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Posts posted by CuddyDark

  1. Come on now. Designed runs or not, he sat in the pocket way too long and NEVER thought about scrambling! He left a lot of yards on the field and a few first downs!

    Because that's what they have coached him to do. They have coached running out of his game. Also in the past TT ran scripted run plays. I have seen maybe 1 scripted run play this season and it went for a 1st down against Denver.

  2. Take away Tyrods rushing numbers from last year and we still had a top 5 running game.

    I disagree that those would be the numbers. TT takes players away from McCoy in the run game because the offside end and linebacker stay home. When TT is not a running threat they run line slants because they don't fear TT keeping it. At least that's what I've seen so far.

  3. They never never described this year as a transitional one but they accumulated draft picks and said they want to build the roster through the draft. They have turned the roster over like crazy. They are doing what they said they would do without actually calling it what it is.

    Roster turnover was coming because they only had something like 30 players under contract. So the question remains what has Bean done for the team and the answer is nothing so far. Now if we write off year one as you want to do, fine. I'm okay with that. But that wasn't the question. The question is what has Bean done for this team. Not next years team.

  4. They're not going to trade a high draft pick for a receiver, so scratch that.


    They're not going to fire Dennison mid-season, so scratch that.


    They're just going to have to ride with what they have and evaluate after the season.

    They should ride it out, I agree. In doing so they have to use what that have and so far they have not used TT on zone reads and that was the best part of his game the past 2 season.

  5. That's what Rico seems to be doing, he's gotta be in the mix, he's to good a runner, I hope this changes during bye

    There was one play where the Bengals sold out for McCoy and if TT kept it he would have run for a TD. It's a big piece to their running over the past 2 seasons and without it as a threat they can cheat to McCoy on every play. They even had some run blitz where everyone is out of position headed for McCoy and if TT pulls it he gets 10 or 20 yards easy.

  6. They arent tanking. That much was always clear. They are clearly trying to be competitive right now while getting rid of the fat and setting themselves up to add a plethora of talent in the next draft. They havent wavered or gone back on their approach. This is what they said they were going to do and are doing it. This year was always going to be a transitional year. We all knew that.

    You said it was to be a "transitional year" they have not. As a fan I expected them to win 6 games but that doesn't mean I can't judge them for a season they said matters. That also doesn't mean I have to wait until McD has every probowl player he wants before I judge his game management or use of talent. What he does this year matters.

  7. They are committing to building the roster trough the draft. They have been firm on that approach since day 1. How exactly have they been speaking out of both sides of their mouths?


    They said they don't believe they are playing for the draft several times. They have also said they believe in the team they have right now. They have said they "don't see it that way" when asked about the draft picks. Also they have said as you state here that they believe in building through the draft. I'm judging them on what they have said in both cases. I'm judging them on this season because they flat out said this season matters and they are not trying to tank for the draft. I will also judge their drafting.

    Nothing, in fact Rex Ryan was trashed for destroying a top ranked defense and that's what ultimately led to his demise.


    And now that Beane and McD are in the process of doing the same thing with the offense it's time to start asking the same questions and hold them accountable.


    I still think the bigger picture is how bad the QB play is with Taylor but remains to be seen if they address this.


    Exactly this. Especially since they said the season matters and they expect to win game in 2017.

  8. You really cant figure out why the fans and more importantly the team dont like him? Thats pathetic!

    It's not because of his play on the field. It's seems like a judgement of something else. Listen, I don't care what a man does in his personal life. If they have him on the team and he's their 2nd best tackle, they should play him.

  9. Don't chill the heck out. It's starting to look like mismanagement of the roster by the HC. Question his moves. Question Bean decimating the receiving corps. Talk about not having any reasonable corner behind White. If they say they're trying to win take them at their word.

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