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Posts posted by Crusher

  1. Our offense ended up 10th in the NFL in scoring with 24.9 PPG. The defense let us down badly, notably by allowing 4th quarter comebacks. If not for the defense, we would have been contenders for the playoffs.


    That doesn't mean that our offense was blameless, just that they were good enough to win more games than they did.

    We had one of the softest schedules in league history last season.


    Alot of the offensive numbers were accumulated in garbage time or against bad team's. When it counted most, the offense was not good at all...especially passing wise.


    Yes, the defense let them down also, but this notion that we belonged in the playoffs is nonsense. Miami was a fraud that got in...we were the same team, a fraud that would have got embarrased in the wild card round...would that have been the success some here think it would have been? Not to me. I have much bigger hopes than that for my team.


    This offense is clearly going to be exposed this season and take a step back. I think Roman will be vindicated and it will be shown that he had the perfect system for the players he had. Rex canned him because he didn't like TT as his QB, but Roman was right being angry...his starting QB has massive limitations, and that directly affects what he is trying to do.


    The sooner this team moves on from a QB that can't pass at a high level in a passing league, the better off we'll be. You can only get by on smoke and mirrors for so long, and Dennison will be the one to find this out, unfortunately I believe. He wanted to work with TT, and that will be his undoing.


    I'll be looking forward to seeing what happens in 2018 with the QB they draft and what OC they bring in to develop him. These guys are on borrowed time, right now.

  2. I thought that I would when we brought them to the Bills, but after seeing all these moves I am becoming more skeptical.


    To me, it appears they are placing too much emphasis on their system and players that fit what they want at the expense of talent that they should be fitting into the system.


    I really think they are going to have to nail a ton of draft picks to justify what they are trying to do, and even then if they still don't get the QB, they are sunk as well.

  3. From the little research I've done Kaelin was having a good camp. Has already shown he can be a kick returner in the league. Everyone has complained we don't have a guy to go over the top... there ya go. Expecting Tate to be cut as well.

    Seymour didn't have a great camp and has been nicked up.

    Kael and a 7th... cool.

    This guy isn't going playing any significant snaps...he's a fringe roster player and provides little to no help at WR.


    This guy is our new Kolby Listenbee

  4. Explain how Philly Brown has played better than him. Ready Go


    Besides being a former Panter

    Ok...you continue to fight for a borderline roster player if you like.


    At this time, they decided they would rather go with guys with experience over an unknown who flashed in preseason against other fringe players.


    You could make the argument about whether this team should be going with youngsters that have potential over experienced vets, but that's not what these guys appear to be doing.


    I agree that we should be letting the vets go and seeing what we have in young players cause I am treating this season as a throw away, but this regime sees it differently.

  5. Its called the NFL draft and a little thing called free agency.


    They'll be plenty of WR's cut today that are equal if not better than Reilly. I like the kid and hope he makes it to the PS but he's not a make or break player, he's a bubble.



    If you understand the way the league works, then you should understand this move.


    We all liked the guy, but this is usuly how it goes

  6. They also didn't like Watkins.

    That's a completely different situation.


    They were considering his contract demands along with injury history and wanted to get value now instead of dealing with those possible issues...I personally didn't like the move, but I can see the logic even if I don't agree.

  7. They wouldnt expose him to waivers if they wanted him on the 53. They want him on the PS but either way just pointing out the "Earn your Spot" talk is nothibg more than Coach Speak it is one move that shows it. No WAY did Holmes or Brown outplay Reilly.

    You do know WR is more than catching the ball, right? Especially when you are talking fourth and fifth receiver.


    Ridiculous to overreact to a fringe roster guy not making it.

  8. What's your answer at WR then?

    Did you think he was the answer?


    We have no answers. Hopefully they look for a speed receiver to draw safeties away from playing close to the line so TT can utilize one of his best skills with his deep ball.


    Reilly is just another guy...he doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Would have been a nice story, but it just didn't happen.


    Good luck to him, though. Maybe he goes PS and he gets a chance down the line.

  9. There are about 10 posters like this, he is one that is familiar to any bbmb as being one, worthless post, no insight, just Tyrod sucks. Along with KellyToughII and some others that the mods have seem to have done a great job of banning. Saying Tyrod sucks every post or saying it in a different way every post adds absolutely nothing to the board or conversation

    To be fair...Transplant does the same thing except it's in favor of TT.


    Dude is a serious hypocrite

  10. All I know is that they better hit on their draft picks, and hope that Watkins, Darby, and Ragland do not realize the potential they were drafted on.


    This regime has gone out on quite the limb to start off their tenure.


    I'm very skeptical, but will try and keep an open mind until I see how things play out over the next draft and 2018 season. This season was always a throw away to me once they changed the coaches and GM.




    When you make a bad draft pick, you don't get it back. Getting a 4th for a guy that was questionable to dress on Sundays isn't too bad, no?


    Or are we still pretending that "getting Ragland back is like having another 1st round pick this year!"?

    It's too early to tell on Ragland...especially coming off of an ACL.


    There's a pattern here with Beane, and it can backfire bigtime if any of these young players we are dumping realize their potential.

  12. I thought he looked decent for a 5th round rookie. If he had to play this year, I think he would play ok for a few drives and look awful some others.


    In no way is he a better option than Tyrod right now besides his current health.

    If team's have to worry about the entire field being utilized in the passing game with Peterman, then he's the better option since team's don't worry with Tyrod in regards to multiple areas of the field.

  13. You clearly never played sports at a high level because quitting and giving up is for losers. And we have been much worse and couldn't even go 4-12


    Also you clearly don't spend thousands on the bills yearly like me and so many here because tanking isn't why I pony up my $$... Dak round 4. Wilson round 3. Brees round 2. Dalton round 2. Rodgers late first. Big Ben mid first.


    We don't need a top 2 pick because tanks don't work 70%. You are irrational and emotional in your argument

    Funny how you want to talk about irrationasl and emotional when your season tickets are clearly influencing what you expect from the Bills, even if it is not what's best for the future of the franchise.


    Posters that dont want to lose because they paid for season's come off as selfish IMO.


    I want the Bills to win the Super bowl, and if it takes me sacrificing a season wasted, so be it.

  14. I get the statement but I think it's obvious we know Goff has talent but Watkins should wait till he sees him in a legit game. Goff was horrible game time...

    Regardless of game action...he's probably still doing things in regards to passing that TT isn't. The honest truth is that Taylor struggles with the fundamentals of passing and reading a defense.


    Great guy and athlete with a great arm. Not a good passer, and never will be.

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