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Posts posted by Sweats

  1. I don't know what does. I like Tyrod and respect his abilities and am grateful for what he's done so far....but dammit, this is the NFL, ...not a backyard game. Our QB ain';t gonna cut it. I thought we were going to see Nate at one point and maybe that would have changed things up, I don't know, we have a QB that for every good play, we can count on a bad throw or not enough sense to throw it away. THROW THE F'ING BALL...DAMMIT TT!.....and btw....where the f was the safety help over A.J. Green?







    Coaching staff figured the rookie could handle one of the best WR's in the game all by himself.

  2. Be honest here...........


    How many of you thought the Bills were going to lose this one in typical "Bills" fashion?


    How many times have we been there before and have it totally end bad.........a missed play, a missed tackle, a missed catch, etc.


    I, for one, really thought the Bills were going to get shellacked by the Falcons and i don't mind admitting i was wrong.


    Every time the Bills are put in a position to win the game within the last 2 minutes, i'm always thinking that the wheels are going to fall off and the team will choke somehow, but i'm learning that these Bills are not the Bills of yesteryear.......these Bills can flat out play with any team in the league AND compete.


    I'm happy that the FO and coaching staff have finally committed this organisation to a winning culture.


    Be honest.........how many of you thought the Bills were going to lose this one in typical Bills fashion?


    Go Bills!!!

  3. Great win..on the road....


    but who was the commentator that was crying about every call that didnt go the falcons way in this game.....that was downright disturbing to hear him do this......


    Was he just shocked that a powerhouse like the falcons was getting out physicaled by our bills?


    So bad and frustrating to listen to




    Yeah, the whole game i was getting sick and tired of listening to that guys crying and whining.

  4. Not just "some 90yr. old dude", this is Hugh f'ing Hefner we are talking about here! Can you even imagine the benefits, er um "bunny-fits" that come with having Hef occupying your house?! Dayum!!!




    Understood, but it's not like Hef in the swinging 70's, man............this is Hef on Viagra, wearing a diaper and not knowing where he is half the time, with the Bunnys hanging around waiting for the old guy to kick-off so they can get a piece-o-the-pie.


    You dig?

  5. I was just reading an article on Hef.


    Apparently, he sold the Playboy mansion in 2016 with the stipulation that he get to live in the house until his death.


    I couldn't imagine buying a house/mansion/estate and being told, "oh, by the way.......this 90 year old guy is going to be living here with you until he dies.........have a nice day".


    RIP Hef.

  6. Lots of Canadians. They just pick hot teams up there and run with it til the next hot team comes along.




    Yeah, that's exactly what we do............................................................................................................rolls eyes.

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