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Buddy Hix

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Posts posted by Buddy Hix

  1. The Reid comparison cuts both ways. Reid also struggles mightily to manage the game in tight spots, it was a knock against him for years. It took two decades for Reid to finally breakthrough and win a Bowl, and he only did so when he was gifted a generational QB that only had to get by an aging Brady.


    Unfortunately for the Bills, Mahommes isn't going anywhere, so the path to the Bowl will be tough. And he doesn't have two decades to figure out how to coach in big moments. I don't think McD is the man for the next step this team needs to take, but maybe he'll make some changes on D and bring in a coordinator who can overcome some of his coaching flaws.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    Have you looked at Brady?  Rogers?  Quit being clueless and so emotional.

    Clueless is taking two exceptions to the rule and expecting Allen to match it, especially two examples who don’t put their bodies at risk like Allen. I hope Allen can be amazing for another decade. But McD has bought himself at least 4-5 years of grace with the turnaround he lead, so most of Allen’s prime years will be tied to a guy that can’t coach in tight spots, a coach that just cost him a monumental opportunity.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

    What are you talking about? Allen has gotten better every year. Yeah we have to beat KC, but Allen's career wasted? What are you talking about? 

    Allen just turned in the greatest playoff performance I’ve seen in back to back games, I think maybe the greatest ever on record. And McD wasted that with his incompetence, I don’t see that changing. McD mismanages game situations all the time. On top of that, McD spent a year game planning for KC and turned in a worse performance. 

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  4. Sullivan is 100% correct, McD is a choker. In tight spots McD becomes a deer in headlights. 
    I think McD has been amazing as a catalyst for changing the culture at OBD and turning this franchise around, and fans should be thankful. Having said that, I also believe McD just cost this team a championship and he’s shown that he’s reached his ceiling, he’s not the guy to get this team to the next level.

    Unfortunately, McD isn’t going anywhere in the foreseeable future, so we as fans get to sit here and watch Allen’s prime get wasted.

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  5. 1 hour ago, John from Riverside said:

    That is just loser thinking. 

    I love the Bills but let’s be honest, when discussing them, it’s going to sound like loser talk quite a bit.

    51 minutes ago, Coach Tuesday said:

    He beat them earlier in the season and was a squib kick away from beating them a second time last night…

    Allen was a squib kick away from beating KC, McD wasn’t even close.

    • Eyeroll 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    Why does it mean that.

    Every year is a new year......this team was Super Bowl caliber if it was the 2nd best team in the league......so many things can happen over the course of a season that weakens KC or takes them out of it completely.


    This team can totally win a championship.......we just came up short this year.  We lose more games we are probably in the AFC Championship.

    McD had all off-season to plan for KC, spent a ton of capital on the D, and had his D playing their best ball. And the Chiefs destroyed him and Frazier. 
    Outside of an injury derailing KC, I don’t think McD is capable of beating that team.

  7. 20 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    Some people are really talking with their feelings right now......I get it I am upset to


    But just think about what you are saying.    This is probably the 2nd best team in the NFL right now.....it took a super human effort by Mahommes to beat us.


    This team is biult to be competative for a WHILE.....you bring a new coach into that you could get a Rex Ryan situation.....I say no to that

    McD isn’t going anywhere. And that’s a good thing in terms of keeping a really good thing going but it probably also means this team never wins a championship.


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  8. McD and Frazier failed so miserably and wasted one of the greatest opportunities to finally bring a title to Buffalo. It's another very tough day to be a Bills fan. 

    And I don't really think McD or Frazier can improve. They had an entire season to adjust and they got completely overmatched again. So it feels like this team is destined to be 2nd best for years to come.

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  9. On 12/18/2021 at 12:06 PM, Sheneneh Jenkins said:

    You couldn't be more wrong here dude and no idea what made you think this nonsense...I also would question any Bills fan that rooted for the Jets and Fins too (guess that means I'm living in fear of them too). It's common sense fan knowledge you never root for a division rival. 

    I was just rooting for the best odds to make the playoffs. 

    On 12/18/2021 at 11:55 AM, HamSandwhich said:

    Your second paragraph makes no sense.  Bills have been inconsistent, yes, it’s put up or shut up. I believe they will put up with the talent and competent coaching. Yes they’re competent, the almost 4 year history of this regime tells me so. Recent play is the anomaly, they’ll get it right and get hot into the playoffs. So root for the colts and the Bills for a big showdown I know the Bills can win…handily. 

    My point was that I’m not letting my dislike of another franchise cloud what I think is best for the team I actually root for.

  10. 3 hours ago, HamSandwhich said:

    It’s a chicken little viewpoint, the mystique of the hoodie continues on and lives rent free in their heads. The Bills can beat the Pats and beat them handily. 

    What? Bills have been wildly inconsistent, so I’m not worried about the Pats, I’m worried the Bills will continue to be who they’ve been all year, a hot and cold team.


    And the posters questioning how other Bills fans can root for the Pats are truly the ones who live in fear of the Pats and their legacy. Hating the Pats is great, but cutting off your nose to spite your face is foolish.

  11. I haven't been posting or very active at all since the start of the pandemic, and really missed not being able to use my season tickets with the border closure. After being so excited to get back to the Ralph for a huge game against the Pats, I left completely disappointed. Are we back to only being able to enjoy the tailgating? Because I thought the Bills had finally become a contender... 

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  12. 5 minutes ago, Green Lightning said:

    I've carried a firearm for 40 years. Myself and many of the people I know who are licensed to carry are hardly cavalier about it. You play by the rules, practice and keep safe. You would never know we carry because we don't advertise it. So quit painting with such a broad brush. Almost all of the crimes and shootings you read about are committed by criminals with illegal guns. Oh and as a rule we don't drink  and drive with open containers with our guns. Just sayin'.

    The fact that you carry around a weapon is demonstrating your cavalier attitude. Just sayin’.

  13. 5 hours ago, MJS said:

    What are you talking about? What does Brees being pro life have to do with a religious scandal?

    It wasn’t Brees being pro-life, it was his association with a radical “Christian” group that I was thinking of.

    5 hours ago, Joe in Winslow said:


    What's wrong with not wanting to see babies murdered?


    I was wrong, it wasn’t a crazy pro-life org, it was a crazy anti-gay org.

  14. 1 hour ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    I mean, the man has a right to his own personal values and political opinions, as long as it's not so-called "Operation Rescue" or other anti-abortion terrorist groups

    My mother's dog was once poisoned, we believe by Buffalo anti-abortionist extremists (sorry can't call them pro-life when they murder people and kill living things)


    Anyway Brees aligning with a group that supports his values vs. advising the Catholic church how to cover up a sex abuse scandal, not even same neighborhood



    Never.  His bread too buttered.

    Wasn’t equating the situations, just pointing out that it’s a pattern with this team to be caught up in scandals due to their association with religious outfits.


    Sorry about your mom’s dog.

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