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Posts posted by CanadianFan

  1. Welcome Back Miami!


    I don't usually like big mouths, big schools, braggards and show offs. Because those usually come at the expense of others. But the U's I felt was never about putting someone else down. It always seemed an expression of fun and exuberance. I don't know if this team is good enough to be in the company of Alabama or the like, but their win last night sure was an expression of something. of fun being back in college football. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 4 hours ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    It's where we are as a society because we're past the point of shared values and trusting each other's motives.  There isn't anything left which binds us together.


    It used to be that people were less quick to demonize others, and were willing to admit that we (largely) wanted the same things, but believed in different ways of achieving the results.  That isn't the case anymore. 


    We no longer want, or believe in the same things; and certain loud sub-groups dominate and pollute the narrative, personally disparaging anyone who disagrees with them politically.  It's well past the time where being bound together as a single nation serves anyone anymore. 


    Well if that's where you are at as a society then that's truly sad. :(

  3. 15 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:


    Well his overall numbers are good, too. He's 12 in the NFL in Passer Rating and 0.1 behind Russell Wilson at #11.


    I don't think this is about cherry picking, it's just pointing to something tons of people are critical of when it comes to Taylor and providing evidence to the contrary.


    Similarly, Taylor has the 7th highest Passer Rating in the NFL on 3rd down and has the 8th highest conversion % on 3rd down passes, despite having the 2nd most 3rd and 8+ yards in the entire NFL, behind only Phillip Rivers.


    Is that really cherry-picking?  Or is it just bringing up a flaw that some posters have been driveling on about forever and pointing out that Taylor's doing better in that respect in 2017?


    For example, people have been really critical about Taylor throwing the football over the intermediate middle portion of the field.  Well, according to NFL's Next Gen Stats, so far in 2017, Taylor's passes to the INTERMEDIATE THIRD :flirt: of the field look like this:


    13/16 (6.8% of his 2017 passes) with 2 TDs and 0 Interceptions.


    By comparison, Russell Wilson is 16/25 (8.3% of his 2017 passes) with 2 TDs and 1 Interception.


    So THIS is what I'm talking about. I was too lazy to go and dig up stats from last two years. I BET you Tyrod's quarterback ratings have improved in every category with the exception of yards.  


    And in contract, Siemian without Dennison is now the WORST. So he is something of a savant when it comes to your mere average to mediocre quarterbacks. Yes Dennison might be something of a decent QB whisperer. No where close to Doug Peterson, Sean McVay, Andy Reid. But def. better than McCoy. How IRONIC is that?



  4. 4 hours ago, Dorkington said:

    Unfortunately he's not good enough to drag along a struggling run game and a mediocre defense. 


    Actually you're wrong about this aspect. I think Tyrod CAN help the run game - look at the last two years!!! That's what I referred to in my post - can we get the run schemes from last year into this year's offense?  I know they incorporate some plays, but not enough!

  5. https://mobile.twitter.com/NFLMatchup/status/927967270172807169



    Visually, Tyrod's QB play has improved this season (I wish we use him more as a running threat). This twitter confirms it. The credit here goes to Rick Dennison IMO. I've been critical of lack of creativity of his scheme, and lack of imagination in play-calling. BUT he has improved Tyrod's QB play.


    It is also worth noting that Trevor Siemian has fallen off the cliff without Rick Dennison.


    Now if he can just incorporate a quarter of the schemes from last two year's offenses, we'd be in a very shape. (Of course, we're also missing that awesome O line coach Kromer, who's transformed Rams' O-line, but I digress.)

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 14 hours ago, LABILLBACKER said:

    The front seven will definitely be addressed this April in the draft. We have to replace Dareus and maybe Kyle. We'll need a supplemental pass rusher to help Shaq. I don't see Lorax back either. 

    Terry M is good and fair. Shouldn't have to worry too much about his crew.


    Yeah I was just talking about this in the other thread. It's like a lot of our team has reached a peak. What sucks is we actually got older after Beane got here. This scheme requires front 4 to be able to supply the pressure on their own. Kyle and Hughes are getting older. Dareus is gone. That's three in DL we need to replace. THREE! Ok two next off-season and Hughes will fall off in 2019 I expect. And like you said Lorax. Milano will need to grow a lot this season or we're in trouble. 



  7. Given the scheme and the coach we have, we need two major improvements: 1) better D line coaching. We got young guys like Shaq and A. Washington who SHOULD be developing and getting better. They are not growing in their 2nd/3rd year. Teaching's been CRAP. Improve the coaching  2) We will need to draft and / or sign at least 1 very good interior lineman. Kyle is old, and may NOT return return next year. A.W. and other guys aren't the caliber that Kyle and pro-bowl form Dareus. That spells trouble for this defense-focused team. 


    Next off-season, this high-priced and highly-touted front-office collection of potential GMs will have to prove their mettle. I'm looking forward to it.

  8. 4 hours ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:


    ....why is that?....what Frazier afraid of?........Schwartz did a fine job mixing in blitzes when he was here........unless I've been sleeping, don't recall much from Frazier.....


    Yeah I don't get it. And when we've blitzed we weren't getting there either in the last couple of games I've watched. I just don't think he does it very well. I don't think our front 4 is as dominant as it was under Schwartz so they aren't getting that pressure now. It's coaching and schemes man. Great coaches know how to hide your weaknesses. They've done a good job in first 7 games. Let's see how great our coaches are going forward.

  9. 8 minutes ago, JPP said:

    I would be happy as a pig in mud if the bills miraculously pulled something like this off.....Im just saying would be cautious before unloading a good chunk of the arm only because of the unknown part of his injury.....but a 1st rounder for luck i would do.......we would have to load up on the oline to protect him in a huge way........I cant believe the colts would allow their QB get man the way he has over the last couple of seasons....


    well yeah. I guess we should see how he plays first. my first thought is of Luck prior to this surgery.

  10. 2 hours ago, Foxx said:

    we have an awful lot of draft picks.

    jus' saying......


    2 hours ago, Royale with Cheese said:


    We do....we very much do.




    2 hours ago, JPP said:

    Only concern i would have is his shoulder......he was supposed to be ready when the season started but must be some setback to be put on IR now.....shoulder surgery/injuries are tricky......dont really know if he will ever be 100% in his throwing arm......we dont know how bad it really is.....just saying


    Very True. Maybe we can get him for a 1st rounder. KC's pick?


  11. 6 hours ago, ganesh said:

    We should aim to win out at home...that gives us 8 wins and we need to look for 2 on the road (Colts and Fish would help).  Those WC trips are always hard irrespective of the strength of the opponent.   It all starts with a win against the Saints at home.  This team has 10 days to prepare for Brees and Company.


    yeah I'm hoping 10 days is enough prep for coaches and rest for our veteran players. 



  12. Bills have a lot of tough games coming up. Saints, Chargers, Chiefs, Pats, Colts, Fish, Pats, Fish. 


    I'd say 2 are sure wins - colts, one of the fish games. I don't think we beat them at home. Chargers are NOT bad - so that's a 50-50 game. The rest >50% chance of losing. We're going to need 2-3 upsets to get to a 9 win season. THAT isn't pretty. 


    We have a chance against Saints - IF the weather cooperates and is horribly cold and rainy or snows. I'm hoping for cold November Rain and winds LOL. 

  13. 35 minutes ago, Kelly the Dog said:

    Really, the only thing for anyone to say about that is, "Tyrod can't throw with anticipation."


    And the unfortunate thing is if we had Fitzy on roster, he'd beat out Tyrod for starting job. This offense does not intentionally pose him as a threat in the run game. It primarily uses QB as a passer. Fitz is better at this by miles. 

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