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Posts posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. Dickbe'H Tequila (100% agave, the one I really like may technically be mezcal) - smooth and delicious (and $$$$$). We buy it in Cozumel. They had talked about opening a store in Vegas years ago (which would mean US shipping), but I do not think it has happened yet.

  2. I already have an Etsy account and crochet. Might as well join Interest. Crud. Thanks for the tips. There is always great stuff there just so deep and overwhelming

    If you have an etsy account and sell, you really should be on Pinterest. Name your account the same name as your etsy account, leave a link to your etsy account in your profile, and have your first board be "Best of TheNameofMyEtsyAcccount".


    Pinterest is a great way to get your goods in front of a whole new audience for free (you could pay to promote too, but free is better). If you are not quite sure what you are doing, take a Pinterest course (or two... I took five when I first started as I wanted to make sure I knew everything there was to know about Pinterest). It could really up your game!

  3. i can't get in to pinterest. i go there for ideas, haven't joined, but there is so much topical stuff there. especially on modern agriculture for the average home/homestead. it gets overwhelming even for me and i know a few things about ag.


    twitter is just for active times of free agency - hootlet - and i just follow who Yolo follows. i don't like following individuals and don't even know my own log in.


    instagram is a lot of fun. i follow millennial girls because it's fun watching them seemingly believe life is all about every single moment of their life and it will be tremendous forever. all i ever post there are things from my farm. i follow of a few folks from here, though. captain hindsight might be my favorite on there because he doesn't post a lot but posts pretty cool nature stuff.

    I am not sure you would like any tips about Pinterest, but just in case...


    1) Pinterest is better if you have an account. (A LOT better.) You can make up a few boards to save the items that do interest you: Homesteading, Gardening, Sports (The Bills and the Sabres Pinterest boards are HORRIBLE. Whoever is running that account should be fired.), etc.

    2) Unlike traditional search engines (google, yahoo, bing) that search better with keyword phrases "How do I plant a cucumber garden", Pinterest works better with keywords "cucumber gardening"

    3) Once you get that search term, you can choose pins, people or boards (you can follow whole boards on topics, some very niche).

    4) You can follow people/businesses who you are interested in, or simply follow a board from that account.

    5) Once you follow people, the little "P" symbol (upper left) will get you your stream (all the pins your followers pin, or that are pinned to their group boards).

    6) Pinterest uses "smartfeed" so you are never swamped with a Pinners pins (I will pin 30 items in 15 minutes and then not look at Pinterest until the next day, but those pins I pinned will not be released to my followers all at once, it is more of a trickle release).

    7) Most of Pinterest's use is on mobile or ipad, so download the app. (I use desktop exclusively, and no app needed on desktop)


    Since you mentioned homesteading as an interest, you may want to look at this account:



  4. On both for business. I hate to get too invested in IG since Facebook owns it, and I figure it is just a matter of time before the algorithm screws up IG as badly as it did Facebook. The Facebook model of "businesses pay Facebook to advertise for followers so that businesses can pay forever more to get into those same followers streams" only benefits Facebook.

    As an aside: love twitter (I don't post politics, so am not shadowbanned), and have a large Pinterest following (also the only "social media" (yeah yeah, I know it is really a search engine) I have invested in... now just waiting for that IPO so I can get my money out).

  5. From our perspective, this is really interesting. Lots of new people, good ideas, and only one banned so far that I know of. It's a lot of change in a hurry. I'm still not sure how people knew to migrate here so quickly.

    Two Bills Drive was listed many times on the old BBMB as a source. When looking at the options, you go with what you know is a reasonable, knowledgeable place. At least that is what influenced my decision. This place is also a LOT calmer and does not seem very trollish at all.


    While I read the old BBMB for a good 10 years, I didn't post frequently. My son actually used to ask me, "Wth are you reading that board?" and then the inevitable, "Get off it!!" It was like a train wreck, and I could not look away. I definitely do not get that vibe here. People have been very welcoming. :)

  6. I've tried growing tomatoes several times in Florida and Georgia, and after careful consideration I've decided the farmers market is the place for me. :(

    :( A few years back my tomatoes had a lot of blight (WNY). Last year, however, they produced like mad. I am hoping for a similarly good year this year (we freeze a lot of tomatoes for soups, stews and chili use - no sodium that way).


    We are in Florida at the moment (at our condo), and seeing Florida tomatoes in the stores and local markets. Apparently, there is a big push to try and get Florida tomatoes out into the mainstream as an alternative to hot house tomatoes in the winter months.

  7. several have been run off here. Many who were against Rex from the start were bitched so much they stopped posting. The kool aid drinkers are plentiful here and if you don't love the Bills every move you're a hater


    I'll provide my insight for next year to be called out.


    I still don't care for the McCoy trade. As a player he is all heart but he was and is too much money on a team bound for no where immediately. I wanted e. Elliot.


    I want us to keep Gilmore but we will survive. Teams are built on d and win with d. Keeping your best talent is important. Gilmore is a top 10 cb 7 days a week.


    I think wood is worthless. Not worth keeping. Cut him now.


    Mcd is in over his head until this team changes more than just a few names; Whaley is not the sole good or bad of what's going on...


    I'd trade Watkins during the season if we ain't going no where.

    Wow. I appreciate your opinion. I disagree with nearly all of it (except Rex, many people could see he was the wrong coach at the wrong time), but do look forward to reading more of your posts.

  8. Calvin & Hobbes


    Mr. Wonderful's Surprise.


    Best. Cereal. Ever. (and I mean EVER!)


    My mom shopped every other week, Friday afternoon after my dad was paid. We were allowed two boxes of this fantastic, chocolatey and sugar filled cereal. By Saturday morning both boxes were gone and my siblings and I were bouncing off the walls while watching Saturday Morning cartoons.


    I'd eat it now as an adult if it was available. I know my Hubby would too.

  9. before idiots ran the off we had 3 or 4 experts in the team, notably Lori. She is often published by different outlets in Bills coverage for her knowledge of the team and history of it.

    Bill in NYC had amazing recaps of the game. Astro attends almost every training camp, as do others, with meticulous notes of bipartisan thought, others have other game day decisions.

    There are also x's and o's posters who know the game more than most and can generally make sites like ESPN analysis look amateur. About the level of show meril hoge and Ron jawaorski take it to.

    Looking forward to reading their posts. The last year or so on the old BBMB was sadly devoid of users that were supremely knowledgeable. Oh don't get me wrong, there were a few, but some of the golden oldies had either been run off or simply chose to stop posting. It was rather distressing.

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