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Posts posted by Turk71

  1. They will respond very well, I have little doubt. McDermott is the real deal which is why it is "different this year."


    Everybody exonerating Rico because the line was horrible - that does not make sense to me. When the line is getting beat you spread them out. When the pocket is being immediately collapsed via Vlad the Imploder you get the QB out from under center. And when the have 8 and even 9 in the box you don't keep slamming it up the gut with Shady and Tolbert. Needed to pass them out of that defense and he didn't trust TT to do it when he should have. Especially egregious because TT was on fire in the 1st half. Spread them out and make them get smaller to cover. Not saying "fire him" (what do any of us fans know), but it is clear Rico had an off night.

    Reasonable post. I am not on this thread because I am calling for anyone to be fired. I am calling a bad game of play calling. It was a bad game on many levels and the Bills were badly beat on both lines. Bad tackling, uncharacteristic turnovers, bad penalties etc. on top of bad line play all contributed but poor coaching and lack of adjustment played a role as well. A lot of bad for one game. Good time for a few xtra days off. I expect them to have a renewed focus and hopefully a better game plan against N.O.

  2. It was called.


    I didn't think the refs were much of a factor. Worst non-call was the blatant hold that was ignored on McCown's scrambling TD. Maybe should have called helmet-to-helmet on Lee's hit on TT. They made the right OPI call on ASJ that kept the Bills in the game.


    Tripping is a 15 yd pf. It was not called. 5yd holding was.
  3. The Jets basically played the same defense all night til late in the game. Tyrod is not allowed to adjust and change the play call. The OC saw the same defense and made no adjustment, he called plays all night that played right into the Jets. Where was the pitch, option, moving pocket, designed qb runs, screen and swing passes etc? Anything that would alleviate pressure or loosen up a stacked box? Nonexistent. Faced with the same stacked box and pressure he just kept calling the same plays that didn t work. Maddening stubbornness, lack of creativity, and stupidity. That's what I saw.

  4. Bills gotta Bills I guess, hate to say that. The coaches should be ashamed and embarrassed. The players got beat bad but the coaches looked like total amateurs imo. Glad they have a few xtra days to get over it and hope they learned that stupidity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Encouraging they tried when the game was already over.

  5. The coaches seemed like deer in the headlights to me. The blew up their game plan and they just froze doing the same stupid plays over and over as if the Jets weren t stacking the box and bringing pressure. The d couldn t stop a 40 yr old from running or tackle. A tire fire train wreck on national tv. Not to mention everything elsa going wrong. Brutal. good thing there is a little extra time to get over it. Hope they got all of their crapulence out but wow, what a difference a day makes. The blame goes all around, Oline was a joke, d couldn t pressure or tackle the coaching completely sucked.

  6. I think the Jets came after the Bills and blew up their game plan and the Bills inexplicably made no adjustment and kept playing right into their hand. Not to mention a lot of things went about as wrong as they could. The Bills finally tried something different when the game was already over. One thing they can feel good about, the pressure of expectation is off after the entire league, nation and parts of the world saw that.

  7. I think the Bills pulling off some wins by good defense and turnovers gave fans hope. The lack of talent on offense was glaring tonight. Benjamin and Clay will help but I think they are a season or two from being a contender.

    What? the defense was just as bad as the offense. Couldn t tackle, stop the run, get any pressure, stop a 40 yr old man from running. A !@#$ing total embarrassment on all fronts, the coaches included and probably especially. A trainwreck tire fire national spectacle. Don t even dare try to hang this one on any one element or person.

  8. A QB that can audible out of a bad play would help. A QB that can recognize blitzes and use the screen game to his advantage would help also.

    With that said OL is horrid and it would be tough but it's doable. Romo called Taylor out all game for not going to the outside 1 on 1 receiver, that's a huge problem if he cannot take a shot. Instead he takes a 3 yd pass.


    You are right, a coach that could see what was happening and call a swing/screen pass would have helped. Anything but run your fb up the gut into a stacked box or stand in a nonexistent pocket would have been great.

  9. There was a lot that went bad tonight. This team looked ready to play but when the defense isn't giving the offense every chance to win - we're in trouble. You can blame Dennison and that's fine but the issue is Tyrod. This is the type of game that he cannot win. He cannot handle a good defense if we don't get turnovers and field position isn't hugely in our favor.


    In what universe did the team look ready to play tonight? I didn t see that at all. They looked lost from the get go imo.
  10. Was he blocking tonight?

    The Bills don t have any plays to deal with a stacked box and pressure??? Do the same thing that doesn t work over and over again??? Coaches deserve a share of the blame here. Be honest, failure on every level tonight. I appreciate your many contributions and am wondering if you are associated with the team in some way.

  11. Terrible play calling tonight. Keep running up the gut into a stacked box and standing in a nonexistent pocket. No countermeasures or adjustments at all. Coaches were a bigger failure than the players, like deer in the headlights. Defensively no pressure or aggressiveness on the Jets at all. Wow, a complete fail on every level by everyone involved. On the plus side the pressure of everyone thinking you might be good is off.

  12. 3 points down on the road getting the ball. could be worse. they are trying to stick with the pocket passing and runs up the gut but the box is stacked and they r bringing pressure. Need countermeasures to open things up. D seems to have tightened up. dropped int, fumble are uncharacteristic so far this year. adversity.. time to dig deep, believe and overcome.

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