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Posts posted by likei've


    Yep, that's what I'm hoping.

    If not I'll actually be really pissed. I'm not normally one of these guys that falls so quickly for a training camp guy.


    With that said he's exactly the guy you want out there each Sunday. He lives and dies with each play and gives everything.


    Those are the guys the Pats (winning teams) win meaningful games with.


    There's not much rationale in this except for the fact that Beane and McDermott pretty consistently say that Taylor is the Bills starting QB.


    So, if Taylor is the Bills starting QB, that means he's the guy on the field during the regular season.


    And if he's the guy on the field during the regular season, that means he's the QB of the Buffalo Bills when they're either winning or losing games either largely or partially or in spite of him.


    And if he's the guy on the field during the regular season, and he plays really well, and the Buffalo Bills win a lot of games and make the playoffs and win a game or two or three, that means that Beane and McDermott are going to have to seriously decide whether he can be the long term answer.


    And if we win a bunch of games and make the playoffs, we're going to be at the bottom of round one and will need to find a trade partner if we want to trade up to get another QB because we're so unhappy with Taylor because if they win all those games with Taylor playing really well and you think they're going into the following season saying Nate Peterman is the starting QB, you're nuts.



    Now yes, some of those are a stretch, particularly the 2nd to last one. But if Taylor plays pretty well and the team is winning, Peterman won't even see the field.


    How can a guy who the coaches aren't even likely hoping to see on the football field in the regular season have more of a chance at a future in Buffalo than the guy who's going to have the opportunity to actually prove he is in live game action?

    Because he's tied to the team for four years.


    And we know what Taylor has and it won't be enough to earn another extension.


    That's how.


    And it's not a prophecy, it's an educated opinion.

  3. Way ahead of ya, 26...an email was sent last night. B-)


    exactly, Figster...Peterman could be our Dak Prescott and save our season...we really have nothing to lose...because if he bombs, we draft a QB next year anyway...to me it is a win win.

    This is how I see it. Taylor's not getting another extension, so him playing is like spinning our wheels.


    You find out if Peterman has the goods, if he does. We know and can plan accordingly.


    If not, well, we get our guy in the upcoming draft. Win win.

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