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RoyBatty is alive

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Posts posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Big mistake on the players part, big. Didn't learnt the first time, did they.

    I agree. He is dying to have the players go on strike. He believes it will be his defining moment. I have heard him mention it in several interviews.

    A lot of resentment already by fans, a strike going to make this situation substantially worse. Thus far according to the Nielsen TV ratings, week 1 was down 12%, week two down 15%. Those are massive losses.


    Even talk about a strike is going to alienate even more fans.


    The point of motion is to be able to better read the defense so you can adjust accordingly.


    If you have zero intention of adjusting, then motion seems kind of pointless no?

    Well the QB can see what the defense is doing and change what his hot read is or change his progression of he is throwing to at least. I really cant believe the Bills do not have the automatic audible on every play to at least go for run to pass or vice versa, our offense can't be that simplistic.


    Roman. He took forever to call plays so we were always just getting lined up as the play clock winded down.

    Some of the coaching we have had lately, simple fundamental, basic common sense, Rex couldn't get his defense out in time, recall the unguarded Houston Texan that caught a TD. It was almost comical to watch Brady torture our defense, that is when he felt like it at HIS choosing, running the hurry up. Fortunately for us he rarely did because he didnt have to with the Bills.

  4. Yeah thats another thing.


    So your QB has a hard time reading a defense. Where is the PreSnap movement on offense to allow the QB to help decide what coverage look he is about to see

    It is not allowed in Buffalo, there was a few years ago were we did NONE of it at all, i mean none for two years in a row. Wish i remember who the OC was/what years that was.


    Freakin irritating as hell.

  5. Dennison's offense isn't big on audibles normally (it was a real source of tension with Manning) and Tyrod isn't a big reader of defenses who naturally sees things at the li

    Depressing, one more tool in the toolbox that we dont use.


    My kids 7th grade QB can audible for Gods sake.


    Or is it that Dennison has such an all time proven master system and great play caller he calls it right, even as the Defense makes pre snap adjustments.

  6. Shaw


    With regards to the 'get back to the huddle attitude' I couldn't agree more. I was a bit concerned with Jordan Matthews on a number of plays. He's spooning the ball and pointing at first downs. I'm hoping the Coach has a talk with him. Similarly...they can't dump Dareus fast enough for me. He's an attitude liability.

    For me, I love Matthew's enthusiasm and positive outlook, we need more of that in this franchise.

  7. Relax everyone another poster hiding behind a recently created account to afraid he/she will be proven wrong on Mcdermott and therefore uses a fake account created for instances like this.

    Are you referring to lil ole me? You think I am "to" afraid I will be proven wrong so I am hiding and have a created "fake account"? If you want to think up things like that knock yourself out.

  8. Vomits over self. Filed position is the least of my worries, it is such an antiquated argument.


    You only have to win field position when you have a bad team. Flipping the field doesn't mean a damn if you have an offense that cant move the ball.

    Good just get us the Pats offense and we wont worry about flipping the field anymore.


    With the Clay Thing last week I didn't think there was enough fault to lay on anyone; it was just a play which didn't come off. Here I think otherwise : Taylor threw to the pylon, cheating just a bit to the inside to lead away from the cornerback. Jones ran tight to the sideline out at the five yard line, looked back for the pass over his right shoulder, took one stumbling step and jumped up vertically. However with just another stride the ball would have dropped right over his shoulder for an easy touchdown. ZJ did an awkward job tracking the pass and misjudged badly making a play on the ball. No one knows where the route was supposed to go, but if it to the pylon, Taylor's pass was better than Jones' route - even if you don't assume Taylor was purposely throwing Jones away from the coverage. Every game every Sunday receivers running deep make adjustments on the ball. It's a basic receiver skill with a pass plus-minus forty yards thru the air.

    Rarely do I change my mind from anything I have red here but you have got me thinking, it is entirely possible it was Zay Jones fault and that pass was exactly where and when it was supposed to be. I never noticed the stumble but i see it now

  10. This is similar to Jauron's defense, I hate the term but we are a bend but dont break defense. Just like Jauron, don't give up the big plays, hope the offense makes a mistake. We will give up a lot of yards but not a lot of TDs, that is what you say yesterday. With our zone coverage a good QB can methodically go down the field if they have a quick release and are accurate but when we get near the red zone and the field is compressed, that is when our zone is really effective.


    One of the frustrating aspects though sometimes you have to attack on defnse, yesterday with time critical we let Carolina go down the field into field goal range, they used up valuable time and got another 3 points which meant we needed a TD. We made a critical mistake imo by not being more aggressive on their last drive, abandon the zone coverage.

  11. The call that really sealed our fate was the Offensive Pass Interference, IMO under those game circumstances that cal is almost never made.


    I hate blaming refs for bad calls BUT it is part of the game, nature of the beast.


    And yes I wall agree with other it shouldn't have come down to that but that is the nature of parity and the NFL, if that call is not made I think we would have probably won, we were on a real role, it took too much time to get all that yardage back.

  12. People always overreact to change. Football is still very popular in the US and the NFL is a cash cow. People who are saying it is a dying sport are just being dramatic.


    The south and the mid west are pipelines for college teams and they are suffering any recruiting issues because of head injuries.


    Players are bigger, stronger and faster then they were in the 60'sand 70s. Now we have science to help and treat head injuries and of course A group of fans are going to be upset about good change.


    The NFL needs to protect 20 year olds from making decisions to get back on the field when they have suffered a head injury. Just because you as a fan want to live in the past where you believe the sport was great...doesn't make it so. If you feel that way, go on YouTube and watch "the good old days".


    People always complain about change and then overreact to it and act as if the sky is falling.

    NFL for the first time in decades saw a decrease in popularity, not being dramatic a simple fact.


    I live in football crazy Texas, 20 years ago very few parents were worried about their kids play football, i would say right now probably a third wont even let their kids play.


    NFL popularity is falling and will fall just as other sports have through the years and the lawyers will only get richer. You will start to see high school football banned in states, then college players start suing their former collleges, etc. Pro football will look like the all star game in 20 years.

  13. Frankly, I appreciate McDermott's take on fresh bodies, and my hope is that it doesn't just keep guys fresh, but healthy.


    While I may be talking over my head, I see the number of injuries happening to players early in the season, and part of that I attribute to how lax the training camps are due to the players' union getting them out of 2-a-days, practice with pads, etc. The thinking seems to be that since they're not really in game-day shape by the time game day comes around, you need to rotate them more often as they work their way into game-day shape a few games in.


    Could be wrong, but by the end of the Jets game, you could tell who was fresh.

    I am all in on rotation when you can do it effectively (unlike last year's embarrassment) esp early in the season, NFL to a large degree is a battle of attrition

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