma and are FDA approved.


    Also, I wonder what percentage of NFL players have an active prescription for heroin in some form or another.

  4. 25 minutes ago, MrEpsYtown said:


    He smokes pot and is using mental health as an excuse. One of the reasons people struggle recognizing mental health as a legit issue is the guys like this who will use it as a crutch. 


    Or he has mental health issues and uses marijuana to medicate. It is a shame that one of the best WRs in the game isn't able to smoke a little weed and play football but it is okay to pump them full of opiates so they can get back in the game. These guys are getting CTE from receiving repeated blows to the head. But yeah, lets worry about them puffing a little devil's lettuce. The rampant ignorance in this country is sickening.

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  5. 10 minutes ago, Rc2catch said:

    I think he is done. 

    He was my fantasy quarterback this year... yuck.. 

    anyways I watched a lot more pat games than I prefer, and he’s looked lost quite a bit. 

    The Lions ruined him on a Monday night game, the titans made him look pathetic.. 

    He has weapons, tons of them. He can’t get the ball to them consistently. 

    They have had success this year as a run team. When Michel is gashing teams sprinkled with James white they were effective. Brady’s passes to receivers and tight ends are terrible this year, a majority of his yards and touchdowns were from dump offs to white which seems to have fully disappeared. 

    He might not be “done” yet, but I bet the conversation in New England for his replacement is ramping up bigtime. 

    That pick today to Haden sums up a lot. You don’t see the G.O.A.T make stupid throws like that. Years past he throws it out of bounds or purposely just intentional grounds it to avoid a hit. Father Time has arrived. They can still make a run this year if their run game can be effective 


    I agree. That throw was indicative of a QB who is scared to take a hit. In days past he would've waited longer for the play to develop and taken the hit in order to complete the pass, but I think he is one good hit away from retirement.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Patriot Killa said:

    Woah, emotional are we? He played on the edge in college so I thought he did the same in the NFL. Was actually my favorite edge rusher that came out last year...


    No need to get pissy and carry yourself like a child. I’m merely here for intellectual conversation with other football fans. Obviously you don’t fit that role.


    Don't let this guy speak for us Bills fan. You made an honest mistake, and the OP was a jerk about. But what would you expect from a guy with a MAGA avater..

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  7. 29 minutes ago, JOE IN HAMPTON ROADS said:



    His time here wasn't "cut short".  He bailed.  He literally took the money and ran, because he thought he was too big for the Bills and the Jets were going to give him an offer.


    Wrong. He made a wise career decision and decided to exercise the clause in his contract. This is similar to Le'Veon Bell not signing his franchise tag. He made the right decision, obviously. He has a head coaching job after all these years. If he had stayed in Buffalo, EJ would've ruined his career and he knew it.

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