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Starr Almighty

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Everything posted by Starr Almighty

  1. Great question. In his career he's 64/68 fg wise from 30-39 Meanwhile in the last 2 seasons he missed 11 xps What the difference is to Dan between FG and XP I am not quite sure. It may be a mental thing because hes pretty good from that distance.
  2. LOL you are a class act when you say swing..does that mean to show up nude?
  3. Same name was there since 2002 I think they hate us here and quite frankly I love that
  4. I agree with you on this. He only kicked 33 yard FG's which are in no way comparable to a 33 yard xp. Total Apples and Oranges here
  5. Actually I never said a word to the MOD because he was drunk with power and I really enjoyed discussing Bills football. There is no reasoning with a wall.
  6. Good old ICB. He blocked me because he said Ryan Clady signed with the Bills. When I asked him how he signed with another team since he was already under contract with the Bills he blocked me
  7. wondering if this d-bag is the same guy I'm talking about. But from what I saw it seemed everyone loved this guy and wanted to be punished more like masochists
  8. The guy I keep referring to may have decided he didn't want you there anymore. In his book that was a good enough reason, that's why I avoided him like the plague.
  9. last season he was awful but Tyrod has never had a season like Blake did in 2015. We got to give Blake credit for his play that year. I do not believe Blake is a great QB in anyway myself
  10. and we've struck gold. This is just a great line
  11. I guess you had to be there for as long as some of us to get the politics inside of that board beyond football I joined in 2002 and a certain Mod we shall call ''THE TOOL" deleted my account during the 2004 redesign and insisted I wasn't part of the board prior. I have aired it out lol
  12. I had 1 Mod give me 2 warnings on 2 separate occasions because someone attacked me and I replied. The Mod I'm talking about seemed to be loved by mostly everyone and came off as a real know it all. He usually replied to all of my threads but I refused to take part in my own thread if that clown replied in it.
  13. But..this goes against the Bills philosophy of run, run, pass, punt.
  14. If you want him back it'll cost you at least 1.7 and a 4th The Steelers issued Cockrell a one-year contract tender for $1.797 million, sources told the Post-Gazette. That is the lowest of three different tenders they could have chosen. By doing so, another team would have to give the Steelers a pick in which Cockrell was originally drafted, which was the fourth round by Buffalo in 2014.
  15. I still can't believe how it was done. I really thought they were having server issues. This was probably Russ's doing ( I'm kidding) nevertheless very poorly handled
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