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Posts posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. For the most part, I can't stand people. Person(s) are fine, but people? Nawww

    And the older I get the less I like to go out on the weekend to "socialize" (we are retired, that is what weeknights are for... not to get caught in a crowd!). My husband likes to travel, spend time with other people, and generally get involved in crowds so to keep him happy, I do. But if it were just me? I'd probably be much more selective in who I choose to socialize with, and when I choose to do so.

  2. I'm a huge nerd by the way of comics. Wonder Woman is not a favorite character of mine and many of the DC movies have been off to me.


    With that, Wonder Woman was fantastic! Easily the best DC movie in this new comic world. I can't compare it to Dark Knight because it's just a different kind of film.


    The best comparison I can give it is Captain America, but I liked this better.


    I absolutely recommend.


    It did remind me of Captain America (and those are my favorite in the Marvel Universe). It could be why I enjoyed it so much. Although, Wonder Woman is my favorite comic book character so I had wanted to see this since the first previews. It exceeded expectations.

  3. I must be the only one who doesn't care for this place. It's not awful, but it's nothing special. Jmo. We have several in Cbus and they aren't typically very crowded.

    The food is nothing special, but the vanilla shakes. :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:


    I am just glad it isn't opening on Transit or NFB (although I am sure one of those spots is next) as Hubby would be there all the time for a shakes.

  4. Porky's

    It was stupidly funny and makes me laugh even today. I must admit to liking The Breakfast Club. I saw it when it came out and promptly forgot about it. My son discovered it 12-13 years later and watched it over and over.

    Never got the Fast Times love, but then I am not a guy and don't really care about Phoebe Cates boobs.


    I have a good friend who does photography work on the side. I've told her she'd make a bundle teaching realtors how to take interior photos. ****ty pics are an immediate delete as far as I'm concerned. I can't tell you how many pictures of seen of someone's clothes hanging in their cluttered closet or a wonderful pic of their toilet. Our realtor has hired a professional photographer and she specializes in marketing.

    For real.


    We did have a professional photographer photograph our condo. I retook a bunch though. :-P I am a barely decent photography hobbiest, and was surprised at how much better many of my photos looked.

  6. The spice cupboard is alphabetical, labels forward. That's because of my wife, but I'm the only one who cooks, and of course I put it back where it came from.

    Please, please, please teach my husband that trick. He does 75% of the cooking, but I do 100% of the cleaning up after him and putting away whatever he uses in his meals. :wallbash:

  7. i prefer DD coffee, but i think it's more of a mental thing. when i started drinking coffee, there was none in the wny area. i went to school in boston, and those suckers were literally everywhere. even our campus had combined DD/baskin robins(maybe friendlys) stores every few buildings. we drank them all the time.


    that being said, the DD food is total horse ****. tim's food is far superior, but the coffee is very meh to me. part of it is i hate the cup lids. it gets everywhere. the engineering for the DD lids is straight up magical.

    Worst lids in the business at Tim Horton's. Makes me SMH.


    You can give them a travel mug and have them fill that... it is a tad cheaper, you know the coffee was just poured, and the lid stays on - well, double check it when you get it - but the lid should stay on.

  8. Thanks for all the advice but...


    We actually decided to sell a while ago. The movers were here when I started this thread. We have the interior getting painted this weekend and professionally staged next week and listed on the 25th. We paid $475k for it exactly 5 years ago and we're shooting for $1m. We've put a decent amount of money into it but still that's insane.


    We are looking at Palm Springs where we can get a real nice place with a pool for around $400k but also have a major opportunity in Orange County with the company I work for. Issue there is home prices are also sky high so it would be a lateral move home price wise. I don't want to buy into that market. If the work opportunity comes through in OC we may rent there and buy the retirement home in PS now and rent it out and move into it when we retire in 5 or so years.

    Good luck.


    We have a condo on the ocean listed right now in Florida. Hopefully, we will get it sold soon.


    As far as good ole WNY... seller's market. Hubby wants to sell our house and move into temporary housing before that changes. We are looking, but there is so little available at the moment (we have specific location wants) - the market is super tight.

  9. My husband and I were fortunate enough to "retire" in our 40s. Now there are only so many trips you can take, so we each do something to keep busy and not drive the other one crazy. I write, he has property. Since neither requires a 24/7 commitment from us, and both (especially mine) can be dealt with from anywhere, we are able to travel and deal with other family and household obligations as needed.

    I would suggest that whatever you do if you really are retired, try not to make your next endeavor something that requires all of your free time. My last writing gig was hitting a 70-80 hour workweek when I stepped back. I am RETIRED (I kept repeating to myself) - I do not want to work twice as hard in retirement as I did when working a "real job". I ended up finding a new focus that allows me to work about 20 hours a week. Enough to keep me out of trouble, while keeping all my other options open.

    I hope you enjoy your retirement.

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