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UConn James

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Posts posted by UConn James

  1. So what would have to happen for us (being the US or president Bush, or you specifically) to declare victory in the "war on terror"?  Just curious.  Also, while you are at it, can you give me an approximate date (say within a decade or two) when to expect this victory to occur?



    23 April 2036. :) :)


    The current response to terrorism and the constant spotlight on it is exactly what is sought by AQ. I don't know about you but when I have a sinus infection, I don't cut my nose off with a chainsaw, I just take a decongestant.

  2. Hey guys, hopefully this wont stir up too much debate, just a seemingly simple question.


    I have heard that Bush is against all stem cell research.


    Is this true, and if so, what is Kerry's stand on this issue?


    Links would be great. Thanks



    I did a LOT of research on this topic for a 20-minute speech last semester.

    To clarify some of the nuance:


    Embryonic stem cells are much different from adult stem cells. Embryonic SC can become any type of cell in the body human; adult SC have a limited scope b/c they've already differentiated into a cell type. There are NO adult stem cells for heart, nerve and other cell types, which are some of the MAIN areas for use in the biggest diseases like heart disease, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, etc. Embryonic SC are created from week-old embryos derived from in-vitro fertilization that aren't selected for implantation into the mother. After the procedure, they are frozen or destroyed. The lines that have been created have received full permission from the donors.


    Bush allowed federal funding for stem cell lines created before his speech in August 2001. There were about 70; researchers report that anywhere from 10 to 20 are viable, but that these have been cultivated using mouse cells as starters, which makes future transplantation to humans dubious (they can now create lines w/o using the mouse cells). Researchers also report that the NIH has stone-walled on distribution of the lines. And yes, private research is allowed. But do private researchers publish their findings frequently in journals about some procedure that has been successful for them? No. Universities are the places where the pure research, not for $ gain, occurs. As it is described, university researchers basically have to set up a different privately-funded lab to use the newer stem cell lines, and have to use entirely seperate equipment if federal funds put 1 cent into something. That's literally having to buy another microscope when you already have one sitting on the counter. That's BS.


    Kerry has supported responsible, ethically-guided embryonic stem cell research all along. Bush has seen this issue through the lens of the abortion issue, which is the wrongest way to look at it. He imposed a glass ceiling with a compromise that wasn't a compromise at all. This is a president who does not believe in science. Instead, this is going to be another job sector that's outsourced to India. And this is a big one in the myriad reasons he'll not be getting my vote.


    Sad that it took the passing of Christopher Reeve to put the spotlight on an issue that deserves more debate than 30 seconds. I hope it's talked about on Wed. b/c Bush is going to get schooled.


    This is a good article on the subject. You'll have to have to click on the "Free Day Pass" and go through a small ad....

  3. That many people can explain it? Yeah. Sounds about right.... Truth be told, the American public and even people in-the-know have little to no idea what the colors all mean.


    We've seen, and not seen, the stepped-up security for Code Orange. It's a pretty pathetic cop-out to be able to say after the fact 'Well, hey, we raised the terror threat level!.... Unfortunately, we didn't inspect for boms in cargo containers.' That's the same as how our leaders supposedly didn't ever believe planes could be used as missiles. How about gauging the possibilities? How about meaningfully funding the DoHS and increase their function? Instead, we're spending our money liberating an area that had no links to terrorism or WMD; based on listening to people like Chalabi, who's now in jail for fraud and other charges.


    And what will actually happen at the Red warning level? Will everyone be forced to stay in their homes, and be shot if they step outside? Will it be martial law?


    I doubt we'll ever be back at Green or Blue.

  4. This is the first time I've caught an OSU game this year, but watching this kicker Mike(?) Nugent is everything Rian Lindell is not. Consistent, good stepping technique, strong leg, accurate. Had a 55-yarder before the half that he curved and sailed through the uprights, probably would have been good from mid-60s. Announcers said he hit a 68-yarder in a training camp. OSU is VERY lucky to have this kid.


    Anyone think he'll still be around in the 2nd round (and from the looks of things, early second round)? Not that TD would use a draft pick on a kicker. But Ker-ist, imagine not having to pray to the football gods when attempting a FG from over 38.

  5. Kerry owns four personal properties , Bush owns one.Secret Service protection for four properties or one property.

    I can flame any one I want  ,typical liberal trying to limit free speech. <_< Kerry is a dork .I would bet that secretly that most liberals wish they had another candidate other than Kerry but they never would admit it. Bush identifies with the average Joe better than Kerry the elitist.

    The election is over anyway ,,Kerry loses



    Actually, I admit it rather freely that I'd rather have had Wes Clark. But should Kerry win, he'll be pegged for Sec. of Defense, which I think would be a great place for him, as a foil to Rumsfeld & Wolfowitz, the bean-counters.


    What does it matter that Kerry & wife have four properties? My parents have three.... And I'm sure AD could fill you in that the SS budget won't change regardless of who's in office.

  6. Kerry was simply pointing out that most of the "small business owners" that would be affected by rolling back the tax cuts, for earners >$200,000, are ones where the "business" is $1 here, $84 there that can count as a "small business" according to Bush.


    Paco, methinks 2001 was the last year where access to the taxes is available. And what does it matter that Bush may not be claiming it in his returns now? He did, and 900,000 others do. His point that rolling the tax cuts back would hurt many "small businesses" was shot down.


    TracyLee, I got that sense too, but more like an "I could give a stevestojan what my tax guy does to scrounge every penny he can" reaction. Too bad for those other schmucks who pay their taxes honestly rather than through loopholes.

  7. Over the past three years he had been charged with 38 offenses including unlawful weapon possession, domestic assault and drug possession, Aaron said.


    This final sentence is the thing that scares the bejeezus out of me too. Whyever are they letting these types walk? I have relatives who work in the courts and they say it's un-bleeping-believable at what happens in the system. Unlawful possession of a firearm has a FIVE-YEAR MANDATORY sentence. That's federal, isn't it? What is this %^&* doing out in three!??!


    So, another choirboy who won't be in church on Sunday. Let's all say an Our Father for him.... Maybe that's how he got out, he "found God," yeah? There's one parole-granting excuse that oughtta be nixed pronto.

  8. Yup. I think he pushed out Grammatica before they signed Christie. As I remember, he was pretty good on power. He was working on his accuracy from beyond the 40 and getting better at it. Not much different than our current situation, tho RL did hit the 49-yarder last week.... Surprised the stevestojan outta me.

  9. So if you have a problem tell Teresa to move her Ketchup and other jobs back to the US.  :w00t:



    Am I supposed to be impressed with a red-herring one liner?


    Snopes.com Urban Legends: Heinz Sight


    According to Heinz itself, the Heinz family trust which Mrs. Kerry inherited sold most of its shares of Heinz stock back in 1995 and currently holds less than a 4% interest in the company.




    As the H.J. Heinz Company notes, well over half its sales come from foreign markets, and it therefore operates overseas facilities to serve those markets.


    Currently, 60% of the sales of the H.J. Heinz Company are outside the United States and to accommodate those customers by providing facilities closer to those markets, the company maintains a number of overseas facilities that provide products for consumers in those markets. This allows Heinz to pack the freshest ingredients, tailor its recipes to local tastes and deliver the finished products in a timely and efficient manner. In the United States, Heinz makes its flagship ketchup in factories in Fremont, Ohio; Muscatine, Iowa; and Stockton, California.


    Wow. Facts suck.

  10. So I admit I didn't watch the entire debate, but I did watch te first hour.  Once they got past Iraq, they moved into the economy.  Theere was a discussion about jobs in Cleveland and the 31% unemployment rate there and what each will do to fix it. 


    Well I thought it was interesting in Edwards 2 minutes that he said, "Since this admin has taken office the US has lost 1.6 million jobs.  That includes 2.7 million manufactoring jobs....." 

    So by my calculation, that means Edwards and Kerry agree that except for the manufactoring the US has actually gained 1.1 million jobs.  Thats okay since manufactoring tend to be low skill, low training jobs, we are getting the type of jobs we want.


    Wow, we have gained 1.1 million jobs outside of the low skill jobs.  I guess if anyone know is complaining it must be those of you sticking alarm clocks or cars together on an assembly line.



    How can you sit there and tell those people their jobs didn't matter? I've spent my summers doing hard labor in construction and now stone walls and firewood b/c I can't find one of these great new jobs of which you speak. This economy was allowed to stagnate under this president by letting companies that get corporate welfare ship jobs overseas. Manufacturing jobs are what made this country what it is. Call it low-skill if you want, but bear in mind that not everyone in this country is an Einstein-in-waiting. Do you think the oh-so-great service jobs are any more important (I rather think they're much more demoralizing). We need a diverse employment field. And when other countries decide not to allow their companies to sell us things we need, you might whistle a different tune. Because that day is coming.


    And the most telling statistic is that on average, what jobs have been created pay about $9,000 less per year than the jobs that left. I would think most people's definition of high skills and job training isn't "Would you like fries with that?"


    Just sayin'.

  11. It's going to be just like Desert Storm where they used the stop-loss program to keep soldiers from getting out.  As soon as the conflict is over and they don't need the troops, they kick a lot of them out on the fat boy program, etc...



    My brother was under stop-loss in the Air Force Ravens. This factored into him saying :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: the first chance he got.


    First lesson for executives should be, When you f^&k over your people, they f%^k you right back. We can't afford to be doing this with our military, b/c one day very soon they won't be there when we really need them.

  12. And let me add:


    "Recognize that the world can be a shade of ugly so sallow that ugliness seems the only rational response, but dare to be beautiful anyway." -- Kevin Bisch



    I try to apply this in both the macro- and microcosm of life. What was done is horrible beyond words, I watched it of the belief that someone in my chosen career needs to be able to look at anything, but it doesn't mean we should stoop to that level. Zaqwari will one day get what he gives, whoever the President is.

  13. How in the eff are you gonna get everybody on the same page in a VERY individualistic society?


    Just look at my response, case in point... :w00t:



    How about in changing that very ethos of materialism and the ME-generation. Believe it or not, this is a relatively new phenomenon at the macro scale. It's only in about the past 50-60 years when everyone has had to keep up with the Joneses. Remember Victory Gardens (I had one this year. Bumper crop of tomatoes...)? Sacrificing and rationing for the war effort? The average American is being told by the Administration to BUY, BUY, BUY, MORE, MORE, MORE from the very countries that we will someday probably be fighting against. It should be required reading, or rather, someone really needs to make a movie of Theodore Dreiser's "Sister Carrie," written at the turn of the century and even more relevant now than then.


    The day is short

    The night so long

    Why will you work so hard

    To get things you don't even want?


    And yeah, I agree with DC Tom, but we probably slightly disagree on who'll get us there. The best defense is a good offense, BUT, you've still gotta play some kind of defense to win! The admin's preparedness for w/in this country is a color-coded chart. This is shameful.

  14. The VAT tax brings high black market activity.


    The progressive tax brings calls of 'unfair!' from the wealthy.


    The flat tax burdens the poorer people.


    ANY tax system is inherently flawed, IMO.



    Be it duly noted that tho necessary, taxes suck and govt spending is out of control which is an indictment for every party. But it has to be done based on what can conceivably be paid and what is fair in who gains most from the services rendered by govt.


    I support a progressive tax. The rich and big corporations should expect to pay a slightly larger percentage of their income. Who has the higher interest in maintaining roads, educating our children, keeping the country (and our possessions) safe, etc.? I use the road to get places. I've had 12 years of education and 4 in college (of which I've paid a large %). I've called the police once when someone tried to 'jack the family car. I'm not advocating communism or anything here; normal citizens should expect to pay for these services. Corporations and the people who make over $200,000/ yr. benefit from the same personal protections. They also have a larger stake in the condition of the roads that transport their products. They have a larger stake in educating the people who one day will be using their computers, software, drill presses, what have you. They have a larger stake in police protection for their warehouses and McMansions that are targets for criminals, c'est la vie.... This goes on and on. Corps get tax breaks from local, state, fed govt to set up shop in a particular area so that area can have jobs so those people can pay taxes. (In Manchester, Conn., this type of thinking has led to the most commercially developed area in the U.S. and it's like a commercialism drug addiction where you need more tax money to pay for services that people come there for, spiraling into oblivion).


    Do I realize what I'm saying? Yeah. If I were some day to be in that group of wage-earners or own a company, I would be fully prepared to put my money where my mouth is. It's called being responsible and paying your true share rather than shirking that responsibility. So are Kerry and his wife; their taxes will increase when he proposes to roll back the tax cuts for the wealthy, which places a higher burden on those people who ultimately benefit much more from the services that taxes provide.

  15. the one o-line man we need to go down doesn't get hurt. what was Williams doing on that 4th down play?




    As the CBS longitudinal camera showed, Big Mike, along with two other OL, was standing there, arms at his side and watching his man pummel Bledsoe into the rubber pellets.

  16. Said the three, count 'em THREE, personal foul of the 15 yard variety penalties weren't a problem b/c it could have been worse.


    That's a poor excuse for a coach looking to instill discipline. Penalties flat-out killed us yesterday. Saying it's not that bad only invites players to be more laissez-faire about them.


    Talk about consistency all you want, Mike. To win, you need a better game plan rather than bumping into the glass every time. (From his language I'd say he's a GW-voter, but you needn't comment on this).

  17. 1. If you know and understand these four words you too can create a winning game plan versus the Bills. They are? (This s/b easy)


    Team Meeting On-top-a Bledslow.


    2. The success or failure in the baseball playoffs of which individual player (name him) will mean the most to his team's chances this year? (medium difficulty, but if you think....)


    Johan Santana.


    3. In which of her videos does Martina McBride look the hottest? (Should be easy, probably won't be)


    MM is old, dude. Google for Jane Monheit.


    4. Which song should replace "Eye in the Sky" as an intro song for sports teams/events (you'll master this test if you get this).


    Welcome To The Jungle.


    5. Which player from the 2004 draft would have made the biggest difference to the Bils this year if they had drafted him? (Medium difficulty - it does not matter what round he was picked or which player they would have not ended up with. Imagine they just had a free pick now and only wanted to have an impact based on performaces thus far).


    Sean Taylor.

  18. there is no majic %. The mandate goes to the winner...period.



    I'd agree with the "No magic number" part. Only b/c with the electoral college system, the percentage is irrelevant. It depends on the states, which is a bunch of crap for a national office.


    That's something that chaps my ass about all of these polls that come out that essentially tell us nothing.


    That made the dems do the same thing but worse to Bush



    One could legitimately argue that Bush did that his ownself.... :lol:

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