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Posts posted by Crusher

  1. Good post. And none of TT supporters have ever said different. We repeat ourselves due to the dishonest posting that never stops.

    This is a good one.


    Never mention yourself and honest posting again, please.

    Tyrod and Sammy never had chemistry. Like how Carson Wentz drove Jordan Matthews to the airport when he got traded, and they were best friends. When Sammy was traded you didn't hear about any kind of tough goodbye or that Tyrod was sad. My gut has been telling me for a while that Tyrod and Sammy didn't get along very well. They approach the game differently. Can't imagine Tyrod was happy when Sammy complained about his targets to the Buffalo News.

    Sammy made TT look competent.


    TT will be wishing he had Sammy back real soon if he doesn't already.

  2. Not saying Bortles is any good, but he's a guy that team's don't usually give up on this early due to his age and draft position. He has potential, and maybe a change in scenery, coaching staff, etc could get him straightened out.


    If his contract isn't prohibitive...it would be something to at least consider.

  3. You assume that McCoy and Taylor will be here.


    Not me. i can't blame him. trading Watkins, I'd go too. The tank is on. McCoy and Taylor will be next.

    I don't blame him, either. Having a QB like TT didn't help matters, I'm sure.


    But, anyways...I hope you are right. The next logical step for this franchise is to try and land the best QB in the draft, and tanking gives us the best odds for that.


    I'm ready...bring on the tank!

  4. Is this supposed to be a bad thing or something? Who cares how a QB got good numbers? Isn't having good numbers what matters?

    It's good and bad.


    The good is he's doing well for what's being asked of him, but the bad is that the passing offense is limited and when passing becomes vital like late in close games, he struggles mightily.

  5. There's no valid excuse for Taylor's bad stats, but we can simply dismiss his good stats accumulated over 29 games?!?!?!


    I also love that immediately following your statement that there's no valid excuse for bad stats, you provide one.


    Honestly, this is hypocrisy at it's lowest. Please just admit that and let's move on.


    You mean after escaping the pocket from pressure and throwing on the run?????


    Long week?

    I don't dismiss his good stats, but I also factor in how he achieved those numbers, and he did it by playing in a simplistic passing scheme with easy, low risk throws with the occasional deep ball mixed in behind a dominant ground game. I also factor in the late game failures where he had a chance to take the game but did not do so.

  6. Peterman has one of the weakest throwing arms I've ever seen. I can really see why he fell to the fifth round.


    Unfortunately, if Taylor can man up this year then our franchise QB is clearly not on the roster. I know that everyone is jumping for joy at quick decisions that Peterman is making, but if you watch the velocity on some of these throws he's just gonna get exposed during the regular season ala Jeff Tuel against the Cleveland Browns. Might not be his first game the way Tuel was, but that ball just takes sooo damn long to get there that defenders will see that at some point.


    I think he'll be a great long term backup, though 0:)

    If that's all you got then I feel good about his prospects.


    He doesn't have great arm strength, but I think you are exaggerating just how weak it is.


    We could go over the things he does better than TT, but it would be easier to say run and deep ball are the only things Taylor has on him. Peterman is clearly more mentally equipped at the position that requires this more than any other, so he has a future in the league no matter his physical skills.

  7. No, you were at one time a big EJ guy. Now you are just infatuated with hate towards the guy that replaced him because EJ made you look foolish. That is what really is going on here.

    I couldn't care less that I rooted for EJ and was wrong on him. I learned from it and saw that TT wasn't good enough either when many of the now TT fans jumped onto TT as soon as they saw he supplanted EJ. That was their main motivation due to their hate of Manuel. This is especially true in your case, which makes it even funnier that you claim that I root against him...you clearly rooted against Manuel and the Bills.


    That's what's really going on, and the TT believers are making the same mistake I did in believing in EJ.


    TT has major flaws and weaknesses as a passer in the NFL. Criticizing something that clearly exists is that and nothing more.


    What is it with you and you're persistent attempts to try and justify why I call TT what he is. Everything I've stated on Taylor is within reason...you just can't deal with yourself being wrong, unlike myself who understands that nobody is always right and took my medicine.


    Posters here know how you are, and they also know you are an obsessed stalker who still has posts from me saved from the BBMB.


    Don't post in my direction any longer since you want to keep making false statements. You should have been banned here right from the start when you made up lies right off the bat.

  8. Yep.



    Just sad.



    I really don't care who our starter is, I just want the guy who's going to win us the most games.


    If Taylor sucks for the first... I dunno 4-8 games (depending), I fully expect him to be benched and evaluating the upcoming QB class will be priority #1 along with bundling our picks.


    That might be what happens, it might not. I just don't think the preseason is much of an indicator of anything particularly for the QB position with a generally very bland and vanilla playbook.

    Yourself, nor anyone else is not welcome to tell me what my interests are in regards to this team or anything for that matter.


    You are allowed to think what you will, but call it that instead of presenting it as fact when you are clueless as to what my thought process is.


    I understand you guys operate with bitterness and resentment towards me because I don't follow that silly infatuation with an at best average QB, but get real...I purchased tickets yesterday and had fun cheering my Bills in Philly.


    You guys make me laugh...a bunch of fake know it all's



    you've been busy here today and quite entertaining with your taylor agenda. must feel good after he has poor game, eh souless.

    It feels like exactly what I expected...no joy or sadness either way.


    Even if TT looked good, he's not the answer for this franchise at the position. This is a throwaway season, so it matters little to me what happens this season.


    Tanking would be best, but it looks doubtful to happen.

  10. Wow.


    From warmups and practices in Baltimore. Maybe a little bit of preseason games. have they ever played together in a real, NFL game that counts? Not much or not at all.

    Wow is right.


    He was wrong, and then proceeded to add to his statement by saying he didn't play with those guys on the first team.


    It still doesn't make what he said true, though.


    The lesson is to keep things honest instead of embellishing the truth to make TT sound better.


    Not from playing on the field...with being a teammate 5 years ago briefly. They have almost no time together and no time playing as the first unit in a game. Geezus

    You're statement was factually incorrect.


    Glad I could clear things up so posters don't get duped by TT apologists.


    There is 100% turnover with the WRs on the field while TT is the QB of the first unit. Those guys are not playing with the first unit except for Boldin. And when exactly did he play with Boldin? Tyrod Taylor was not playing with the first team offense in Baltimore, Joe Flacco played with Boldin not Taylor.


    Since when does being on the same roster mean you play on the field together? Thats like saying TT has timing and rapport throwing passes to Dareus.

    You're kidding, right?


    That's not even close to the same thing. Even Boldin stated he is familiar with TT when he signed.


    Really? Rodgers had his worst year in recent years and so did the Packers when they lost Jordy for the season. Tom Brady went from good passing numbers to all time insane numbers once he got WRs that werent scrubs. And those are 2 of the greatest of our time and all time.


    Lets go with guys who had good parts to their career, but not HOF resumes. McNabb's passing numbers were just ok until he got TO. Culpepper was a scrub without Moss. Jeff Garcia was solid but not great without TO.


    I can go on and on about how important a WR is to ANY QB. And how about you show me QB's who have a 100% turnover at WR to compare Tyrod to. You realize, not a single WR that played with TT this week had ever played with TT before right? You realize one was an old WR that was FORCED to start due to a Watkins trade and Jordan's injury and is someone who should never see the outside spot again as an NFL WR due to his lack of ability in getting separation at the end of his fantastic career. The other is a rookie, who was also learning to play with TT more, especially with the trade of Watkins.


    If you don't understand how knowing your WR is important to a QB, you don't understand football as well as you think. I don't say that out of arrogance, I say that because its 100% a fact...any QB and any WR and any Coach and any GM will ALL 100% of the time say the exact same thing. Passing in the NFL is HIGHLY dependent on timing and rapport. This isn't playground football where you just fling it out there and hope they get to it.


    Now...that doesn't just give TT a blanket excuse. Last nights performance was a number of issues including mistakes by TT and OL issues. But to over exaggerate and put ALL blame on TT, especially considering for 2 years he's played much better than what last nights offense looked like, is just absolutely ridiculous. To ignore the challenges he is facing is stupid.


    And as you reference all these other QB's, they aren't normally going on 3 OC's in 3 years, losing their most talented WR, a terrible OL, a roster with 100% turnover at WR, a 37 year old starting WR who just got here, etc. You can call them excuses because you hate him, but there is reality and in reality those are REAL factors that impact ALL QB's whether you refuse to acknowledge that or not.


    And again...none of this mean TT will play lights out and earn the job...it also doesn't mean he will be a disaster. It means, there are a lot of factors impacting the offense right now that will take MORE TIME than one meaningless preseason game to iron out to see what they can actually do or not do.

    Just to correct you...there has not been 100% turnover, and he has played with Boldin before as well as Powell, Tate, and Dez Lewis.

  13. Waiting on Jordan Matthews...a filler trade throw in with a third by the Eagles, but let's please wait for him to play before we rush to judgement on a seventh year player who's in his third season with this team, lol.


    You are already making excuses...as of he must have a completely healthy roster in order to evaluate. Newsflash...nobody has a completely healthy roster.

  14. Wow, a player says nice things about our team and we mock him and tear him apart. I know it's been a rough 17 years (been a fan through both the championships and this drought), and a weird week between the trades and the ugly pre-season game, but this may not be as bad a team as we are saying. I understand negativity with this team, but maybe we can be a bit less toxic in our negativity.

    Look, man...i've always had a ton of respect for Boldin as a player...super tough and as sure handed as it gets...a modern day Hines Ward.


    His statement though was ridiculous, and he looks like he's done. The Lions let him walk after last season, so that should tell you something.


    I was just having a bit of fun with what he said.


    Because some people actually forked out money to go watch their team win this year.


    Its easy to turn the TV off when you are home. It is not easy to throw away tickets that you paid thousands of $$ for.





    So you value your tickets more than what's best long-term for the organization...good to know.


    I surmise that many posters feel this way...at least he is honest about it.

  16. He has put up similar numbers to Watkins . "just another guy". Holmes is just another guy. Just when you can almost agree on something with this poster, the agenda comes out again. I guess Glenn being out didn't hurt either.


    Fair enough. He may or may not be back.

    Yes...Jordan Matthews is just another guy. Comparing him to Watkins only hurts you and how posters perceive you and your knowledge.


    You seem stuck on this agenda nonsense when there's literally nothing there...I don't give a damn about anything but the Bills becoming a true contender.


    Reprogram yourself and come back when you can take what someone posts at face value instead of trying to take illogical leaps as to what anterior motive could be behind it.

  17. As a 7 year pro he should have looked better. Hopefully they were just running a vanilla offense and not much should have been expected. My main concern is that they were are trying to get Tyrod to hit receivers in stride and he simply is not able to do that. His strength is to run around and hit a stationary target, not sit in a pocket and hit a guy where he can take the ball upfield

    If everything was so vanilla and not much was expected, then why was Taylor playing almost the entire first half?


    The coaches were looking to see what TT could do, and he showed them.




    Everyone knows if Tyrod keeps playing like he did last night - the coach will replace him sooner rather than later.


    If Tyrod stinks it up like he did last night in the regular season, it is very likely going to be because of a really, really bad offensive line. We have seen Tyrod be consistently decent when the pass protection is good and even some times when it is not.


    If that offensive line sucks in pass blocking though, any QB on this roster right now is going to get creamed in the regular season. And Peterman will look even worse getting blitzed by blood thirsty defensive coordinators who like to feast on rookie QB meat.


    If Tyrod sucks bad going forward into the regular season - this year is going to be a complete dumpster fire. And Dennison, McDermott and Beane will get a lot of the blame. This offense was good last year.

    The run game was good last year...the offense was missing an adequate passing game, and it doesn't appear that anything improved on that side.


    I think the offense is worse this season, and the absence of Watkins and this system that doesn't seem to suit TT all that well will be driving factors behind it.

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