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Posts posted by Plano

  1. 4 minutes ago, HappyDays said:


    I'm starting to wonder. I thought for sure after today's positives the game would be cancelled. But if the Titans need 2 days of practice they could conceivably move the game to Monday or even Tuesday and then reschedule the Bills/Chiefs game to Sunday. Whether the Titans game is played or not I don't see how our TNF game will happen. Wouldn't be fair to the Chiefs if we get a bye week before the game.

    So the league has NO TNF next week is what you're saying. I can't see how the league would allow that. Too much $$$ involved. 


    TN is going to have to forfeit, book it!

  2. 6 minutes ago, B-Man said:







    Because if someone asked him to denounce "Cletus & The Bumpkins" he wouldn't know exactly who they were referring to. Too many of his followers fit that classification. 



  3. 7 minutes ago, Rob's House said:


    Is it not obvious? The fact that you're offended by the insinuation says it all.


    Do you get indignant at the claim of white privilege?


    No one in media does. In fact, it's considered racist to deny the concept. But claiming any other group experiences any measure of privilege is considered racist.


    So ... you have the privilege of not being labeled privileged (except maybe by the occasional poster on an obscure message board who's deemed a Nazi for doing so).

    Did I ever say I was offended? No? Oh, that's right, I didn't.


    Never speak on things in which you have no idea. It's a great example to follow. 



  4. 1 minute ago, Rob's House said:


    You have the privilege of living your life without the burden of government, corporations, and media imputing characteristics and responsibilities to you based on your race/ethnicity.

    And you know this how? How do you know this? Elaborate further. I'd love to hear how you came to this conclusion.





  5. 13 hours ago, Paulus said:

    ADL<--- Lmao. Seriously?! 

    That is a compelling lie...



    Because, if there was one group of people nobody can question...


    Seriously, it's like some dark secret that Jewish Privilege is more of a thing (currently) than any sort of alleged White Privilege. 

    PLEASE elaborate on Jewish Privilege. I'd love to hear it, as a Jewish person, totally would love to hear what you have to say.


    Enlighten me. Go. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  6. 2 hours ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:

    as to the ONE man of color 






    Remind me again...  What does this hand gesture mean? v





    So many knuckle dragging cletus' in those pictures. My god the amount of wasted oxygen. Painful.


    So many losers.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


    Yeah, okay. I should have figured you for another mindless troll. I mean, really, who the hell actually believes Canada is better than the US in any way beyond, maybe, availability of peameal bacon.


    C'mon back when you can grasp the concept of independent thought.

    Right, a cletus trumper telling me to grasp the concept of independent thought. 


    Makes total sense.


    Wear that red hat and go drag those knuckles some more. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


    How is Canada better than the USA? Where is Canada ahead of America?


    Curling trophies? First country to have a cross-dressing prime minister? Hell, they claim hockey as their sport and they can't even the Stanley Cup. 

    ask Trumps wife how much she likes Trudeau, she'll tell you. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


    It's always funny to me how Canadiens think we care about their opinions. If Canada wasn't America's hat, they'd have have surrendered to Haiti by now.

    Canada is better than the USA, period.


    USA isn't great anymore. We're falling behind constantly. It's sad to see.


    Make America Great Britain Again 

  10. 48 minutes ago, RochesterRob said:

      Where do I sign up to be paid 20 cents per post to mention key buzzwords such as supremacist, racist, polluter, etc.?  Don't spend it all at the adult novelty shop.

    the same place you sign up to be paid $5 per post to mention key buzzwords like "ANTIFA" "communism" "socialism"




    please go drag your knuckles elsewhere, cletus, you're getting embarrassed just like trump did last night.


    time to log out 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. 36 minutes ago, B-Man said:

    Watch: Biden Can’t Name A Single Law Enforcement Agency That Supports Him


    Original Article


    Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden struggled significantly on Tuesday night when pressed over his apparent lack of support from law enforcement groups and was unable to name a single law enforcement organization that supports him when pressed on the issue by President Donald Trump. As Biden tried to defend his record on the issue of law enforcement, Trump interjected, “He doesn’t have any law support. He has no law enforcement [support].”“That’s not true,” Biden replied. “Oh, really, who do you have?” Trump fired back. “Name one group that supports you. Name one group that came out and supported you. Go ahead, think, we have time.”






    Original Article


    Narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf. 

  12. 7 hours ago, Turk71 said:

    There is no way those players should be allowed anywhere near the Bills, who are following  protocol to protect the game. No Way. I would insist on it if I were the Bills.

      Also, the teams that break protocol should get no special considerations regarding making up games that can't be played. If you break protocol and the team can't play you forfeit. If they don't keep teams accountable the whole season could be lost.

    This, THS THIS.


    Pegs needs to layeth down the smacketh. This is absurd. 

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