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Peace Frog

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Posts posted by Peace Frog

  1. I'm going out on a limb and stating the #1 reason the Bills had any success in the early 90s was due to one man: Bill Polian. I'd never question Levy's experience or sincerity, but I think the Bills went to four Super Bowls in spite of Levy, not because of him. Between Polian's deals and Ted Marchibroda's offensive schemes, the Bills were great. I think Levy did just enough to keep the team focused for success. A great coach (Don Shula, Bill Parcells, i.e.,) would have done even better things with that group of players.


    What's my point? I don't put Marv Levy on a pedestal like some fans. I think Levy, without the aid of Bill Polian, set this team back a few years with his second stint decision making. Buddy Nix might not be the next Polian, but he's certainly better than what we've had lately.

  2. Maybin looked like a little boy playing against men. Sad. Also, looking at Cargo playing with the 3s, Spiller looking very small and mortal and a bunch of 2nd tier castoffs ( torbor, davis, et al) starting on defense, I question this franchise's ability, frankly, to field a competitive NFL team. in my lifetime. It is what it is, fan or no fan, these guys really are quite bad. Even the special teams are now bad. We are looking at one of the worst seasons in the history of the franchise guys. Ive been a fan for 40 years, and this is looking like 1985-6 again. And we played our 1s more than the skins did. Sad. and the skins are in completely new offense and defense as well this year. so forget the "we are learning new stuff" excuse. so were they.

    Preach on! I look at every starting position on this team and ask myself, "Who would I want from the rest of the league to start in place of _____?" The only guys on this team that I would keep as starters if I could pick from the entire NFL is Moorman, Byrd, Wood, and maybe Lindell. That's it. I'll cut the rookies some slack since this is their first real game but the rest can go pound sand.

  3. Or Ryan Leaf, or Rick Mirer, or JaMarcus Russel, or Joey Harrington, or Tim Couch, or Akili Smith, or Heath Shuler, or Andre Ware or Art Schlichter, etc etc etc



    or David Klingler, Dave Brown, Tommy Maddox, Jim Druckenmiller, Daunte Culpepper, Cade McNown, Chad Pennington, Micheal Vick, Todd Marinovich, Dan McGwire, Rich Campbell, Kelly Stouffer, Jeff George, Patrick Ramsey, Alex Smith..........

  4. I think that since this is Chan's first HC job in 11 years, he'll want to make a good impression. I expect him to put the best players we have into the most favorable position to win. If that means Trent is the starter, so be it. I am reserving judgement until the end of September. If we can go 2-2 in that month, I think this team has possibilities.

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