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Posts posted by racketmaster

  1. Logan Thomas is 6-6 and can fly. He is a natural TE who tried QB and the Bills really like him. I think they liked a couple TEs but didn't want to reach on the others.


    Glad you had a blast & represented us Mark!

    This is what I am hoping for after missing out on Howard, Shaheen and a few other interesting prospects. Thomas is a project and for all I know he has looked good in the voluntary workouts. I am hoping he has flashed enough ability that the coaching staff decided they could afford to go into a different direction. We could really use that matchup nightmare TE that has size, length and enough speed/athleticism. Clay is nice but he is more the swiss army knife type and it would be nice to have a bigger TE as a red zone target.

  2. Njoku. I think he is just as good a prospect as OJ Howard.

    TE position is definitely deep this year. I like Njoku as well but he appears more similar to a Clay (probably more like a Jordan Reed/A. Hernandez skill set). I think Howard and Shaheen might be a better pairing with Clay as they could serve more as the Gronk type (block as well as be spread out wide).


    If we could trade down to the late teens or early 20's, I would be fine with Njoku and the extra picks. He could replace Clay after a year and we could save cap $.

  3. Whaley is the current "whipping boy". He is being blamed for everything that is wrong or any perceived wrongs. Has he been perfect? No, but name one GM that has not made mistakes. The biggest mistake Whaley made was probably trading up for Watkins. And had Watkins stayed healthy he would be a star in the league and this would not be considered much of a mistake. He has drafted reasonably well and his free agent signings have been fantastic. He was not allowed to hire the last head coach (Ryan) who was a complete disaster. Had we hired a better coach we probably would have been in the playoffs with the talent we had on the roster. Give SM more power in seeing the big picture and setting organizational goals, I am good with that. But let Whaley and his staff continue to find the players.

  4. I like TD Mike too but the $ offered by New England was too much for a back up RB. For NE it is great as he can be a starter for a very reasonable price. As far as JW is concerned, I was not impressed by him last year but he was a rookie that was buried on the depth chart. He was coming off a foot injury and never really had an opportunity to get into a flow. There are many other examples of rookie runners who have improved after their first year. Melvin Gordon had a much better 2nd year after a very lackluster rookie season. So I do not want to write JW off yet. If he is looking healthy in workouts maybe we can hold off and use the 5th round pick on another corner or lb. We can also sign an undrafted rb and if needed sign a veteran during training camp. It is unfortunate we could not keep MG but the massive contract for McCoy does not allow for it.


    Yes, Micah Hyde was a 5th round pick for them that the Bills just paid 32,500,000 to. Please name a recent Bill drafted in the 4th round or later that received a similar contract.


    By the way, the Bills current GM set up the 2013 draft board. In the same round as the Packers got Micah Hyde the Bills drafted Jonathan Meeks and the round before Duke Williams. Neither of the safeties the Bills drafted were even decent BACKUPS!


    Green Bay > Buffalo

    In recent years, I can think of Stevie Johnson (7th) and Kyle Williams (5th). There are not too many players beyond the 3rd round that end up getting big contracts no matter what team is drafting. Again Green Bay has had elite QB play for decades and that has covered for many of their deficiencies at other positions. GB is also able to draft players to fit their systems and schemes as there is not a lot of turnover in the organization. Our schemes have constantly changed making various players that had been valuable in one system, expendable in another.

  6. Drafting players, developing them, letting them walk, and then drafting to fill the holes they left was the worst thing about the last decade of Ralph's ownership. Nate Clements, Antoine Winfield, Jason Peters, Marshawn Lynch, the list goes on. The Bills had gotten away from this under Pegula by retaining a lot of good talent like Dareus, Glenn, and Wood but now we seem to going back to the way things were.


    We let Gilmore and Woods, two good players that we drafted walk in free agency leaving us with CB and WR as probably our biggest holes going into the draft. And in typical Bills fashion, we'll probably just be spinning our wheels this weekend by replacing a 1st and 2nd round CB/WR we drafted with another 1st and 2nd round CB/WR we draft while other teams pay the players we developed to improve their teams. None of the players drafted by the Bills in 2013 are on the team, and there is only 1 from each of 2011 and 2012, which is just incredible.


    A lot of this can be blamed on Whaley's awful cap management, but I feel like the organization still just doesn't want to hand out real contracts to good (i.e., not blockbuster and not depth) players, sticking with massively overpaying for a few marquee free agents (and Dareus, although he is supremely talented) and signing the rest of the roster off the scrap heap to 1-year prove-it deals.


    And yes, I realize letting Byrd leave and go on to be a massive free agency bust runs opposite to this, but the exception proves the rule. Good teams win by nurturing the talent they draft.

    Green Bay let's a lot of players walk as well and they sign very few people in free agency. Only difference is that they have had Favre/Rodgers and they have played in a relatively weak division (one that does not include a dynasty that has lasted a decade and a half).

  7. This may be an unpopular post, but hear me out.


    Rex Ryan has only been a HC for 6 years in the NFL. Who is to say a HC can't improve after six years and become the franchise HC? Especially when he had 2 years at basically .500 as a Bill. I know he had 6 years to get the mental things down, the timeouts over the middle, the command of the team, but it was only his second year in Buffalo. I think we should've at least kept Rex as a bridge HC until we could find one better. I would hate to walk away from Rex and watch a guy like Rob Chudzinski go 4-12 if a rookie HC doesn't pan out. Let's face it, there just aren't many good NFL HC's out there and maybe if we improve the weapons around Rex, Rob stays healthy etc. he can really shine.


    I have a feeling that your opinion is very unpopular, that much we can agree on. Are you not one of the Taylor haters? You are quick to want to get rid of our quarterback because he is not good enough and cannot win big with him. Yet you are so willing to have hung onto a head coach who has been a disaster.


    Head coach and Quarterback are the two most important positions for an NFL team to be successful. Very good head coaches make a big difference in an organization (see SF before/after Harbaugh). But you would be willing to essentially give up on trying to find a good head coach because there are not many of them. Hate to break it to you but there are not that many good quarterbacks out there either. We have to remember that Wilson was not willing to pay big for his head coaches for many years. He needed to luck out and find cheap coordinators or retread head coaches. This greatly diminished our chances of finding a good HC. We have new owners and they failed their first time out because they got swindled by Rex who is an excellent salesman. They were inexperienced and quickly realized they had made a poor choice in selecting Rex. Rather than continue on with the mistake, they moved on after just 2 years. They took their time with this search and have found a coach the Bills have never hired. Someone who is young, energetic, personable, driven, smart, willing to learn from others, experienced for his age, been around successful Head Coaches, been successful as a coordinator etc...


    Thinking about the post Levy coaches we have hired, were there not warning signs from the beginning? They had either failed at other locations (Jauron, Gailey, Rex), were undisciplined (Rex) or maybe rubbed people the wrong way (Marrone and Williams). We always felt like "i guess this was the best we could do" or "they were the only ones willing to take the job". With McDermott, it feels completely different. Coaches, players, fans and media around the league universally think McDermott is a good coach and will be successful. Nobody ever seems to say anything bad about the guy as a person or coach. It makes me think that we actually have a chance to have a HC that can turn this team and organization around. At least this time we got a HC that "checked all the boxes" rather than settling for flawed coaches again.


    I can't imagine a scenario where TT brings us to the SB or where he wins the MVP....2 things Newton has done......in my book, Newton > TT....and it's not really close either....I truly believe that when it's all said and done, Newton's career will overshadow TT's by quite a margin.....they are both 27 and already, Cam has done way more than TT.....

    I agree that Cam and certainly Rivers will have had the more accomplished career when it is all said and done. However, what they both have done in the past does not matter much for 2017 and beyond. Look at Peyton Manning in 2015. This is an extreme example and I do not expect anywhere near the fall off in production for Rivers and Cam this year but the 2015 version of Manning was completely different than the 2013 and 2014 Manning.


    To me it is clear that Rivers is near the end while Tyrod is in his prime. All I am saying is that Tyrod in his prime is a slightly better overall QB than Rivers at the tail end of his career. That does not mean Tyrod will be thought of more highly as a QB than Rivers when looking back at their careers. Same goes for Cam although he is much younger and I am not as certain that he cannot evolve more into a passer. My feeling on Cam is that he has been a tremendous natural athlete, basically a physical freak of nature. This allowed him to dominate in college and be successful in the NFL. He had some solid seasons and a great season in 2015. Along the way, Cam has taken a tremendous pounding. It takes a toll on anyone and I just see Cam becoming more of a reluctant runner as well as less of an athletic freak. He struggled some in 2016 as he was taking big hits. Cam has never been known as a grinder and I believe that is what he would need to do to become a better passer in order to make up for his diminished running skills. This will happen with Tyrod as well but because he rode the bench for 4 years and his style of running is much different (more elusive rather than a power runner), he has more left in the tank as a runner. Probably because of his size, Tyrod has been overlooked and has had to be more of a grinder. This mentality will better serve him as he tries to rely more on his passing. Plus, we have likely not seen the best of Tyrod as a passer. I believe the Dennison system will benefit Tyrod as will having some healthy receiving options.

  9. Check your calendar again. It's 4/7 not 4/1. Cam Newton is what Tyrod wants to be when he grows up.

    I know what day it is and I also know that I am working on the premise that I get present day cam newton and not the one from his mvp season in 2015. He was not very good last year and he has taken a pounding since he came in the league.


    1) The same can be said with TT and he has a much smaller frame.....if Vegas had odds on who's most likely to get hurt, I'd say TT would be a better bet than Newton....


    2) We have no idea regarding the level of commitment that Newton has....pure speculation.


    Newton is a better passer, has better vision ( due to his size ) and has proven he can win big games...If the Panthers offered us Newton straight up for TT, the Bills would jump on that in a second...he is still young...no idea how you can say he's declining...he was in the SB the year before last....


    As far as Rivers, I would take him over TT as well without hesitations...he probably has 2-3 years left and he's a better and more complete QB overall........As I said, I like TT because he's our best option right now...but both Newton and Rivers would give us a better chance for the next 2-3 years...IMO of course......

    I disagree with points 1 and 2. Newton is starting to become like Big Ben. Tyrod has only missed 2 games due to injury as a result of an illegal tackle.


    I am not in the locker room in Carolina but I do read and follow Newton and the Panthers. This has been widely reported and has never been a question with Tyrod.

    And there are plenty of stats like qbr, turnover rate and passer rating that show Tyrod to be a better bet moving forward over the next 2-3 years.


    I would take those 2 over TT any day.....The Bills are a better team with either guy...And I like TT.....

    I am looking at it currently and what to expect for the 2017 season moving forward. I think it is close but I would take Tyrod over Newton for a few reasons: (1) Newton has been beaten up physically the last several years (plus had the car accident) and I believe it is starting to take a toll on him and his play. Newton has not developed as a passer enough where he can rely mostly on his arm. He still needs to be a threat on the ground and I just see his body beginning to break down. His running style was never to avoid hits but run thru tacklers and you don't get a lot of longevity in the style of play. Because Tyrod has not played as much and because his style of running is more elusive (avoids more big collisions) he has more juice left in the tank. (2) I think Tyrod is a better leader and teammate. Newton may have matured some but on the scale of attitude he is much more like Cutler than a Peyton Manning. (3) Work ethic goes to Tyrod as well which may be part of being a better teammate but I also believe it allows Tyrod to become a better player. I believe Newton has more interests outside of football and I don't see the same level of commitment to get better. Overall, I believe we have seen the best of Cam Newton and he is a declining player where as I believe Tyrod can get better, especially in an offensive scheme that suits his abilities.


    As for Rivers, it is similar. If the Bills trade for Rivers today we do not receive the 2007 version of him. We get present day Rivers who can still put up big numbers from time to time but so did Drew Bledsoe near the end of his career. Rivers has zero mobility and must have great protection to have team success. He is another player in decline who is close to retirement. He is no longer giving consistent performances and is prone to turning over the football (I believe only Ryan Fitzpatrick had more turnovers than Rivers last year). Everyone says that it is a QB driven league and the Tyrod haters constantly blame him for his 15-14 record the past 2 years. When does Rivers share some of the blame for his 9-23 record the past 2 years?

  11. I would be interested in Peterman but not with our 2nd. We only have 6 picks so it would be tough using one on a qb early. Ideally, i would grab him in the 4th like Cousins but since we don't have a pick there you may have to get him in the 3rd.

  12. Your anti-Tyrod crusade is easily the most tiresome and asinine crusade in the history of TBD, and that takes in a lot of territory. To summarize, your unrelenting crusade is based on the following unrelated premises: (a) That the undeniably best QB the Bills have had since Drew Bledsoe (and probably going all the way back to Jim Kelly) sucks, and (b) an ACC quarterback whose career record against Division 1 college opponents is 6-5, is going to light up the NFL.


    The thing about crusades like yours--aside from the fact that they contribute nothing to the board--is that people tend to remember them and, when they are proven to have been baseless or just plain wrong, the crusader is judged accordingly. What's particularly pathetic about your crusade is that you've never backed it up with anything except references to the opening game against Baltimore this year, the supposed NFL ranking of the Bills' passing attack in 2016, and a series of juvenile comments that quarterback X "pansed" Tyrod. Meanwhile you have never really responded to fact-based arguments of people like BADOL, who have pointed out that Tyrod, while maybe not a grade-A franchise QB, brings a lot of value to the table that cannot be easily or cheaply replaced.

    This post deserves another look.

  13. Okay Vick was awesome. I am dumb. 50% completion rate was the bees knees.


    63-54 career record


    14-14 Taylor is gonna have to step his game up to reach those wonderful numbers

    Not that it matters much but Taylor is 15-14 with the Bills. We should not take away the Indy win in the opener of 2015 just because Bills decided to have Cassel take the first snap.


    5 more INT's would equal an average of 1 INT per game. If that leads to a total of 3 more wins and a guaranteed playoff spot.


    What is so hard to understand?

    Because throwing more interceptions will lead to more losses. Throwing more interceptions has to be offset by positive results, like throwing 10+ mote td passes.


    And since we need 3 more wins in your scenario we cannot just offset the interceptions but we have to have even more positive results from the qb in order for that qb to mitigate the added interceptions and add 3 more wins.

    And there is no magic formula for this above scenario just trying to make sense of this argument.

  15. transplant, if you don't know people troll the internet for their own amusement, then you are mistakenly unaware.


    I've known hundreds of individuals since the net was born who purposely post inflammatory, off topic or extraneous posts on websites in an effort to stir up drama or post insults.


    if this is true, then you wife is correct. ;)


    INT's are frowned upon transplant, that is not the point people are trying to make.


    I'd gladly accept 5 more INT's a season if it leads to 3 or more wins. Adding 3 W's to 2015 gets the Bills 12 wins and a WC spot. Add 3 W's to 2016 gets the Bills 10 wins and probably a WC spot. Hell, if the Bills had 9 wins going into week 17 the Bills would have played TT against the JETS.

    The only way that adding 5 more interceptions would lead to 3 more wins is if that qb threw for at least 10 more touchdown passes. And it would probably require more than 10 to offset the damage done by the 5 interceptions and still lead to 3 more victories.

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