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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. Bengals offense much more creative than ours. Could be just playing vanilla
  2. Remember the pre season days where the bills were so bad in pre season games that fans thought they were doing it purposely(07-10)?
  3. 4 tds and 300 yards in the 1st half wins him the job for me
  4. I still don't even know what the process is. I also know this thread will get bumped the second Allen makes a big play. I'm rooting for him. I'm just curious as to what the coaching staff does if he is bad today
  5. True. But I'm not expecting another 9-7 season. I hope for 9 or 10 wins, but Imo this year is all about Allen becoming the franchise guy, which could equal 5 or 6 wins
  6. Maybe Preston reads the message boards. Cory did take alot flack from fans last year for never being healthy
  7. Right, but if Allen is bad, Peterman also playing bad may help Allen's cause. Best case for Allen is for him to light it up tommorow and Peterman to be mediocre or worse. The Allen people ultimately should just root for Peterman to be bad no matter what
  8. Honestly, for people that are all in on starting Allen, this is the best case scenario. If Allen is bad and Peterman comes in and tears it up, you can 99.9% count on Peterman starting the season. If they both suck tomorrow, Allen still may have a good shot
  9. I was thinking more like 2 interceptions, 2 sacks and goes 8 of 20 for 55 yards.
  10. I'm as excited as the next guy for Allen to win the starting job. I'm also a Peterman advocate, and am 100% comfortable with him starting if need be. If Allen fails tomorrow though, are we back at square one with McCarron, Peterman and Allen? I'd like to think no, but listening to media this week, there seems to be this narrative that it's Allen's job to lose and I'm not so sure. I spelled tomorrow wrong. Oops
  11. Buffalo could win the superbowl this year, but that play by Dalton, the 100s of videos of bills fans and the bills players in the locker room going nuts, the 400 thousand dollar donations, will be talked about for the next 20 years. It's once in a lifetime
  12. I know this wouldnt happen, but it'd actually be kinda interesting to see every offensive play a run play.
  13. I made 5 calls to directv to get a deal on the Sunday ticket. Some calls were 45 mins long. I finally got it. Is my interest in the NFL declining? Not a bit. It is my time to forget about life and root for my bills and watch other teams
  14. Also, I'll take Peterman 100 times before Tyrod ever again
  15. Holy crap, what a horrid drive. I am so glad Tyrod and Dennison are gone.
  16. I'd honestly take Rex over hue any day, but don't want either
  17. Absolutely stupid of the Browns to put him back in the game
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