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Posts posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. With the new key fobs... Leave it in pocket and let him take it... Let him shut it off, won't start again.

    Yup. I have not had an ignition key for my last two vehicles. I thought they were doing away with them (there is actually one tucked inside the fob, but it is "for emergencies" to get in the car if the batteries in the fob die), but Hubby just bought a new truck and it has a key. His old RAM (that he just traded in) was weird in that the fob inserted into the ignition. Why? O.o Either a key or a fob, but not a fob in the ignition.


    Anyhoooo poor man. He jumped without thinking I am sure: "damn kid isn't stealing from me". I hope they arrested the little snot since his face was clearly seen in the video.

  2. I thought so, and a lot of it surprised me, like this:


    “It’s almost natural, as an architect, that Buffalo is one of the cities to visit, but I was surprised when we did some digging on its demographics and [discovered] it’s the third-largest destination for millennials to move to on the East Coast,

    I need to show that part to my son.


    Peterman looked really good tonight. He was in command of the offense, decisive with the ball and accurate with most of his throws.


    I really hope we can commit to stashing him on the bench for the first three months, but I think he'll probably get a cameo at the end of the season to get some game experience under his belt once our chance at a successful season has washed away.


    He looks like a really good developmental guy to have learning on the bench.


  4. I never used to, but Hubby and I have done a lot of driving around the country the last 12 years, so now I do. Our current vehicle has adaptive cruise control where it slows down if the idgit in front of you suddenly decides to go from 65 to 55 on a whim. If offered in your vehicle, it is worth every single penny to pay up for it.

    As an aside... I-95 is the devil. Driving back and forth from Florida we quickly learned routes to get off it asap (SC was by far the worst... always feels like bumper-cars.)

    That right-hand pass thing? I swear it started in Utah. I never saw so many people go 10 mph over the speed limit in the right lane, and 10 mph under the speed limit in the left lane, as I did in SLC (and I traveled there for many years).

    However, if you want to talk dreadful drivers... Boston. Hands down. When I first learned to drive it wasn't bad in the area. By the time I had turned 30 it had gotten so horrible I refused to drive in metro-Boston area again (that is what I have a husband for).

  5. Radio silence since last night


    I think she got cold feet..... :(

    If she is a surgeon, things come up, and she may not have had the opportunity to connect. It may still happen.


    The nice thing about dating in your 40s is you know who you are, you know your drama/BS quota (IMO it should be none, but you may feel differently), everything isn't all about looks (non-troll is fine, but nice + smart + caring is a whoooole lot better), and you can take turns picking up the tab. :)


    I had a lot better time dating in my 40s (after divorce) than I did in my teens or 20s.... but then again I married the first (and only) man I dated after my divorce (and 10+ years later, I am still supremely glad I did).


    Good luck with the new chapter in your life. I hope you enjoy yourself. :)

  6. Have a great time!

    We were in Rome, Amalfi and did the Vatican tour two years ago (plus Florence and Tuscany!). I loved Italy and can't wait to go back.

    Anyone who is in Rome really should take a trip to the Vatican. Even if you are not religious and not an art aficionado (I am neither), the Vatican is a fabulous art museum and a piece of world history not to be missed.

  7. My grandparents lived in a first ring suburb of Boston (and most of my family still lives there). I absolutely love the city of Boston. I loved it a lot more 30+ years ago (the traffic with the worst drivers in the United States (by far!), insane population growth, big dig... none of it did the place any favors), but it is still a great place to visit.


    We looked hard at Maine and even reached out to their travel office but didn't get much help we will definitely look into this!



    Please let me know how it goes! With so many recommendations for Lake George it has moved to the front of the list. I have a college buddy from Glens Falls so that might even be a perfect home base so Saratoga and Lake George can happen.



    Not a chance. 60s are shorts and t-shirt weather!


    Ithaca is only about 35 minutes from me so we do a lot of day trips there. In the fall I ref High School Soccer in that area so I spend a lot of time there. I hate the idea of paying for a room that close to home. I'd rather just sleep in my own bed (yes I'm cheap :bag: )



    I live in the Finger Lakes and we do many a wine tour as well. This summer we will be doing a brewery tour as many have started to pop up on the wine trails. Do you care to share your list? If it is extensive I can pm you my email address.


    Hey honey we are gonna have some guests over tonight. Yeah I know him, well we talk on that football board you say I spend too much time on. Yeah he's from my hometown we know a lot of the same people. He's friends with Fitz.


    and then I get disinvited :lol:;)




    Sesame Place was on the list but we didn't know what else was around and neither of us were pumped about the idea of 3 days with Elmo. Thank you for this though as it might make the trip more worth it!



    PM me your email address and I will be happy to send it to you.

  9. Congrats. We fell out of escrow yesterday. Buyers backed out. I knew we were in trouble when they brought his parents to the inspection.

    Our first "buyers" did a real number on us, and we also fell out of escrow with them. The second time was the charm. I hope things go smoothly with your next buyer.





    (Though I'd love to have a small place in Sarasota or Naples.)

    Thank you!!


    Rent! There are lots of lovely places to rent throughout much of Florida.

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