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Posts posted by likei've

  1. If you're trying to maximize the return on the player, then yes, it makes sense to trade him to the place where he'd have the highest value.


    That he makes the trade partner better will necessarily lessen the value of the pick irrespective of who that trade partner is--you realize that, right?


    Of course, trading your best player doesn't often make sense regardless of how you slice it, but if you're concerned about lessening the value of a pick, then you should be trading him for a player


    There no way you believe anyone would trade a 1st and 2nd for a RB--let alone one on the downside of his career

    No. We didn't make them better when we traded the first. They picked a player that won't be contributing right away. And if he does, will have significant growing pains.


    We already own the first round pick. Trading for a two and giving them a significant piece for success would be taking a step back.


    You'd be hurting the value of your first round pick to earn a second rounder that would inevitably be worse with the new addition.


    In essence making your first rounder more like a second rounder, and your new shiny second rounder more like a third rounder.


    So again, makes no sense for the Bills.

  2. Your condescension aside.::


    Sending a top-flight RB to a run-first team, who's top RB just went down with a knee injury, coached by his former HC, that is clearly in win-now mode makes perfect sense.


    If you're a team that's determined to trade the guy in the first place.

    You realize that would make them better, right?


    The one thing we'd never want to do?


    Doesn't make any amount of sense for the Bills.

  3. I've given up thinking the Bills will make any difference to the East this year.


    But to think losing Edelman doesn't hurt the Patriots is insane.


    Not all teams are the Bills, there are good teams out there and it took the Pats everything they had to beat them i.e. Falcons.


    Losing Edelman could very well be the difference of another championship title.

  4. I expect the biggest year will be enjoyed by the front office as they gleefully collect millions from fans who continue to support a sub-par product on the field. Do you guys buy spoiled food when you shop for groceries?

    With that same logic do you spend all of your time going into grocery stores you dislike so you can complain loudly about their selection?

  5. He looked lights out in training camp in Rex's scheme.


    He's just not a fit for this D. It's no ones fault really, we just can't use him for what we want to do.


    I really dislike the idea of trading him to the Chiefs though.


    He'd fit in that D and you just don't contribute in any way to making a team whose first round pick you own better.


    Unless they offered sick compensation, which they won't.


    No one knows what Peterman's value is - and the Vikings game did nothing to settle it one way or another. But pulling "a Pats" really only works if you're a Pat; pulling a "Bills" would be a little bit harder. Take Garoppolo as an example. Obviously people have seem him play a few games - on an extremely talented team for an accomplished organization - but they really don't know that much about him either. It's only the reflected glow of Brady & Belichick that have people lusting after Jimmy. There's really no reason to assume he's any better than Cassels or Mallet, but people want to believe.


    Getting them to want to believe in Peterman might be a bit more difficult.....

    That's a fair point. I'm just saying that although I was encouraged by what I saw from Peterman in his first outing. It would take nothing short of Taylor getting injured and Peterman taking us to the playoffs for me not to want the Bills to go for our guy next year.


    And if we do end up taking our guy. The very worst thing that can happen if Peterman is any good (and this would have to be proven to us and the league in some fashion or another) would be that we have a good backup, trade bait, etc... From a fifth round pick.

  7. So you are just excusing the f**k up of not picking up the option and burning your bridge with the player, leading to the even greater f**k up of getting " something" ( read: next to nothing) for your most talented WR by a long shot because now you don't think he will re sign with you? Not exactly how I'd like my FO to operate with regards to talent retention .

    Then you must have s soft spot for players Made of glass. I do not.


    Obviously we have different ideas of what it takes to succeed in this league.


    First thing, a star has to be on the field or he's just a player with potential to be a star.


    That's not worth what Sammy will demand.


    Pretty sure he is correct. 17 years and counting for us. Pats five Super Bowl victories over that span.


    Pats have Brady, Gronk, Edleman, Gilmore.


    Bills have McCoy.


    But it's okay because we have six picks in the first three rounds next year. We'll foolishly start Tyrod all season which means we won't finish bad enough to get a top 3 QB in the 2018 draft.

    Obviously if you knew what I was talking about you'd know I was talking about getting something for a player before they left on their own.


    Not comparing talent. You'd know that if you payed attention.

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