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Everything posted by GETTOTHE50

  1. the only thing i can think of rn is that he tore more than just his acl, he might have torn is medial meniscus and tibial collateral ligament too which can happen with acl tears.
  2. Game was loss my McDermott n co. Allen put it on ice. the coaching staff needs to take a hard look in the mirror, but after they take their heard outta their ass. Develop a run game that doesn’t even the shot gun, and bring extra men to blitz on 2nd/3rd n long.
  3. I’ll be surprised if they don’t give a TD on this play tbh
  4. Bills are afraid to bring extra men to blitz. They need to have a long look at the 2nd/3rd long defense
  5. Cousins incompetence might have been too great for even McDermott to overcome
  6. Here we go with this prevent defense to prevent the bills win
  7. What the hell happened to Josh in the red zone this year? He used to have a crazy stat down there
  8. They have their head up their ass after beating the chiefs. Same thing happened last year. They are so arrogant that they think they can copy/paste the chiefs game plan week after week. Stupid af
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