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Posts posted by likei've


    They had like 3-4 days to sell tickets without online sales. Bad weather forecast against a team who just kicked their teeth in.... and with some key injuries. 80,000 seat stadium. The attendance that date would fill today's New Era Field and then some (as well as Sullivan Stadium and Gillette).


    Those are pretty valid reasons... different time. Now, they sell playoff tickets well ahead of time, there is online and a secondary market that both quickly take hold. I feel pretty secure in saying that any Bills playoff games in present day would easily be sold out and also huge on the secondary market. You say you cant imagine the Patriots not selling out a playoff game. The same goes with the Bills.




    How many teams do you think could get as many paid fans into the building as the Bills at this point? 17 year drought for sniffing the playoffs (Hardly even a big game) and 21 years for a playoff win. It is pretty remarkable and any fan of the NFL would say the same. Any 'subjective' look at fan-bases that doesnt favor market size or team success would see the Bills near the top. Shooting from the hip, I would say Packers, Bills, Eagles, Broncos, Chiefs, Giants, Cowboys, Vikings, Browns, Steelers should all be up there in the top 10.



    I would be curious to see how Gillette Stadium sells in a post Brady/Belichick era if the batons aren't handed off neatly and they languish for any period of time. Just curious, maybe they still sell out, I dont know. I have a lot of friends who are Patriots fans and to a man, they really dont particularly enjoy the gameday experience of going to Gillette (outside of meaningful NFL games).

    I've heard this entire argument before. Its excuses bro.


    We didn't go to a playoff game because the team we were playing beat us before?


    Worst excuse in history. Especially during those years when we had a chance against any team in the league.


    Also, I wasn't commenting on the article. It's trash. Just that some fans seem to forget that maybe we were a little spoiled and acted like it.


    No way do we not sellout a playoff game no matter who it's against now. It would be a city wide holiday.

  2. except when they weren't. Like 20k people showing up for a Bills/Colts game...1984???? I was there.


    Bills fans are the best... just ask anyone of them.


    how many bills fans watched the ending of the Cowboy super bowls. I was at the Pasadena game and I left before it ended.

    Yeah, I mean our fans have done alright but could you imagine a Pats playoff game not selling out?


    It happened to us. The greatest comeback in history (until the Pats bested us again in the SB) wasn't even televised because we didn't sell it out. Most people walked out early, or listened on the radio.


    Couldn't imagine that happening now, but the fact that it did, in the "glory" years kind of says something.


    Not the worst, but not the best either.

  3. i wasn't griping.


    i was just expressing frustration.


    and you banning me for anything would be getting on my bad side. and getting on my bad side is good for no one. i'm a ruthless conniving dick


    i try to get excited about the offense and see our potential but i just see the defense screwing us over too much and things start to get maddening. soon it goes to visions of rex ryan and rob ryan on the sidelines and i have to put the razor blade down.


    i need therapy. rex ryan and rob ryan hurt me.

    I could see why you thought I was talking about you because I responded to him commenting on a post I originally posted to you but I wasn't.


    It was just a general complaint.


    From what I've seen you're pretty level headed.

  4. Spent $100,000 at a bar just recently.

    Thanks for the breaking news Intel Mr. Schefter.


    Oh wait, we all knew that. Good thing he saves his 9mil NFL checks and only spends his endorsement money.


    Also, that's like 1% of his salary. To a guy that makes 100k it would be like spending 1,000 on his buddies bachelor party. Not a big deal, really.

  5. It's how the insecure ones justify their position.

    I just don't understand how the Bills fans are always left off the top fan articles.


    I just don't get it.


    Oh... Well it might be because some fans call our qb a "turd" and others go into threads they don't have anything constructive to say to call people deciding to be positive about our qb situation "insecure".


    I mean, we could just be having a conversation. Don't like the topic? Stay out of the thread. Easy.


    Insecure to talk about the qb of your football team? Yikes. I feel bad for anyone in your life that doesn't feel exactly as you do about things.


    Differing opinion = insecurity? Wow.

  6. Factor in the recievers he had to work with and I think that's even more impressive.


    It sounds like McCoy and the tight ends are going to be involved much heavier in the passing game this year which will only serve to help him this season having some designated safety valves when thinks break down.


    I'm not saying playoffs or anything but I think there's enough to believe our offense could take a step forward under the new regime.

  7. I like the hires, but I usually do.


    I always sell myself every year that we drafted the right guys, signed the right free agents. And every year is more of the same.


    I'll watch, and I'll get excited like I always do on opening day, but I'm more even keeled in my fandom these days.


    Less bummed about losses, less ecstatic about wins. Hoping a winner can change that around.

  8. Good point! Some might call this a downer post. But I think its an astute observation that brings attention to a glaring need. Until the organization


    can draft better talent all around, and keep the better players in Buffalo, this is how it's going to look.

    An astute observation? A glaring need?


    Silliest thing I've ever read. So basically you're saying we need a new GM and new scouts? Wow, thanks for the insider info Schefter! You realize that's the exact thing that just happened this offseason right?


    Also glaring need? You mean, our team would be better if our drafts were better? Wowee... So our "glaring need" is our draft picks need to be better? Haha... I wouldn't believe these rocket scientist posts if I didn't see them myself. Lots of brain power being swished around in here.

  9. I've always thought the opposite. As long as your team is prepared for it, a changeup to a different type of QB gives you a better chance to win because it throws off your opponent.


    The other teams can't prpepare for the different things you'll do because they haven't seen it.


    That TD throw to Thomas had perfect arc and tons of zip. The TD throw that Lofton dropped was a fastball, too. Kelly could sling it, no doubt.

    7 pages in and still posting.


    I guess this topic did deserve its own thread, huh champ?

  10. This topic has been beat to death. Didn't need a new thread.


    It's not about how far he can throw, it's about velocity. He has a weakish arm, but as others have said, it should be fine if he's smart enough.


    It'll be a couple years before he's ready to start, if ever.

    Weird, another "this didn't need its own thread" post. This has easily become more annoying than any amount of threads being created.


    Two choices for the logical mind, a) don't read or post in it. b) start your own thread. This should be easy for the king of knowing what deserves its own thread.


    Since I'm going to assume you're more of a complainer and less of a fresh takes type of guy I'm going to assume you're not going to utilize a or b.


    Just continue downing others ideas without having any of your own. There's a term for that.


    I also find it funny, you shoot the thread down and then proceed to give your opinion on the topic. Hypocrite?

  11. I mean, Thurman's one of my all-time faves but let's not forget he was on a team of all-stars.


    I remember watching the probowl those years and you couldn't watch a play without seeing half of the AFC team wearing Bills helmets.


    Our Offense was supremely talented but let's not forget the Defense was just as good.


    Barry Sanders, OJ, AP, LT, etc... Great running backs on mediocre teams. You need more than an outstanding running back in this league.

  12. They wouldn't be wrong though. The Pats have won titles without Gronk on the field. He is unstoppable when he's on the field, but lets say he played for Buffalo. Would he help us win playoff games? Probably not because he'd be on the sideline. Playing on the Pats earns a lot of guys a free pass for their shortcomings.

    That's not why he wouldn't help us play playoff games. It's because we'd have him blocking every play and never pass the ball to him.


    He be completely wasted on this team.


    He's always given chances to compete for the ball, which he almost always wins. And more times than not he's hit in stride for extra gains.


    That wouldn't happen here.

  13. That may be true but keep in mind Gronk hadn't been part of any championship teams at the time he did this.

    Yeah I knew that. I thought of that and figured it would be like Jim Kelly and company win a few SB's and then draft Phil Hansen and he's caught dancing after a loss.


    If he played his heart out like Gronk does every week I don't think it would be a big deal.


    Maybe I'm wrong, we do have a lot of whiners in wny.

  14. I hate that career TD #69 came against us. I love how childish he was about it.



    How childish he was about it? Instead of diving at Gronk's legs the CB pulled away.


    Gronk couldn't have known that, he put his arm down like he always does when a db tries to tackle him by his legs. He was trying to protect himself.

  15. Maybe re-read our two posts and think about who actually got judgmental and self important.


    All I said was that I don't particularly like the guy but if he's happy and not hurting anyone he can do him.

    Maybe don't quote me when I'm in a conversation with someone else and act like you're the person I was conversing with all along.


    Case of mistaken identity. I thought you were the guy that was saying Gronk needs to change his off-field lifestyle.

  16. That he's rich and lots of people think he's funny is a low standard for why I should like him. There are a lot of really terrible people that are popular.


    He seems happy with life - so good for him. And he isn't a bad person but I think I've grown out of the lifestyle he leads and sense of humor he often leans on for my own ideal. Doesn't mean I think he's terrible or i never laugh at his antics though.

    I never said once you should like him. I don't see why you should.


    I'm sure Gronk doesn't care.


    I'm saying I think you take yourself too seriously if you think anyone would care at all how you think they should live.


    Especially since most people disagree with you. Guy seems fun, and happy. You thinking he should act differently to appease your ideals says more about you than him.


    He should stop having fun and partying because you outgrew it? Wow...


    You probably won't get anything from this because most self important, judgemental people don't when you call them out. So, agree to disagree.

  17. I feel like most people I know, including Bills fans, love him. Personally, I'm not much of a fan but to each their own. I certainly don't mind him as much as Brady and Belichick though.


    I did find it funny though that a lot of people defended him after he was dancing shortly after they lost the Superbowl to the Giants a few years back. I just feel like most Bills fans would have been irate if Kelly or Thomas had been caught dancing and partying after one of the Bills SB losses. Especially since many seem to think it was the partying the night before that cost us our Superbowls.

    I feel like if anyone should have the proper perspective on this its Bills fans.


    As long as you play your heart out on that field you can do whatever you want after you walk off. You earned that right.


    If you walk onto that field carrying the hopes and dreams of an entire community and you can barely see straight. Well.


    Apples and oranges really.


    Also, if Kelly and company already had a few trophies in the case when they were seen dancing after a SB loss it probably wouldn't bother us as much as you'd think.

  18. He's a very good football player.


    Off the field I think he needs to stop acting like he's an the class clown.


    No reason for hate

    Needs to stop acting like the class clown? Why?


    There's two pages of people here saying they think he's funny and entertaining.


    Im thinking this "class clown" is just being himself and making millions of dollars and millions of people chuckle.


    How in the world does that bother you?


    You beat me to it. I feel similarly. I definitely don't hate him but I don't find him as funny as others in here do either. He strikes me as more of the typically annoying, meatheaded & douchey jock. And, yes, I'd take him on the Bills in a heartbeat.

    If you met him in real life and he gave you any amount of attention you'd change your tune in a heartbeat.


    Lots of jelly in here, not enough peanut butter.

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