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Posts posted by Buffarukus

  1. 4 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    What I would say you are not seeing is in your last paragraph.  Everything you list are personal choices.  Viral pandemics are not.  


    your missing the major point. your vax works. you have confidence in it just like all others that are vaxed. you no longer should be worried or effected. that equates to them making a personal choice, exactly the same as what i listed.


  2. 1 hour ago, oldmanfan said:

    The difference is that this is an infectious agent.  Your behavior can get me sick and vice versa.  This really becomes an issue of whether you are concerned about the public - your neighbors and family - or yourself.  In previous viral pandemics such as poliowe were concerned about each other.  When and why did that change?


    your vaxed and all your data shows how effective it is. you aren't showing much confidence in the very science you been showing in this thread. you can be concerned but you should not force that concern onto others with threats of punishment and loss of livelihood with little to no knowledge for their personal reasoning. you care about others? then you should include caring for their decision and the fact they are willing to sacrifice the food put on their table, which requires hell of alot more conviction then a strangers fear their vax is not as effective then what they themselves are preaching it is. (not you personally, im talking in general. your showing good data that should be concidered but many are just taking a side regardless of ANY conciderations) at this point non vaxers are taking on the risk involved by choice! segregating people that pose no logical threat to me is a line i will never cross as well and i am fully vaxed. thats a disgusting precedent we have been through before. it leads to awful things 


    thats a liberal idea that only changed with times. not personal integrity. so i will not be showing my vax card for entrance and i will stand with those being segregated. its who i am. thats coming together as i see it. maybe by booster # whatever when those segragate lower booster numbers you will draw a line and join me. i hope so. it seems this is where its going.


    your response might be it will lead to death and suffering. so will smoking, eating unhealthy, drinking, skydiving and a limitless other reasons in free society we live in. all made by personal choice.

  3. 4 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    I agree completely more effort needs to be put into antibody testing.  I am not concerned with supposed long term effects of these vaccines because classically side effects of vaccines are noted within weeks or months.  This has been noted with the very rare myocarditis and blood clot issues found with Covid vaccines, and is actually an argument for the rigor with which the effects of the vaccines are followed.  Plus the ingredients of the mRNA vaccines indicate there is nothing that realistically from a scientific perspective should cause any long term effects.


    What I hope to also see is increased  study of treatment options like the one Pfizer is apparently working on.  If we can treat those with Covid that would be extraordinarily helpful.


    im glad we agree on that as its a major issue in vax hesitance, for starters. i think we need to look at this as a personal choice as well. seatbelts save lives no question. if your not wearing one you get fined and put your life at risk if not. no one is being fired for not wearing a seat belt so why is this different? if your under some assumption the unvaxed are not paying a huge penalty in med bills and health for their choice, we are mistaken. so how about we stop trying to penalize people pre emptivley for somthing that isn't even certain when they may have very valid reason that we aren't even inquiring about or considering. we will extricate you from society and take your career to make ourselves feel safer and virtuous. that's not how freedom works. so many have forgotten that.

  4. 2 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    Some studies of the natural immunity have been done.  Before going into them, I presume you are not talking about recommending folks get Covid to confer natural immunity, as that could be a death sentence.  But if you look at data on the studies of those previously infected and the effect of natural immunity, there is some data.


    The Israeli study is the one most cited, suggesting that natural immunity confers more protection than vaccination.  But that same study also shows that previously infected individuals who have received a vaccination have higher protection:


    Instagram Post Missing Context About Israeli Study on COVID-19 Natural Immunity

    By D'Angelo Gore

    Posted on September 2, 2021 | Updated on September 8, 2021


    Here is one suggesting that natural immunity is sufficient for protection:


    Necessity of COVID-19 vaccination in previously infected individuals

     View ORCID ProfileNabin K. Shrestha, Patrick C. Burke, Amy S. Nowacki, Paul Terpeluk, Steven M. Gordon

    doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.06.01.21258176



    There is a recent study from Kentucky suggesting that vaccination of previously infected individuals confers greater immunity:


    Reduced Risk of Reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 After COVID-19 Vaccination — Kentucky, May–June 2021

    Weekly / August 13, 2021 / 70(32);1081-1083

    On August 6, 2021, this report was posted online as an MMWR Early Release.

    Alyson M. Cavanaugh, DPT, PhD1,2; Kevin B. Spicer, MD, PhD2,3; Douglas Thoroughman, PhD2,4; Connor Glick, MS2; Kathleen Winter, PhD2,5 (View author affiliations)


    So the data is conflicting at this point.  One of the issues is that you don't know what the strength is of the immunity in a given individual who has been infected.  There are estimates I've seen that around a third of infected individuals do not develop an immune response with antibodies; these are mostly asymptomatic infections.  What I'd like to see are actual antibody level or titer data on those with natural immunity, to see who has developed a robust response.  


    The reason I advocate for vaccines is because we know from the data that vaccination is highly protective against severe illness and death for anyone infected, and that the more folks that develop immunity, either by natural means or vaccination, the more we starve out the virus from finding hosts and the quicker we bring this things under control.  


    well the question becomes how accurate are antibody tests? you like to see this, so would the world before vax mandates fire people. if there is a certain level that can be considered to be "strong" why is there not a concerted effort to do these tests and then determine whether they should be given exempt status. sounds like the science is still out. on a subject that had much longer time to study then vax. you bring up Israel study, who is also in full blown booster mode at this point from what i understand. so not looking to good for the vax longevity...but take it and keep taking it until some unknown time frame at which has never been decided? thats where we are going and every time you are talking about another longterm risk. what's the longterm risk of full vax? now of adding booster 1? ect ect ect. no info on any of this it hasn't happened yet but it does good things at this moment so who cares. 


    as a person of science you have to say pumping vax boosters indefinitely is not a solution to the problem. maybe it is, but shouldn't be. either way the point i made was LOTS of certainty in vax. zero seems to be invested in alternatives from a mainstream perspective. zero talk about effects to true immune compromised for higher vax complications.  their fired regardless as well! a major effort should be made to find all this out before you cost people their careers, ESPECIALLY if you have faith in YOUR saftey being vaxed. but the narrative is shut your mouth take the vax soon to be shut your mouth take the booster #1....because we care. the scientific method never worked like that when i studied it. the liberal party i used to know never trampled on others rights like that either. but this is a upside down world where a basic study on natural immunity with millions of participants has no conclusion in a world pandemic but a new vax after a fast track study does.


  5. 30 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    If you look at the data vaccinated people do not stay infected as long, do not infect others at the same rate as unvaccinated, and of course are far less likely to be hospitalized or die.


    Immunity is more properly considered a population term in my way of thinking.  For our population to acquire immunity, you have to remove hosts for the virus.  You do that two ways:  either have people get the virus and hopefully survive, or get vaccinated.  I am all for studies of those infected and survive with so-called natural immunity, with comparisons to vaccinated individuals.  What are the levels of antibody in each and how long do titers stay elevated?  What about the cell-mediated immunity with each?  We need more research in these areas.  But at present what seems clear is vaccination even if previously infected individuals increases the immune response.


    You mention treatment options.  Those would be great.  But the best way to get meaningful data on that is to get well designed prospectively randomized studies.  For hydroxychloroquine these studies were done and showed no positive effect of the drug.  For ivermectin the studies have not been done; there are small studies suggesting an effect but they suffer from poor study design (small numbers, no controls, and such).  I review a lot of papers for different peer reviewed journals and reject the majority of them because of flaws in study design.


    just wondering how long it takes to do these studies. those already immune and alternative therapies? you say outside vaccine other studies and trials are lacking. yet you pound the table for vaccines that just recently have been found to require booster shots. all studies on this virus are incomplete, including vaccine info. you seem ok to toss out or not deem it VERY suspicious that we have more "concrete" data on a manufactured immunity and not a natural where they can be discluded if they choose? 


    longer time frame. tons of samples and I'm sure willing participants but, we just dont know! take this vax we have tons of data on and we will fig it out later. not good science. seems pretty skewed or ignored to me.


  6. i see time and again in this thread if you are against a statues removal then you are automatically FOR the person  or ideas it represents. what a narrow way to approach this topic.


    its true, some see statues as a tributes, while other see them as a reminder. there's a difference. then there are those that wish to see neither. whichever one you see tells me who you are and what you stand for.  i like that alot better then hiding ones intentions secretly. but this country is now about FEELING safe and virtuous. so the third option is what we get.


    im curious. should people want to see the pyramids removed? they were built by slaves, correct? dont look into what the mayan temples were used for. get the tnt and demo crew ready now. funny how millions of tourist come to see it. so many bigots who agree with sacrificial murder of slaves! how about the remnants of Auschwitz? why do jewish people want that place to stand? i can keep going on and on since humans, all of them, come from brutally violent backgrounds. wouldnt it be nice just to bury it all and act like it never happened. to learn history from a story. one that can be changed at will. no need for the actual physical remnants. ill just take your word for it.  🙄


    i wonder what future generations should never be reminded of? all the oppressive culture we are in right now. a history that included a bunch of entitled people who typed out arguments on little boxes they obtained from slave/child labor. that's just the tip of the iceberg. we should probably save our grand children time and energy and ask to be buried in unmarked graves now.



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  7. yeah hes back to the over throws even on the short stuff and then overcompensated today with crazy rainbow under throws that thankfully diggs made a great high point catch on one. hes still good at darts to beasley but i dunno. i really like to know what happened with smoke and how much more he wanted because i think healthy and same pay range he would not have to build the chemistry that josh and sanders is lacking at this point.


    its scary because our coaches put all the eggs in the passing game basket.  at least they didnt make moss a healthy scratch so hopefully they plan on balance until josh gets it together and the D plays well.

  8. 6 hours ago, Gene Frenkle said:

    The key there is continue. The politicians are all the same, rife with insider trading and breaks for campaign contributers. This has been going on since the 80s or 90s: market manipulation, shady practices and bailouts we pay for with our tax dollars when they get a little too greedy. No politician ever retires poor. Meanwhile, the Fed continues to print money to prop up a bull market in an exponentially larger bubble than we saw in 2008 so that all the insiders can continue to make money hand over fist. Guess who's gonna pay for it (again).


    The suckers here are those of you who buy into the narative of Red vs Blue. You're a sucker, a lemming. They know if your focus is on the other side, it won't be on what Wall St is up to. The largest corporations with the most to gain literally own the media and you let them tell you what to think. It's a rigged game and you're the fish on the hook.


    i don't think i ever suggested republicans aren't also responsible for alot of the issues we are facing as a country. you brought up biden and his short term as a timeframe in regards to the inflation crisis we are currently facing. i pointed to recent and current liberal policies that have and continue to exacerbate the issue. you know, the specific topic you mentioned. you want to lay out what republicans have done (recently) to cause this spike in consumer costs then that's a discussion to have.


    instead you want to generalize this into  government corruption as a whole. yes the government is corrupt on both sides, not ground breaking stuff there. not sure what your original comment was for just to point out the obvious. and when liberal or conservative policies are the reason..its ok to point to the officials and specific policies that are causing them. piling them together with acbroad generalization then name calling sure seems like lemming behavior to me. ill keep pointing them directly out if that's ok with you. 🤷‍♂️


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    On 9/17/2021 at 8:20 PM, Gene Frenkle said:

    You guys really think Biden caused this inflation in less that 9 months? Are you really that dumb or just confirming your biases? Genuine question.


    what a loaded question. but at least it was genuine. 🙄 here is a few in return.


    liberals cont advocated shut downs of the american economy and the printing of money to hand out to people that were not producing anything of value. since last year! so did they not realize that was going to have negative economic reprocussions?  that those reprocussions were going to be most destructive to the people they claim to care so much about. the working poor and middle class? 


    so are they stupid or incompetent? which one? cause the basic laws of supply and demand state inflation would be the result.


    now lets also force companies to fire people and strain the supply side further while telling them to turn customers away. sound policy



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  10. 6 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    Point by point:


    1.  I do not think the individual I was communicating with has had Covid and thus would not have natural immunity.  We are not sure how long natural immunity lasts as of yet as well.


    the fact we are absolutely sure about a vax induced immunity but are not sure about a immunity that has millions of samples and much more time to study is at the very least incompetent or worse dishonest. whats is also strange is that people dont care as the ones in charge have been found to be one of those things repeatedly. you got covid? you may be in for some long term side effects. you got the vaccine you may be in for some long term side effects. anyone who says that's not true with certainty is lying. regardless i demand you take on both risks before i demand a answer for the most basic question when it comes to millions who have contracted this virus. 


    6 hours ago, oldmanfan said:


    2.  Congress screwed the small business owner.  I said at the time money should go to those businesses and not the large corporations.


    3.  Before delta variant I would have agreed that children should be back without masks.  Infections and hospital admissions in children has risen greatly in children, because the younger kids can’t be vaccinated and they are being used as political pawns.  Kids should be back in school with masking as I have already indicated, all school employees should be vaccinated, and local communities monitor local infection and vaccination rates to dictate policies.  Masks work as a mitigation, I have referred to the data, and that is incontrovertible.


    4.  Health care organizations like mine mandate Covid vaccination, just like we do for influenza and hepatitis.  Why?  Because the health of our patients come first.  That’s the bottom line.  I feel for our front line folks as I do for all health care workers dealing with this pandemic.  They have been jncredible throughout this crisis. But the answer is simple: get vaccinated.  Science says the benefits far outweigh any (mostly theoretical) risks, and health care workers should accept science.  If you work in health care and have been vaccinated for other things but refuse Covid you have no leg to stand on.  


    im glad you agree with alot of the examples i made. i understand your points. i was not talking specifically about your views on them. im talking about the narrative that these things were done and half the country having zero interest in coming together on them and actually vilifying people who did nothing wrong. but thats in the past lets work together now. that's not really how things work. regardless, there are issue with public saftey on a host of topics. driving after a certain age becomes much more likely to get into accidents. how about we come together to stop people in a age group from driving. look at the data! you dont want people to needlessly die do you? i dont care about your particular circumstance or reasoning you feel you can be in control of the saftey of yourself and others. your in that group so do what is right and sell your car and use public transportation or ill take it. that's fundamentally wrong just as some of my examples. i would be against it because i understand the risks of sharing the road with all sorts of threats. its a downside of a free society. the big difference is there is no way to protect myself and loved ones from you as a potential threat in that situation. where you can get vaxed and feel secure you are protected from the unvaxed. I'm sure you will have a difference that explains it but its the same principal. 


    6 hours ago, oldmanfan said:


    5.  What you call flip flopping is oftentimes how science and medicine work in a situation like a pandemic involving a new virus.  As new data comes in you adjust recommendations.  That said, communication should have been clearer in the last and current administration.


    my background is in a science based field. i understand the scientific method. you do not go out to the public with recommendations or mandates based on incomplete conclusions.  you say we are still investigating that but could be wrong. honest and transparent. the worst possible thing you can do is dilute and change a certainty or allow any bias into the conversation. its there in BOTH administrations. hell biden just got nixed on his boosters for all plan because thankfully the scientist say that is jumping the gun. they resisted probably alot of administrative pressure to do that. responding to any propaganda directly to be clear not censoring it in secrecy. having bogus stories that are easily debunked about horse paste ect ect. skeptical and fear will be the the result of all this and it could have been avoided. i don't blame anyone but the ones in charge. not my neighbor for his reluctance.


    6 hours ago, oldmanfan said:


    Your comments seem to ignore how you best deal with a viral pandemic.  You band together as a people and a community and do the things science tells you that work to halt progress and allow our way of life and economy to return.   And that is vaccination. History tells us that.  The alternative of just letting things go and relying on natural immunity would eventually work but at the cost of millions more lives. 



    i agree but you cant just reach the endpoint of a public that feels safe and confident in a vaccine when the entire time there are examples like the ones i stated. hey i know we vilified you when you had your rally but not ours. i know we told you mask, then dont, no 2, wait 1, 3 masks! i know we called lab leak a conspiracy, it is one. no its not. i know the top expert who is giving you all this info was directly involved in dangerous research that we continued with, just hidden outside the country. boosters are needed for everyone no boosters are only needed for vulnerable. on and on. but believe us this time...or else. 


    no idea why we cant come together? 


    sorry for the long write up. i felt your response was well thought out and articulated. we may not agree but its worth the effort in your case. i find that rare on this section.


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  11. 9 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    I hope you’ll be OK.

    The mandate is because it is a public health issue. It does look like the delta may be burning out; hopefully the my or other variants don’t rise up.   I think the most disappointing thing about Covid, apart from all the deaths of course, is it has revealed that we cannot come together as a society at a time of crisis.  Watching the 9/11 coverage crystallized this thought for me.  We used to band together as a society to defeat a common enemy.  


    you site data in your post but then "hope" he will be ok? the data is showing that not only will he be ok but he will be with much better immunity then anyone who was only vaxed. the issue is why are the studies not being the number one priority since they are threatening to shun people from society? you get data THEN mandate if neccessary, not the other way around. 


    i replied to this coming together argument with you before and you still only see it from your side. SC laid out a perfectly logical reasoning for his decision and where we should have "come together" is when our government became authoritarian. when clear knowledge that box stores were allowed to jam people in them while small stores were shut down even as they followed every single protocol to be safe. arbitrarily crushing people who spent their entire lives building a little something of their own to the sound of applause. when children who repeatedly showed no data that they would be negatively affected were still treated like they are the most at risk group. when people who put their health at risk with no knowledge of how dangerous this was and little PPE, once praised with thank yous are now being threatened to lose that very same job. at this point they ACCEPT the risk and if your vaxed and everyone you love is then you should be fighting on their behalf.


    how does anyone think that being on the other side of these things is correct? so many more. that's where we should have come together. all while the people making these mandates were caught lying, flip flopping, and repeatedly caught breaking their own protocals with huge smiles on their faces.



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  12. 2 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Ahh, but my United Blue States has a liberal immigration policy. I will fly my drywallers and plumbers and landscapers right over your United Red States to do that stuff for me. I'll give them temporary Blue Cards.

    You and your Red State friends will have no homes to drywall or plumb and no lawns to cut and edge. You will have to form a migrant caravan in Tennessee and create an encampment under that famous crumbling bridge between Kentucky and Ohio to beg us to let you in.


    flying immigrants in continuously kills the enviroment. only private jets for the powerful are allowed over there. 


    temporary card? lol no they are registered voters now. wouldn't want to jim crow 3.0 fellow human beings. asserting that immigrants will come at your beck and call to do all your manual labor for you? thats racist. your privlage is showing. i don't think you will last long in woketopia with that attitude. im sure there will be a CHAZ for the cancelled for reeducation.


    by the way, republicans are against ILLEGAL immigration. people seeking to work hard and go through the proper channels are welcome. so it will be fun to watch what happens when unlimited illegal immigrants, all not required to be vaxed mind you, are piled in your half. dont go back to the patriarchy and turn anyone away. thats racis, you get the drift. 


    but dont worry. if you want ill get you a temporary red card so you can enjoy a day without a riot. after you finish my landscaping. 🙂




  13. 1 hour ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Well, as a starting point it really wouldn't hurt to RTFA.


    a little difficult when the page gets coved with a authorization for cookies that i didnt want to agree to. so i gave a overview of the topic. maybe you could not be snarky and give a quote or two you find relavent to the discussion. or not. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:




    Yep.  Here is why.



    They know we are embarrassingly doing this over a flu that's probably 5x as lethal (but not to young and healthy people) as regular flu..


    The goal posts have moved to permanent pandemic while they have the media and vaccinated blaming "the unvaccinated."  Because new variants!  Monster variants!  You can still spread it!  Omg!!  You don't have to go to a hockey game!!! 


    Just let that rhetoric sink in for 2 seconds and then reflect on human history.  They know it's overkill and overreach. 


    That's why they are going full Nazi and using the private sector via threats and coercion to force the vaccine so big pharma can profit and they can expand the regulatory state to places you can't even imagine.......I mean I'm sorry, for the public health.   


    well im a critical thinker so ill present a counter argument. ive already presented why people would be skeptical but let me ask this. people are worried about long term effects of a vaccine, and i understand but the same argument could be made for long term effects of covid. so both are risks. one is a science done in labs that at least had trials while the other is some Frankenstein s### that accidentally got out of a lab. if the notion is you will eventually get it then which long term problem would you choose if any exist?


    my big issue is why are they FORCING certain people to take on both regardless of the science they love to tout.

  15. 1 minute ago, TSOL said:



    I am super suspicious of the government trying to keep track of everybody. I find it creepy, i feel like it leads to a dangerous "watchdog" precedent for the future 


    well let me alleviate that fear. they already got you. snowden is a refugee for exposing all the data collected and the white house/ politicians directly working with social media/ corporations is just more info that it is already taking place. 



  16. 39 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:



    We should celebrate science and innovation, not be scared of it.


    yeah when you censor normal discord on a topic and ignore continued information like how natural immunity is much better then a vaccine so a huge portion of the population should be exempt from any mandate...any celebration of that science going on? sill wonder why people would be skeptical/scared? its more agenda based and less fact. this after a year and of half of flip flopping regulations, flat out lies, and cover ups.


    yet half the population can't understand why there is skepticism from the other half or demanding answers that could help clear alot of things up. just a shut up and do what your told by way of threats.

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  17. 2 hours ago, ScottLaw said:

    Meh. They did this plenty last season and it worked. 

    I’ll say it again, the Bills lost because Josh Allen, Daboll and the offense were *****…. That falls on McD as well.


    yeah but josh was clearly struggling, hopefully shaking off rust. we chose a punter who is very good with his accuracy over power and our D was doing very good holding pitts run game. bass has been really good from long range to be given a shot.


    all this should dictate what you decide to do. if your a coach and you see your "O were *****" then let other elements of the team that were not make the plays.

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  18. GOOD


    run d looks vastly improved.


    oliver seems to be ready to break out this season. a really good game from him. 


    defense as a whole stepped up. a penalty and blocked punt were the game changers. pass rush was no where where id like to see it with the philosophy we are using of heavy rotation and huge stable but it is very young and the first game. i saw alot of uncalled holds that were far more apparent then a few we were called on. ill give them a pass.


    mckenzie seems like a solid returner and glad he actually will contribute on O not just a spot for return alone. bass is continuously reliable will be a great for years to come and i really see the advantage of haak accuracy over bojos power now.




    its looking like the fans concerns about the coaches failing to address any upgrades to the interior lines for run blocking or backs are valid.


    once again we are choosing to be one dimensional pass all day offense do to the runs ineffectiveness. the entire O will rest in joshes hands to the point we will ask he also be our power back. if so COVER THE BALL WHILE RUSHING! if he has a bad game throwing there is no alternative to pick up yardage, control clock which will put alot of pressure on the D. defenses will play pass only. pin their ears back all game, which may make the line look worse then it is..not sure. not even sure why josh uses play action on alot of plays. it scares noone. with the entire D playing pass we still relied on josh for all our yardage. the book is out on this from last year so hopefully they rethink it will be as successful and gadget plays will not change our lack of running ability. the fact moss was a healthy scratch is strange to say the least.


    more to say but those are the main points i saw.



  19. 47 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    Show me where I said it can't quickly change?  Find another straw man. 






    straw man? you were saying thats there, not here. me suggesting it could quickly change was "hypotheticals". hypotheticals that instantly became closer to reality.


    whatever that wasn't the basis of the topic just a side point but i think its about time people understand that there will be nothing about going back to "normal" to get comfortable with. you seem to suggest if its not here then its not worth talking about. is it ok to say they are already identifying variants and suggesting it is vax resistant. just as quickly this can be full blown lockdown again and maybe far worse. people already conditioned to blame the "unvaxed" can be the scapegoats to why vaxes no longer work


    this isnt a i win the debate. its a wow that was fast and we better get prepared if it goes further just as quickly.


    dont be so defensive.


  20. On 9/7/2021 at 12:38 AM, Doc Brown said:

    Buffalo isn't NYC and you're talking pure hypotheticals.  We've gained in population over the last decade.  We weren't the epicenter of the initial Covid outbreak in the US.  The Covid restrictions put in place and currently in place here don't differ much from most of the country.  Same goes for vaccine mandates from employers.  Teachers aren't required to be vaccinated.  You also seem to be in your own bubble on how you view the public at large.  Public opinion is pretty split on whether the government is doing too much, the right amount, or too little when it comes to handling Covid.



    i specifically said NYC. buffalo is a part of the state. with a flick of the wrist the govenor can make it statewide and mandates have been in descussions federally for a long time. this deep into the pandemic and you think if mandates arent happening right here and now that cannot quickly change. buffalo will not be ordered to adopt a sudo lockdown for the unvaxed that NYC has? 


    that didnt take long. 

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