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Patrick Duffy

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Posts posted by Patrick Duffy


    I did. That's why I got annoyed. You have to make the "extreme effort" of scrolling just a little more than halfway down the page. People who complain when receiving stuff for free just really sets me off. The sense of entitlement is ridiculous.

    Thought you said you were going to use ignore? What's taking so long? You're still complaining about people complaining.

  2. Would appreciate if the moderators would post articles from other publications that do not require you to pay to read them. There are plenty of other sources for Bills related material besides the Buffalo News. I can't read 99% of the articles on the page because you have to subscribe in order to read them. If the Buffalo News wants to require a subscription to read their material, then that's fine, it's their newspaper and their right. I just would like to continue to read articles on Two Bills Drive without having to pay to do so. Anyone else feel the same way?

    Yes, I agree.

  3. Not from what I was reading on twitter and Facebook. Everybody or most people were super happy he went down. 2018 season is a long ways off so I guess time to start preparing for that.

    Yup, welcome to our world. Most Bills fans have been doing that for years.

  4. you of course mispeled Idiot.



    you're and Idiot actually.


    I agree about the poll.


    i am plus 224.

    as with ALL matters, context is key to an equation.

    For Tyrod and Dennison ? It's a huge milestone. Get on bored the Train


    oh my...




    ...have you dog take you for a walk and release the leash....no harm no foul....and the dots are Morse code which is beyond your comprehension anyway.....adios...Bobby Ewing is gone as you should be.........


    Lol, comical. Yeah I always just skim right past your non sense post 95% of the time. This is just more of it.

  5. ..let's ALL agree to measure his passing game in FEET and then 300 weekly is a slam dunk so we don't have to listen to you and the rest of your PG-13 cohorts in the daily to and fro pee-pee contests.....the yipping yipsters are lowering the quality of TBD FOOTBALL dialogue to the point where BBMB gets an A++ rating in its eulogy....frustrating as hell to have to wade through the same S&%T DAy in and day out from the same day care escapees.......way to ruin a DAMN good site......Jesus.................


    .....rabble rabble......peepee........rabble rabble....pg13....daycare....rabble rabble. That's about all I get from your posts all day everyday. You really have no room to be knocking other ppls post . Not by a long shot. "Rabble rabble dot dot dot rabble

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