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Posts posted by Buffalo_Gal

  1. I was one of those 4+ games a week people. Now, I just watch the Bills (40+ year habit).

    My turn-off reason? The anthem protests.

    I watched less football last year. This year I moved on to just watching the Bills. All the things I can now do with the time I am no longer devoting to watching football all day Sunday, Monday night, Thursday night, etc. Not to mention the time saved on all the sports shows, etc. I am not sure I will ever go back.

    I was definitely more than a "casual observer" for a very long time. When you insult your consumers, it doesn't make for good business.

  2. I haven't been to Vegas in a few years. My MIL lives there, but she has come to us recently (either in Buffalo or at our condo in Florida). Since we sold our condo, Hubby and I are considering heading out that way in February or March. Blech. We don't go to the strip, we don't go downtown - and there really is not much more to do in the area. And the weather sucks big time. Freezing cold in December when the winds come down from the mountain (omg the flu we had there one January was the worst ever), and in the summer it feels like you are standing in an oven (with sand pinging off your face).

    One thing is for certain, when she passes away (she is in her late 80s) we will not be going back.

    To each his (her) own, but there are at least 1,092,983,416 places I'd rather be.


    He offers nothing in the way of substance in postgame pressers.

    He's well coached (no pun intended) in the PR-art of saying nothing. They are mandated to have the presser, so say nothing while mouthing words. Drives people crazy, but it gives nothing away to the opponent and does not produce bulletin board material.

  4. The whole you win some and lose some rhetoric is weak and old at this point. Thats what you tell children who dont know any better.


    ?? You tell them that you cannot win every game. That is what children should be learning. Temper tantrums do not solve anything. There are ups and down in sports. Unfortunately, the Bills have been on the downside for a long time.

  5. and these folks that come here with these hot takes wonder why the garbage in the other places got to be so bad...


    now they're here to stink up our place.

    I like this place (most days). In 5+ years on the BBMB I didn't have half the posts I do here in just a few months. It is just the crazy after a loss that bothers me (and I would not doubt it came from the people who came over from the old site. I wish there was an answer.)

  6. also


    37 attempts and 20 catches. how many were drops? how many of them should have been caught?


    this board will be unreadable for the next few days. gdamn newbs.

    The BBMB used to be too after a loss. Always made me wonder why they watched in the first place. You win some you, lose some, people need to recognize that.

  7. Yep this! There is a hard middle to maintain.


    One town over has a "trick or treat trail"... It's on the village bike path, through the woods, forest preserve and held on a Saturday closest and before Halloween. That's nice for the little one's, but through the years it has turned into one big advertising campaign for area business... You come home with more junk mail than candy! Who wants banking advice and where to buy hardware... It's Halloween!


    And why the dentist's house gets egged for handing out toothbrushes and toothpaste...

  8. Basically, the thought process behind NOT bringing over 4.5M posts is:


    1. Linking structure. Converting old links to new links may be just a rewrite of the URLs but it gets messy.


    2. An empty database means the new code should be lightning fast. And fast for a very long time.


    How much traffic do you get from search? Broken links can be resolved with a 301 redirect (like you did when you moved from http to https), but you may lose link-juice, social proof, etc. If this site does not get a ton of search traffic, it may not matter to you, and the site will eventually recover (and site speed is a ranking factor, so there is that...)

  9. When I lived in north Buffalo we lived on a great street; 45/50 houses gave out. We'd have kids from the suburbs being dropped off by the carload. :huh: I can't even tell you how many hundreds of kids we'd have in 3 hours.

    In our subdivision where we currently live, it is a fair stretch between lots, and the kids really have to move to get in "enough" houses. When we first moved in, we had less than ten trick-or-treaters for years. However the houses are turning over to families (from the older, original owners) and the last two years we've been around 75 kids. I find that impressive for the amount of walking we have to do. I always buy some nice, individual chocolates from local candy shops. This year, I got our stash from Platters in North Tonawanda. Hopefully, the kiddos will like these chocolate covered rice krispie things.

    I wish our town would have a weekend, daytime trick-or-treating instead of on Halloween night.

  10. I am a huge fan of the original Blade Runner, but I am willing to concede the film is ultimately flawed and could have been a lot better. And I am speaking of the Director's Cut which is much better than the theatrical release.


    However, for creating an other-worldly atmosphere that really takes the viewer to another time and place, I consider it one of the greatest films ever made. The score by Vangelis is beyond fantastic, and it plays a big role in the atmosphere.


    Fast forward to the TV commercials for the new version. It looks freaking horrible.


    I will watch it, but my expectations are set very low.


    I'm wondering what others think about the old movie and the new one.

    I was watching to see just how much they got wrong in 35 years. Basically everything. :P I am not that big a fan of noir from a film perspective, and honestly? Harrison Ford was terrible in Blade Runner (and I am a huge HF fan).

    I didn't know Bautista was in Blade Runner 2049. I'll definitely see it in the theater then.

    One of the reasons I'd suck it up and go if my husband insisted (and I am hoping he does not insist).

  11. May I be so forward... Whats wrong with your eyes?


    My father has macular degeneration, that's the only person I knew that has eye trouble. Started having eye trouble w/glaucoma years ago. He's in his 80s now.

    My retinas have detached a three times (more than once in one eye, once in the other eye) and it isn't from a sport's related injury (when a retina detaches during a sports injury it is (usually) a healthy retina, and laying down and not moving until it heals is (usually) enough). I have bands in my eyes to hold my retinas in place.I have also had a lot of tears in my retinas which require laser surgery (and if anyone tells you laser surgery does not hurt, they lie). And, I had my cataracts done at 41 (which were not bad operations).


    My father has (wet) macular degeneration which is the "bad" one but can be stopped from accelerating (supposedly). I wish your father the best. Eye issues are not fun.


    I am going to have to disagree with you. My eye doctor has even made notes on chart on my current eye color and said it is part of reason my eyes are so light sensitive.

    Yes, this is true. I have had a lot of eye surgery in my life. My blue eyes help my eyes contract faster than dark eyes. I am also more light sensitive than people with dark eyes. This info comes from the ophthalmologists who have operated on my eyes.

  13. We've flown with our dog before. We buy him an extra seat (even though he must stay under it in the carrier) because we always think "what if the person next to us is allergic to dogs!?" And our dog has hair, not fur, so an allergy is really unlikely (but you never know).

    I actually was surprised to see SWA now allows pets on planes. For the longest time, they were the only airline that did not allow animals in the cabin (except service animals which are allowed everywhere). They still do not allow them in cargo, so larger dogs are SOL.

  14. Definitely seeing Kingsman: The Golden Circle. If it is half as good as the first one, it will be worth the price of admission.

    Hubby and I saw this tonight. It was about half as good. For a movie with so much action, it had a lot of slow spots. And, they did the impossible. Channing Tatum looked less than hot in that bowler and suit. Did not think it possible for him to be anything but smokin'.


    The next one should be interesting (and yes, I will go see it when it comes out).


  15. EXACTLY!!! I am as big a lover of our flag as anyone, but our clown Prez makes me want to wretch. I !@#$ing hate him.

    You have no right to "free speech" in your workplace (unless you have a contract that states you do). The right to free speech covers government suppression of speech. (I am sure a constitutional attorney or two can cover it well in here.) If your employer doesn't like you saying "the color blue" and you are an at-will employee? Bub-bye.


    The truth is this is a PR disaster of the NFL's making. Stands are empty, viewing is down, and the number one reason listed last year was the SJWs on the field. If the NFL can tell Dallas "no" to honoring the police, fine players for wearing "unauthorized" gear, etc., they can shut down this nonsense in a second. And it is nonsense to see, especially if you are military - active or retired - the "I fought to defend your right to say stupid ****" really applies to the snowflakes on the field... doesn't mean I don't feel for the military men and women who put their lives on the line so some overpaid jock can take a knee and crap on the country those men and women defended.


    Now the real question is why President Trump let loose this squirrel. Every time he does, it is chased up a tree by the media and er, special snowflakes, and something behind the scenes happens without being reported (rinse and repeat).

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