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UConn James

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Posts posted by UConn James

  1. Embryonic stem cells are going to have someones genes also...It takes tow to make an embryo...Not trying to be a smart ass but all SC have some genetic makeup from two different people.  I am pretty sure that there is not much difference between the two so why not use Cord see if you can make any gains and if you can it should transfere to embryonic cells ...IMO



    I think you're mind-effing this a little too much (one of my favorite words for overanalysis. Don't worry, I do that all the time :lol:).


    In the common usage/treatment:

    Umbilical cord SC do have the genetic make-up of two parents, but it's the exact genetic makeup of the child whose uc it was. Therefore, there's no chance of rejection of the cells if you use it to treat that person. That's what I meant.

    Adult SC also come from one person's own exact cells to treat their disease for certain differentiated cell types they can get them from. No chance of rejection, but there are cell types where ASC cannot be gotten, which include some of the major ones like brain/nerve cells, heart cells, etc.


    In the theoretical:

    Embryonic SC are each seperate embryos that are cultured to replicate itself, and theoretically can turn into any kind of cell type (researchers have been able to differentiate ESCs into many cell types, like skin, heart cells, etc.). There would be a problem of rejection b/c in this case, it would not be the patient's own cells being used, it's the ones created from couples doing in-vitro fertilization. That's a problem researchers will be working on which I think they can solve.

  2. Watching the the UM-Illinois game today was the first time I've seen their system in action.


    Big(11)Ten Replay Rules


    Only the Technical Adviser (kind of like an ref, but not connected with the field crew) in the booth can request a replay, and they review the play with two other technicians. Coaches cannot call for a replay tho, which I think would have to be amended. The coaches both took time-outs after questionable plays so that person would have extra time to review. Don't like that, but the organizational system is what I do like. I think it'd probably reduce the time spent on NFL replays for the ref to put his already-biased two cents in.


    IMO, it would be good to take the decision out of the hands of the people who may have made a bad call and don't want to admit it. And we've all seen that happen. Thoughts?

  3. How much of a difference is there between embryonic and cordblood stem cells?



    My understanding is that it's pretty similar, only that umbilical cord SC wouldn't create problems in accepting the cells, b/c it's someone's own genetic cells.


    Unfortunately, there's 250 million people walking around whose umbilical cord SC weren't saved, and it's not very common to save it currently either.... Theortically it's exciting for the future. But with the relative newness of this science, I think it's important to do testing with ALL of the types. We need to cover the bases b/c it will invariably come to pass that one or two types won't be useful for X disease, and then what do you say, "Oops"?

  4. No politics?  OK,  then Kerry won't even bother visiting the church.  For some reason,  I don't think this is going to go over too well with religious voters.



    Besides saying "Praise God" and "Hallelujah," anything Mr. Kerry talks about would be considered political by someone.


    Religion ~= Politics, deified.

  5. It will be a shoot out tomorrow.  :P



    I hope that's not my uncle's definition of "high winds," which is called out after one hears a loud FWERRRT noise. :lol::P


    Anywho, if Clements is any kind of OC, we'll be seeing a lot from Willis tomorrow if Henry doesn't play or even if he does. Reliance on running game gives us a big advantage.

  6. In that case, the left will say this is another Bush fug-up, and the right will say "that's what we get for letting Clinton put pussies in charge of our military for eight years."


    Personally, I think collusion is too strong a word. It's not like two guys got crazy and called their mommies, or it's not like the guy who fragged his superior officers tent during the initial move into Iraq. There are 19 people involved...all of whom wrote to their parents, left voicemails, etc, saying "Please get me out of here because it's too dangerous."


    They couldn't address this on their own? They had to start putting everything in print and audio?


    Somewhere in the middle...yes, maybe. But I can pretty much tell you right now that anyone who has served in the military is going to give these guys a ration of crap. They didn't just disobey a direct order. They left the other soldiers...the one's closer to the fighting...hanging. That's irresponsible at best, and would likely be the meat of this situation if it were not an election year.



    Whatever my beliefs about Bush, I don't hold him specifically responsible for this. He doesn't say, 'Send 3,000 gallons of contaminated fuel thru the ST w/o backup.' His was a from-the-top decision that will be proportionally judged on 2 Nov. I wouldn't hold a president responsible for the minutia.


    Sometimes, making your voice heard when those in command refuse to hear it is necessary. As the LAST resort. They probably will be razzed; but if it were your butt on the line and you felt the conditions were a suicide mission, would you go along? Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6 (my brother did colorguard for a guy in his unit a few months ago, contributing factor was inadequate armor).

  7. Here you go.



    Thanks, tho at this point all we get is the Official Word, which is to be believed about as much as that Iraqi Information Minister....


    Wouldn't be surprised to learn that the op conditions were stevestojanny, but the soldiers will still be charged....


    I hopes these cowards get reassigned to the offensive in Fallujah. Being scared is not an excuse. I'm sorry they are in a combat zone and afraid to take supplies to the troops in the field. Taking risks is a part of war. You don't hear the soldiers in the field (not the poges in the rear with the gear) crying. Thank god the army found troops to drive the convoy and got the supplies to the troops.


    Since they've otherwise been described as serving most honorably, one might hold judgment before you call them "cowards" until the specific details come out. That's just for level-headed persons tho.


    And, the "supplies" was contaminated fuel, not exactly something that was Do or Die.

  8. I read this last night (albeit, not from a salon website), and I'm not in the military so it's difficult for me to understand exactly what happened. What I do know is that when THAT many people all decide they're going to commit one of the mortal sins of the military (disobeying a direct order), there is much more to this than simply referring to it as a suicide mission or "a death sentence" mission.

    They may be making a statement, but they turned their back on the people who are fighting this war with them, and that in and of itself demands that they be retained. In fact, the mission was quickly run with other troops and no problems.


    It is one thing to simply not respect an order, but it's a completely other issue when they all start making phone calls to their parents, wives, etc. and pushing this into the media.


    There is more to this than simply a "revolt," and when the dust clears, you may be surprised to find out how this all took place.



    Where did you read another article about it? Link? I haven't seen anything else in my rounds....


    Are you suggesting collusion? I don't know, with that many people, I think it'd be hard to have EVERYone willing to commit that "mortal sin" and risk the penalties w/o a very good reason. If another convoy made the run successfully, you'd have to question whether the brass made operational changes. Wouldn't be the first time commanders were shown to be issuing an unlawful order, then changed what was wrong and went ahead to cover their 6.


    Let's hope the truth DOES come out, but all too often it doesn't. In that case, usually a way to arrive at truth is to read what both extremes are saying and believing something toward the middle point.


    [On Edit:] Had to go to the New London Day to actually find an AP article on it. General has the unit on "stand down" while condition of the trucks are checked. Another unit, with 120 troops completed the mission. Read above.....

  9. Revolt in the Ranks in Iraq


    From a lead-in:

    "The extreme behavior of the soldiers in the 343rd, a supply unit whose general mission is to deliver fuel and water, reflects a serious disconnect between the administration's mantra of progress in Iraq, and the perspective of at least some of the U.S. soldiers fighting for it. "'I got a call from an officer in another unit early [Thursday] morning who told me that my husband and his platoon had been arrested on a bogus charge because they refused to go on a suicide mission,' said Jackie Butler of Jackson, wife of Sgt. Michael Butler, a 24-year reservist. 'When my husband refuses to follow an order, it has to be something major.'"



    Just to ask, but how many of you would want to drive 200 miles through the Sunni Triangle with no gunner trucks and no air support, in fuel trucks with little or no armor? This combined with the fact that the mission was to deliver fuel contaminated with diesel that had been refused at another location just prior.


    My brothers have gotten some dip-stevestojan orders in their time, but said that this takes the cake when they asked if I saw this, this morning. Is there such a thing as Army Intelligence? :lol:

  10. Would it have been ok for Bush to point out during his tenure obesity is now a disease and may be covered by Medicare and say now people like the VP candidates wife can now get help with gov't assistance.  Would that cross a line?



    I don't think very much crosses the line if it's the truth, the family has thrust themselves into the public figure status, and the issue its brought up about is affected by public policy. Yup, DC's daughter's a lesbian. Yup, Edwards' wife is overweight (is she really 'obese' by definition?).


    And, maybe you're onto something. Providing medical care for obesity early on can save a lot of money in the future, when the people in their 60s+ and on MediCare develop the diseases that are associated with it. Just like pre-natal screening saves $6 for every dollar spent. You guys talk about reducing the federal budget, these are baby steps to the day when we can say, okay we don't need these programs anymore b/c people are in better health. $2.5T - $.5T = $2T. Baby steps, and we'll get to a time when we can have the same standard of living w/o having to make so many transfer payments.

  11. This Drudge article shows that the DNC plans to make up charges of intimidation of voters, stealing vote, etc.  They will stop at nothing.  The DNC has confirmed that the document is authentic.



    Voter registrations must've Just crumpled up and thrown themselves in the wastebasket....


    For sign-in, enter:






    "I personally witnessed my supervisor at VOA, together with her personal assistant, destroy completed registration forms that VOA employees had collected," said Russell. "All of the destroyed registration forms were for registrants who indicated their party preference as 'Democrat.'"


    Russell said he registered both Democrats and Republicans and, as a result, his pay was docked. According to the lawsuit against the Clark County Registrar of Voters, he provided copies of destroyed registration forms he retrieved from his supervisor's garbage can.



    Sorry, but this crap goes on from both sides of the aisle. Voter fraud doesn't have a strict enough penalty and is all too often not enforced. One person, one vote. Allow voters to register, check them in w/ valid ID, show them how the machine works if they need to be shown, and then let them vote. Count them up to determine who got the most votes. It's not hard. Why can't people respect that? Maybe if that happened, whatever way the election went, we can be sure of and accept the outcome?

  12. Yup.  That was cheesy alright!


    But I agree, I think the worse the weather, the better that is for us - and conversely, worse for the 'Phins.  Remember, they're either going with a banged up QB or a 3rd stringer, and they don't have a true starting calibre RB.  It bodes well for us.



    But it's kind of sad that it takes these circumstances to maybe get a win. :D:lol:

  13. Jeez must be nice to get all this stuff for free huh.  Yeah I had to go join the Marine Corps and learn how to kill people because I couldn't afford to go to college, and I didn't know about government handouts for free stuff because my guidance couselor wa inept.  But I will tell you I work hard, always have, earn damn good money and I sure the hell hate when snot nosed little punks think it is their !@#$ing right to take my money to pay for their college education because they are too !@#$ing lazy to work and go to school at the same time.  All of the other chilren in my family have multiple degrees and all of thm did it by working part time, and getting student loans that they paid back. 


    Don't preach to me that you think I, via the government, owe it to you to get a degree.  !@#$ you.



    So, b/c I present a logical argument that most everyone in America abides by and thinks is worthwhile, I'm told to go reproduce with myself. Nice. And that b/c you didn't get it, no one else should. As the saying goes, don't hate the player, hate the game. If I left everything up to my guidance counselor, the last time I thought about school would have been putting my HS diploma in the attic. My brothers went the same route as you (different branches tho), and saw the worst humanity has to offer in Bosnia and recently in countries ending in -istan. I well understand the sacrifice.


    Yup, transfer payments do suck when you don't get any benefits in return. But the children in your family did all benefit and got a leg up from state and federal subsidies that the universities got for operating costs and building programs; and good for them. But don't pretend that you're the only person who pays taxes, or that yours is the only generation that paid more than it got. My forebears worked to the bone to make this a better country. I'm sure over the course of my life I'm going to pay more in than I get. It's the cost of living in the society that's set up and unless you've got a lot of lawyers, guns, and/or money it's going to be that way for a while....


    I did work and go to school. Pell Grant covered a tiny percentage of the total cost after maxing out student loans that I'm now paying back, and paying my own way. You don't owe me a degree. I earned it.

  14. "Take at hazard one hundred children of several educated generations and one hundred uneducated children of the people and compare them in anything you please; in strength, in agility, in mind, in the ability to acquire knowledge, even in morality—and in all respects you are startled by the vast superiority on the side of the children of the uneducated."

    — Count Leo Tolstoy, "Education and Children" (1862)



    1862? The world has undergone a few changes since then. I have nothing against hard work being meaningful and teaching values; my mum scrubs toilets and showers at the U. And does so b/c it's created a better life for her sons who appreciated all she sacrificed, and work hard in return. But hey, let's go back to the days of dirt roads and horses, barefoot children while papa drives in the herd for cashmoney, and cold outhouses in the winter. We can burn the computers for heat.


    Why does every topic always steer to the $2.5 trillion and that federal spending is the evil of all evils? Not saying taxes are great, but they're necessary to promote programs that improve the quality of life in this country. Yeah, there's a lot of pork barrel spending that is unecessary and wrong. But Pell Grants are well worth the investment. Or will you disagree no matter how beneficial they are b/c it costs money to make money?

  15. So now it's the federal governments problem that tuition has gone up.  Explain to me when education funding has increased 60% over the last 3 years how?  Also, please tell me what college you go to that is a federal college.  Last i checked there were three.  Military Academy, Naval Acadamy, and the Air Force Acadmey, all are free tuition, room and board. 


    Thats what I thought.  Go talk to your state legislature and governor.



    More people are going to college. Govt calls this a higher standard of living, which was an established goal when the Founders created the Treasury Dept. You don't seem to want to hear that, longterm, this money is more than made up for in the increased GDP when you have a more educated workforce!


    Actually, yeah it is the fed govt's "fault." But I guess by your immediate-bottom-line of thinking it wouldn't be the federal govt's fault. The federal funding UConn got in 2001, 2002 decreased unexpectedly by about $100 million that was used for the operations budget. They made cutbacks everywhere they could and then raised tuition by about $800/year, which you might not think is much, but then again college students aren't you. I can tell you from experience, even that much can be the difference in being able to go to college or not. I actually took a class with the president of the U about this and other issues.


    This state HAS done a lot to promote the growth of UConn, over $2B when all is said and done to make capital and infrastructure improvements. It's gone up among the top 25 public universities. But it's also generating a lot of dividends back to the state, region and country. Which is another reason why some federal funding is given, and that being what was cut which raised tuition. So unless you limit enrollment to state residents only, which I believe is illegal, other areas than this state are getting the benefits that simply charging out-of-state tuition cost doesn't make up for.

  16. One of the proudest moments of my life was when Geneseo State took top honors in that very category during the '80s.


    Of course, the government raised the drinking age not long after and ruined an entire town.


    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  government!



    Bastards! :lol: B)

  17. So Pell grants are welfare now? Basic economics is that you have to create incentives for people to buy your product. You guys apparently don't believe in promoting education THAT PAYS FOR ITSELF AND A LOT MORE IN THE GDP!!!! Look at it in the macrocosm.


    The cost of college in real money cost has gone up double-digit percentages in the past couple of decades despite programs that remain unchanged. Any grants given are tantamount to auto dealers advertising $4,000 cash back to make you believe they're giving you a deal. If you want to get rid of Pell Grants, reduce tuition costs back to the real cost!

  18. I think it is because we are, by far, the most competitive society and culture in the world and we are totally and unabashedly obsessed with winning and losing, and polls are the only way that we can quantify things like debates, and the prelude to elections. This competitiveness is not a bad thing, in fact, it is what makes us great. We are obsessed with sports, with finishing first, with top ten lists, with saying our doctor is "the best in the country", or our college is in the top four party schools, etc. It also has its downsides, like relying on polls, but overall this competitiveness has been a tremendous advantage for us over the decades.



    Well put. And the media touts them b/c it's quick, quantifiable information b/c the market research says that people are busy and spend less and less time reading the news. Which leads to soundbites, b/c the media believes it needs to cater to people with severe listening/reading deficiencies. But, for those of you not in the know, newspapers are the better source of news.


    BTW -- UConn was ranked as the #8 party school by Playboy.... :lol:

  19. Ive been thinking this for years. Why do we REALLY need to see these political polls??? Why not just let people watch the conventions, debates, learn the issues and see what happens come November 2nd?  I believe this would help voter turnout. 


    For example, if you are gonna vote Kerry in certian states?  Why bother voting for Bush in some states either?  If nobody knew what could happen, wouldnt that help get more people to go vote? 


    Any thoughts?  I just cannot think of a good reason why the public needs to know, maybe Im overlooking something.



    I don't think polling has much to do with people not voting. If they're that callous about their civic duty, and don't realize that one vote can make a difference (as evidenced in the 2nd CT Congressional District in... I want to say '94. The guy won by 1 vote.) it's not b/c of overexposure to polls, which in and of themselves tell us very little about how an election will go in a particular state. I can think of a lot other reasons, namely laziness and an overall laissez-faire attitude, combined with a resignation to what AD talks about a lot -- that either way it's not going to appreciably change govt functioning. Then there are other realists who believe most everything happens in small steps.


    It's yet another piece of information in our daily lives. We still have to sift it through to see where it fits in the overall puzzle and how/if it matters. Do you propose censoring polls?

  20. Isnt San Diego still trying to get a new stadium and they threatened to move if they dont get it?  I remember reading that a while back



    Mm-hmm. That does seem to be the most likely scenario.


    Irsay has been unhappy for a while with the RCA Dome and wants some new digs. I wouldn't be overly surprised to see them be the ones to go. (In that case, can Baltimore get "Colts" back?).


    Arizona is apparently getting (or is it still a proposal?) a new stadium with a field that's kind of like on an escalator and can be retracted out of the stadium.


    The Bills have a pretty stable market. One of the smallest, but loyal, as evidenced by TBD.

  21. Agreed.  This issue came up in response to UConn saying AQ caused the split.  Looks like we both agree that Bush was right in saying the split goes back long before AQ.



    I didn't quite say that AQ "caused" the split, just meant that the split was exacerbated to a sustained, constant level, the magnitude of which evokes the late '60s.


    This is characterized by the ad hom attacks no longer being reserved for the politicians and Sunday morning shows, but John Q. Public walking down the street being shouted at for supporting this or that political party, even tho he may not agree with others in that same party or everything that party holds as a broad platform.


    Either way, we're just not emphasizing our common goals. Everyone wants this country to be safer and more secure. People have different opinions in how best to make that happen. Whoever wins the election will pursue their plan and work hard to make it work.

  22. i'm looking forward to seeing a WR trio of moulds, evans, and aiken on the field before too long.  reed will be next on the chopping block.


    bobby shaw?  he won't be missed.



    Nice to see that he'll be getting some playing time. I guess the coaches finally clued in that you need to give players some experience in order to groom them for the future, rather than rely on 10-year showboating vets who can't catch the ball, run their routes, or block like they're supposed to.

  23. No, he lambasted him because he thinks the sentiment's faked and he's just pandering to the crowd. 


    Personally, I agree with BiB.  At this point, I wouldn't put it past Kerry to just make stevestojan like that up.



    So, do you want documentation and corroboration that these were in fact, among her final words to Mr. Kerry? Somehow, I give him the benefit of the doubt that when he's talking about his mother telling him, "Integrity," he'd be telling the truth about it.


    Journalists live by the phrase "If your mother says she loves you, check it out" but then again, that's just tongue-in-cheek....

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