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Posts posted by CanadianFan

  1. Is anyone else listening to these boobs on WGR? What made the Panthers do this? They must not think. Dry much of him.


    Nope. Obviously picking up Benjamin’s option year shows the Panthers disn’t Think much of him.


    Cripes these guys are bad.


    It’s a 3rd and 7th round pick. I take that “gamble” any day.


    yeah I am right now. The main dude' saying he'd rather TY. (what's his name?) . I agree, I'd love T.Y. But Benjamin is fine too. Tyrod needs big tall possession receivers (I think). This dude is like Clay. Big tall guy.


    1 and 3 can be fixed his size and hands make up for# 2.


    Sometimes big guys don't look fast and have deceptive speed.


    Well that's what I'm hoping. as long as he has good hands, 3rd is good for a big guy with good hands. He sounds more like a slot rather than a #1. So we still need a speed guy. That's Thompson I guess?


    Yeah must be something wrong...engines spun a bearing,needs a transmission rebuild yada yada yada.


    Sammy went for Gaines and a 2


    KB for a 3 and a 7 are very similar deals


    Very different production though and 1/2 the money.


    Schopps an idiot sometimes.


    Ok did some digging. He does have some issues.


    A couple of complaints heard from Panthers fans:


    1) He doesn't improve year on year. He sucks at off-season preparation and training.

    2) He is slow

    3) He does NOT run routes well.

  4. I am not sure what to make of this. I was waiting for more guys to get traded AWAY. Just not emotionally prepared for this. LOL. He doesn't seem all that speedy but he's a big guy who would be a good target in the endzone. I HOPE Tyrod thinks this guy can grab throws even if he doesn't have separation due to his size.

  5. For those that think a 4-3 team is tanking and some how giving up on the season with this trade just remember the Dolphins were struggling on offense last year during their 1-4 start until Adam Gase made the call to abandon his running back rotation and hand the job over to Jay Ajayi. Ajayi ran for 204 yards in a win over the Steelers the week after and the offense was significantly better the rest of the way including the following week against the Bills which sent our season into a tailspin as the Dolphins went on to win 9 of 11.


    As a Bills fan I hate watching division teams make POWER moves like this but we can only worry about taking care of our own business.


    I remember last year. We can't take them lightly.

  6. True..but if we beat the Saints next week (plus Jets/Indy and Fins x 2) we will face KC and NE way more relaxed / confident they cant likely take us out of playoffs, that's my prayer/theory anyway :rolleyes:


    Can't overlook anyone. ANYONE. This is what other teams must have thought after we didn't sign Gilmore and dealt Watkins, etc. We have to beat Jets first. I was less worried about Dolphins' running game after we switched defensive schemes.

  7. Atlanta had their offense ruined by Sarkesian. I am so glad that Dennison has bent to what was working and had the balls to change his own scheme for the betterment of the team.


    Yeah me too. Apparently this is the first time he's tweaking his scheme. I knew he had to prove something here as this is the first time he wasn't working for Shannahan or Kubiak.

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