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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. Refs probably wanna get outta that weather
  2. The fact this game is only 7-0 is a win at this point imo
  3. Rain should lighten up alot within an hr. Maybe it'll help 🤷
  4. Need the steelers to fumble. Might be the Ravens only chance
  5. Yep. Felt this way all week, but Ya never know
  6. This game has d3 broadcast vibe to it
  7. Please just win Baltimore. Give me an easy day tomorrow
  8. It reminds me of the bills final game of the 2019 season. Bills vs a bad jets team with Barkley starting. Bills put up 10(?) points
  9. The more I think about it, the more I think it's less likely the Ravens beat the steelers
  10. I said it last time we played Miami and I'll say it again, shut down hill and Waddle and you greatly limit Miami's offense
  11. If he doesn't get back to some form of his former self, whether it's this year or next, he will be beanes worst signing. That much money for... 8 games?
  12. It's weird, I feel much less confident about the bills in the playoffs this year than in years past. They've won 4 straight, and assuming they beat Miami, they'd ultimately have to win 9 straight games to win the superbowl, which seems unlikely Imo. I mean, maybe the offense steps up big and they become this unstoppable force, but the offense is REALLY gonna have to step up. This team isn't getting through Baltimore (and others) with Diggs having 40 yards a game
  13. Outside of maybe the Ravens and 9ers, what team has not had similar issues that the bills have had this season? Eagles were the last standing undefeated team this season, and they've looked awful as of late. Kc is not their usual selves. Browns look great having flacco as their starting qb. Case and point, this nfl season hasent been completely normal. tons of injuries, lots of starting qbs out. This season as a whole might just be an oddball honestly. It wouldn't even shock me to see a team like the Browns in the superbowl this year. The whole season has just been weird
  14. Ain't nobody remember Derek Anderson?
  15. I didn't look at the schedule, but I can't imagine they're putting a 2 seed on peacock. Just seems crazy to me but what do I know
  16. I kinda feel the same way, which concerns me, cuz I feel like they could play like hot garbage in round 1 of the playoffs
  17. They should go defense rounds 1-4 in the draft 😉
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