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Posts posted by teef

  1. Extremely disappointing. Say what you will about the place, but it was my Bills home. I came home to an eviction notice, and nobody even told me the rent was due.


    I apologize to the real GoldenWheels here for doing one of those lame one character off usernames. Old names die hard.


    Nuts to this.


    Nobody was a German soldier once WWII ended either. They were on the farm the whole time!


    Someday there will be a Nuremberg for you Teef.




    Like a guy who was a buddy up to the mods,,,,


    Don't act like you didn't play favs....


    you did

    you know i wasn't a mod right? t and c along with standingbuffalo hated me. it got to the point where all of my posts were being deleted. i even abandoned the name teef and started to post under a new name. eventually even the name teef was perma banned.

  3. Oh Teef, I still visited...just couldn't post. I'm actually glad to see it die. Glad you're here. Hopefully others follow suit, unless it's that Town N County, and WYO. We don't need them.

    just to give you a little flavor, i was given a non-expiring infraction for responding "ewwww" to a thread about picking up mike vick. the reason: being off topic.


    either way, it looks as it's over now. it's great to see a lot of familiar names. hopefully this is the new, great place to discuss bills football.


    Is JUSTrn gonna gonna come to defend yo here?

    i bet if i post shirtless he will.



    slowly unbuttons top button.

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