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Posts posted by racketmaster

  1. They have had the opportunity to do so at least twice. Yet they didn't.


    so..... ask yourself, why is that?

    Why? Because tyrod decided to take less $ and come to buffalo where he could start right away. He had been sitting behind flacco for 4 years and did not want to wait behind Manning.


    The second time was the bills deciding not to trade tyrod to Denver at draft last year. If bills send an offer to green bay for rodgers and they decline said offer, it does not mean the bills no longer want rodgers. It just means they could not get a deal done and most teams then move on to explore other opportunities.


    The Broncos were going to replace Peyton Manning with Tyrod Taylor in the playoffs? Wow, congratulations.


    You are a full, card carrying member of the CoT!

    As i said before, Osweiler played 6-7 games in a row to close out season because manning was nursing an injury. Manning was rated one of the worst qbs in the NFL in the games he had played before sitting down to rest. Osweiler played decent and there was still much debate as to who denver should start in playoffs. Osweiler is not very good and it is certainly possible that had tyrod come in and played like he did in 2015 that denver would have continued to ride him.

  3. Tyrod Taylor was going to start over Peyton Manning? Please.

    Maybe you missed it, denver tried signing him as FA in 2015 and trading for him around draft in 2016. But since Manning almost lost his job to Osweiler in 2015, i am sure that Tyrod would have been starting for denver in the playoffs.

  4. doesn't Dennison run the WCO?


    seems to me that you need to be strong in all the departments Tyrod is weak in. the WCO features a short passing game with plenty of passes over the middle. not to mention you need to anticipate where your receivers are going to be, before they break.


    could very well be a recipe for disaster.

    Again, I'll defer to the actual professionals that believe tyrod is a great fit. Your logic makes no sense.



    kubiak and dennison praised tyrod in Baltimore.then wanted to bring him in Denver to run their offense. If he was a disaster waiting to happen in this offense then Kubiak wants nothing to do with tyrod. And don't think that Dennison did not pull for tyrod to stay in buffalo as he and tyrod have remained close. His mobility and ability to throw on the run make him a very good fit.look how well jeff garcia did in the wco.


    Are the Bills Tyrod haters for deciding that Tyrod didn't play well enough to get the contract option picked up? They saw that he wasn't good enough. Only Tyrod taking a massive paycut kept him here.

    Of course the Bills are not haters. They are willing to pay him $30m plus incentives over the next 2 seasons. Sounds like they kinda like him or otherwise they could have found another veteran out there to play for $5m per season.


    Again, if you think Tyrod is bad then you must not be optimistic about our HC. McDermott hired an OC who really likes Tyrod and there has been a complete analysis of Tyrod done by this coaching staff. They believe they can win with him and i am siding with the professionals on this one.

  6. Roman wanted Tyrod to be a bigger passer like in practice but when the pressure was on Tyrod wasn't able to do it. The gameplay for Baltimore was to make him be a QB something Roman also wanted. Just not good enough, he plays like a backup, hand off and run over throwing.

    What is there to say to this. You and other Taylor haters are so far down the rabbit hole in blaming Taylor that you can no longer be reasonable.


    I took a break from these Tyrod debates for a reason and somehow allowed myself get sucked back in. I have exhausted all reasonable arguments (from stats to teammate and coach opinions). None of it seems to matter so we will just agree to disagree and wait for the 2017 season to play out.

  7. Do you remember years ago when Miami rushed for over 200 yards against the Bills and the Bills won?

    I do.


    Ricky Williams had a huge game against the Buffalo Bills, but the Dolphins lost 38-21 at Orchard Park. His 228 yards rushing (27 carries) is still a team record.

    Same season Minnesota rushed for 213 yards and Lost in OT to the Bills.


    Stuff like this happens. We need an offense to be able to overcome a poor defense.

    I remember the games but not the details. without going back and researching it what were the other factors (turnovers, weather, passing, special teams etc). Just because a team runs for over 200 yards does not mean they automatically win, but it does make thinks much more difficult because the other team is controlling the clock and limiting your offenses opportunities.

  8. Correct 28-25. 8 points coming in garbagetime after Taylor failed over and over and over against a terrible Miami defense.


    Did you forget already. All the defenses fault. Nevermind Taylor stunk


    CoT membership granted, this is how you do it.

    According to you, everything Taylor does is in garbage time.

  9. Nobody is going to convince any of the Tyrod haters that he is a quality starter. But if you are a Tyrod hater, ask yourself this: Do I believe in HC McDermott? If you like McDermott and believe he has the potential to be a very good HC than you should trust in his most important decision, keeping Taylor.


    McDermott did a complete analysis of Taylor's game and he determined that he can win with him. If you believe in McDermott then maybe we should respect his judgment on Taylor as a quarterback. Why would any smart, young, methodical, detail-oriented HC come in and tie himself to a quarterback who can't play? It does not make any sense. Taylor can be a quality quarterback and he he will be even better in an offense that better suits his abilities.

  10. So now the CoT are blaming Rex Ryan for Tyrod's inability to throw the football? Without Rex Tyrod might still be an obscure backup.


    I like the idea that TT will be unleashed on the NFL next year. You gotta Billieve!!

    Not true at all. Several teams were pursuing Taylor in FA 2015. Taylor indicated in an interview after arriving in Buffalo that there were several other interested teams. Had Taylor signed in Denver he would have certainly been the starter after Manning retired.


    As far as blaming Rex for limiting Taylor as a passer, I think it is completely reasonable. Do you not think coaching philosophy and schemes matter. If your objective as a coach is to protect the football, not make mistakes and control the clock by running the ball it should not be a surprise when at the end of the year your QB is on the bottom in passing yards.

  11. IMO After week 8 of each season, this was the game plan for opponents. Stop the run game and you stop the Bills offense.

    As I just posted, it was not just one game. It was many.

    There were many games Taylor and the offense were held to 7 points or less? Must have missed those weeks.

  12. Those folks in Baltimore sure do love Tyrod.


    Ravens defensive tackle Brandon Williams explained after the game what Baltimore wanted to do against the former member of their team.

    “The game plan was to make him a quarterback,” Williams said, via NewYorkUpstate.com. “Sometimes he got out of there, but not too many times.”





    There is no argument that the Baltimore game was a disappointment. But it is also just one game and the only one that I can think of in Tyrod's 29 starts that he was almost completely shut down. I think there were a few factors that lead to this:

    1. Limited reps in preseason for starting unit. Sammy barely played and very limited time for the starters for fear of injuries. Team seemed to come out a little rusty.

    2. Taylor looked to be pressing. This happens sometimes. A player can be so hyped up to play a former team that he just does not relax and let the game come to him. Having Baltimore week 1 gave Taylor all offseason to think about this game and he just did not seem to be his normal self in this game. I attribute it to him pressing.

    3. Baltimore knows Taylor and it is not uncommon for this to happen with other players and quarterbacks around the league. Every player has weaknesses and Baltimore tried to force Taylor to stay in the pocket. Again, Taylor tried to force the issue to much by attempting to get out of the pocket when it was not there to do so.


    This was just one game and if this was some master plan to stop Tyrod, then other teams would have copied it. No other team has been able to hold Taylor and the offense to 7 points or less. It was a bad performance but not a pattern of play for Taylor.

  13. Still a lot of words but maybe this will be more interesting as they are some comments on Taylor from his past coaches and teammates


    Cam Cameron on Tyrod Taylor in August 2011: “This kid is special,” Cameron said after Tuesday’s practice.

    “You saw the practice. We have got a heck of a young quarterback,” Cameron said. “It is asking a lot out of him, but right now we’re getting him ready to play.” “We have us a good, young quarterback and I won’t back up on that,” he said. “I just have so much confidence in the people we draft and [the scouting department has] done it again. They have found another extremely bright, talented, young quarterback.”


    Jim Caldwell on Taylor from November 2013: "He's a guy that can certainly throw the ball," offensive coordinator Jim Caldwell said. "He's a quarterback that's a good field general, a quarterback that can move the ball down the field. I think as time goes on, he just keeps developing and getting better with the limited amount of snaps that he gets in terms of games. But [we] can see the growth and development."


    Gary Kubiak on Taylor form August 2014: “I’ve been very impressed,” Kubiak said.“Ty really bought into what we’re doing; he’s working extremely hard. The thing I love about Ty, I know his goal is to be a starter in this league and that’s what you want as a coach. So he’s very competitive, pushes Joe every day, doing a great job.”


    Taylor on the fit in Kubiak's offense: Kubiak’s offense puts Taylor more on the move with bootlegs and other play-action plays.

    Taylor is good at throwing on the move and has plenty of arm strength to do so, another thing Kubiak said he was impressed by. Moving outside also allows him more room to possibly take off running himself. Taylor has 23 career rushing attempts for 139 yards, an average of six yards per carry. “It definitely benefits my game,” Taylor said of the new offensive system. “It does things that I like to do, as far as getting on the move and keeping the defense unbalanced. You keep them on their toes.”


    Some comments from Baltimore teammates:

    "Whenever that boy gets a chance," said wide receiver Tandon Doss, shaking his head, "he is going to be a monster. His play-making ability is incredible. I've never seen somebody so athletic play football. He's a freak. He's got it. He's something special, I'm telling you."


    "Tyrod is a great player, and if that was to happen, I think everybody should feel very confident about his abilities to go in there, run the offense and get the job done," Flacco said.


    "Honestly, he reminds me of [seattle Seahawks quarterback] Russell Wilson," inside linebacker Josh Bynes said. "He's that kind of guy that people probably looked over him because he was short and this and that. They're very similar. They're both elusive. And they can launch the ball down the field. It's a tough task going against him every day in practice."


    There are many more comments out there giving high praise to Taylor from his days in Baltimore to his time here in Buffalo. Just seems like coaches and teammates like Taylor a lot more than fans and media in Buffalo. I'll side with coaches and teammates on this one.



    That the Broncos wanted a guy a year ago at a moment when Denver had one QB on the roster and a different head coach ... very very clearly does not prove that the same team wants the same guy later with a different head coach and two very young promising QBs already on the roster. Especially at a time when they would have to pay about eight or ten times more than they were looking at back then.


    When the rumor circulated that Elway had called last year in April, Denver had one QB on the roster, Siemian, who at the time had thrown zero NFL passes. Further, Tyrod had not yet signed his very expensive August 2016 contract extension and so was available for another year for a million or two.


    And that doesn't even mention Tyrod's regression this last year.




    There's no proof, but it's very likely that Denver indeed did not want Tyrod this off season. That train left the station when they drafted Lynch and Siemian played OK. There's been no mention of it this year and in fact sources said specifically that the Broncos were not one of the teams interested in Tyrod this year, those three being the Browns, 49ers and Jets.





    So yeah, I guess we can indeed make stuff up to fit agendas.


    I used to wanna date this girl a while back. These days looking at her, I can't imagine what I was thinking. Things change. Assuming for no reason and with no evidence that they haven't is imprecise thinking.






    Oh, and as for the Broncos fans, there was a recent poll as to who should be the Broncos QB this year here, on a site with a ton of Broncos-related polls:




    There were 23,000 voters. Two percent said Tyrod. Two percent! You can probably find two percent of Bills fans who still want Manuel


    Still the fact remains that Denver went after Tyrod at 2 different times (FA period 2015 and draft 2016). It shows me that a quality organization like Denver believed in Tyrod as a QB. So did another quality run organization, Baltimore. They drafted and groomed Tyrod for 4 years. I believe Tyrod had 3 different OC's in his 4 years in Baltimore and all of them spoke highly of Tyrod as a quarterback. The last OC (Kubiak/Dennison) were likely the driving factor for Denver trying to obtain Tyrod's rights.


    There were reports and articles linking Tyrod to Denver this year but nothing substantiated. We really don't know if Elway tried pursuing Tyrod for a 3rd time or not. And if he did not, who could blame him. Tyrod took less money to come to the Bills in 2015 and Elway was unable to get a trade done in 2016. Many reasonable people in Elway's spot might think it better to pursue different options rather than potentially strike out a 3rd time on Tyrod.


    I am fairly certain that Denver and Elway had reason to believe that Tyrod was going to stay with the Bills once Dennison was named OC. Coaches and personnel guys talk, especially when at gatherings like the Senior Bowl or NFL Combine. I believe Kubiak/Dennison pushed hard for Taylor in Denver. Elway knows that Dennison is a big fan of Taylor. So the guy that had been driving the train to get Taylor in Denver, now ends up with Taylor in Buffalo and is suddenly not going to want him anymore. Of course not. And McDermott would have hired Dennison knowing full well what he felt about Tyrod. Long story short, I believe Elway had a pretty good idea that Taylor was going to be staying in Buffalo.


    I really don't understand the hate from some posters on Taylor. Judging by the comments on him you would think Taylor's play was comparable to Losman, Edwards or Manuel. Taylor has played in different offenses (Cam Cameron, Jim Caldwell, Gary Kubiak, Roman/Lynn) and been able to pick them up effectively. Each of his OC's have praised Taylor for his performance within their offense. It seems likely to me that Cam Cameron is the coach who sold Rex Ryan on Taylor. Ryan had connections within the Baltimore organization and had wanted to trade for Taylor while with the Jets. Cameron was very high on Taylor from their time in Baltimore and I believe Ryan obtained insider knowledge on Taylor from Cameron.


    In sum, we have a bunch of coaches that like Taylor as a quarterback (including our current HC would did a complete evaluation of Taylor). Coaches that have worked with him, see that he is talented and has a great deal of potential. His first 2 years as a starter have proven that he can be a quality starter. And I do not think he was put in the best offensive system. Roman and especially Lynn seemed more interested in utilizing Taylor as a running threat rather than focusing more on passing schemes and concepts.


    And of course this is not a surprise considering who was our HC (Rex Ryan). There is a youtube video with Ryan while he was with the Jets praising Cameron as an offensive coordinator and Ryan says something to the effect that Cam Cameron was a great OC because he did not care about stats but rather winning. That he was not afraid to "take the air out of the ball" and that he had told Joe Flacco numerous times "that if he was not 100% sure he could complete a pass, he should not throw it". And he liked that he would take shots down the field. Does this sound familiar? Could it be possible that Taylor's talents were reigned in by a HC that wanted to play conservatively on offense (ground and pound) so that it would protect his defense? Not turning over the ball and running clock protects a defense and make the defense look better as well as the defensive mind in charge of that defense. Is it possible that Ryan wanted Taylor to play conservatively to help his defense and protect his ego?


    I certainly believe that with a change in offensive philosophy, Taylor will have his best season yet and he may even get to passing numbers that will quiet his biggest detractors. Think about some of the games at the end of the season where the Bills decided to open it up in the passing game more than they had. Look at the Jets game at the end of 2015 where Taylor used the middle of the field much more than he had previously. What about the Miami game in week 16 this year where Taylor was passing all over the field and leading our team to almost 600 yards of offense. In both games, the Bills were out of playoff contention but playing teams that needed to win. In those games, it seems like Ryan allowed the offense to open up more because it did not effect our playoff chances. Those 2 late season performances are more of what I would expect from Taylor in 2017 (and it is no coincidence that Sammy appeared to be fairly healthy in those 2 games).

  15. Like it or not but QBR is a stat that is correlated with winning. Tyrod has been a top 10 QBR quarterback the past 2 years. Defense, injuries, poor coaching and below average kicking has held the team back.


    McDermott is viewed positively across the NFL. He did a complete analysis of tyrod and could have easily decided to walk away. Instead, he decided that keeping Tyrod gives the bills the best chance at winning. I'll side with coach on this one.


    Dennison's offense is a great fit for Tyrod. He will have his best year yet.

  16. If Whaley gets fired, it will be because of his draft record and philosophy about how to build a rosters Whaley does not place as much emphasis on the draft as others do. He prefers to build through street free agents. That's fine. He still ahs to win with them. That will be the determining factor. Not whether or not he and McDermott love each other.


    I am not so sure that Whaley does not want to build thru the draft as he was groomed in Pittsburgh. However, he took over as GM of a team that had not been to the playoffs in a long time. There was an extra pressure to build a playoff team quickly. Accumulating draft picks and developing talent may actually have been what Whaley preferred to do. However, pressure from fans, media and an uncertain ownership situation may have lead him to try hitting a home run with Watkins trade.


    Then the new owners bring in Rex Ryan (Rex was not even on the HC candidate list submitted by Whaley) and Rex cranked up the expectations even more with all his bluster. Anyone interested in a Rex Ryan coaching regime should read "Collision Low Crossers". I read that book after Ryan was hired and was scared to death of the future. Rex is a good guy and well liked but definitely not the type to take a patient, build thru the draft approach. Rex was able to bring in a lot of his "guys" (former Jets and Ravens). Ask yourself who pushed for Harvin or IK to be brought in? I have no first hand knowledge of the Ragland draft pick, but I feel fairly confident that this was a move Ryan pushed hard for. Ragland is a Ryan type player and he was raving about him from the moment he stepped on the field in mini camp. But of course we had to give up 2 fourth round picks to move up a few spots in the second round for him. Ryan raised expectations of winning and the Bills went into win now at whatever cost mode. And we are now paying the cost with only 6 picks in this year's draft and limited cap space due to big free agent signings like Charles Clay.


    Obviously, Whaley deserves quite a bit of blame for our current situation but I do think a little perspective and context is called for when evaluating him as a GM. I believe that it is entirely possible had Whaley gone to another organization that had recent success he could have gone the route of building thru the draft. I mean think about it, Whaley was in a spot where his owner passed away and the team future was in flux. It is not unreasonable to think that he would take more risks in that situation rather than just play it safe and build thru the draft so some other GM and coach can reap the benefits.


    I would like to see what Whaley can do with what I believe is a real HC. If Whaley cannot make it work with McDermott, than I would be completely on board with getting rid of him. But I would like to give him and McDermott a year or two to see if the team is heading in the right direction. Whaley has a pretty good eye for spotting talent and maybe with McDermott's vision they can make a good team.

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