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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. They were only up 14. Not exactly out of reach, but Ya Vikings need a score
  2. Vikings shoukd be up 13-3 minimum right now. Could be 21-3
  3. That is the weirdest interception I've ever seen
  4. It's cool that every game has playoff implications for the bills. Plus we get a full day of nfl on Saturday and Sunday
  5. It's gonna be another defensive draft ain't it
  6. I almost wanna watch this whole thing just to see what the final score is
  7. I appreciate the raiders still throwing and playing the game. I feel like 90% of teams would just run every snap being up 42 points
  8. Have to imagine those are set up pre game, and also have to believe they are paid for it
  9. This is like watching Cornell play Michigan
  10. Sooooo.... Bills should beat the Chargers by 50
  11. I've never even heard of the Chargers backup qb who's starting tonight. It'll be like watching a usfl game
  12. I watched the weather earlier. Saying there could be a system that moves in that could make things nasty, or it might it not do anything at all. Pretty sure they said if it did get nasty, it'd be more into Monday than Sunday afternoon. It's all a crap shoot at this point
  13. I'd sign him back. Seems like the right thing to do. Plus I can't imagine the bills stick with Martin in the future
  14. This is a game where I hope the weather is actually not great. It'd be nice if Dallas couldn't just throw all over the field. Also, it'd be awesome if we could get the crowd to chant "Ya here we go" everytime the cowboys offense is on the field
  15. He had a really good game against the eagles. I'm curious if that's because that was the gane plan, or because he was just getting seperation. I'd also argue that Diggs hasent had alot of catches lately. I mean if you're a defense, you're most likely planning for Diggs and Davis. I doubt alot of defenses are saying "guys, get ready for Shakir and Harty, they're gonna smoke us on their 4 average snaps a game!"
  16. Well, I just woke up and Holy cow. What a collapse by Miami. Couldn't believe my eyes when I checked the final score
  17. I honestly thought they'd kneel it out and go into halftime
  18. Beane will probably sign Hopkins next season and he'll be washed
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