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Posts posted by spidey

  1. There are 3 casinos, 2 canadian, 1 US... ALl three have poker rooms.  The seneca niagara (US) has the best room, biggest, with the most action.


    For those of us not in WNY its good to refer to the casinos by name and location. I learned the differenences on my recent visit.


    Seneca Niagara ( American Side )

    Casino Niagara ( original on Canadian side across from American Falls)

    Fallsview Casino ( new on canadian side closest to horseshoe falls)


    Fallsview is sort of like a vegas style with the hotel, shops, restauraunt and casino. Seneca will be similar but Hotel isnt finished as of May.


    We actually liked the Seneca best, seemed like one armed bandits were looser than in Fallsview.


    If you are planning on going to canadian side casinos from Buffalo I still think best bet is going over Peace Bridge, customs seems always easier than on rainbow bridge.

  2. Just the whole Middle East.  You see, if we kill all the brown people, that'll end terrorism.  No one will be the least bit angry if we do this, nor will they become terrorists against us, for they'll have seen what our response will be.  Also, a nuclear explosion won't have any effect on oil in the region.  I promise.  :doh:


    If you have a question in your mind on why people like Nancy Pelosi and Trent Lott get elected, go back and read this thread again.


    But Darin just cant stop in middle east, since Muslims also exist in Indonesia and Africa. Maybe we should Nuke them too since that will also get rid of the AIDS panademic as well as all that poverty.


    Your last point is classic.

  3. To me personally it is not offensive.

    I was at a Community July 4th Celebration in Albany yesterday (Clifton Park to be exact), and there were a few thousand folks there.  Maybe a couple thousand in the immediate vicininty where a band was playing.  they played two sets and when they started the second set they opened with Hendrix' version of the National Anthem.  As i was walking back to my seat, i heard more than a few people saying, "this is offensive". 


    I am just curious.  Is it that the version of the song was offensive?  Or was it maybe not the best setting for the band to choose to play it?


    In 1981 SUNY Binghampton hosted the SUNYAC Swimming championships. The head coach of Binghampton invited everyone to rise while the national anthem performed by James Hendrix was played. As we started to stand I am thinking to myself this cant be the Jimmi Hendrix anthem so I must not have heard right. About 1/2 through the song the coach pulled the record and apologized to the entire crowd. I guessed this was the idea of the seniors on his team and he was totally embarrassed by the anthem since I guess he had never heard of it before. Just about everyone I talked to that weekend thought it was totally inappropriate and was glad they werent members of the Binghampton swim team.

  4. Come August, you'll be missing every NFL preseason game...  You're also missing the "Game of the Week" which has shown some pretty good replays (including the Bills/Vikes '02 shootout).

    I don't need to, you did it for me :huh:




    Fez quit trying to enlightensome of these folks about the virtues of DTV if they want to continue dealing with outages, jacked up prices and the HOPE that some day NFL Ticket will be available to them let them dream.

  5. Sunday tickets getting pretty damned expensive.  not that its a bad deal in and of itself, but figure that everyone goes to at least a game or two or three, plus throw in the nationally televised games, 2 or 3 per season if your team is decent, then it boils down to like 25 bucks a game for the rest.  That's a lotta loot for food and adult beverages at a sports bar, with service. 


    IDK, just a thought.


    Well you assume one only gets Sunday ticket to watch Bills games. Yes this is the most compelling reason however gives me my choice on what other games I want to watch on a sunday. Plus even if each game was 25$ still beats sitting in a smoky sports bar, listening to crap from other pro team fans and eating mostly lousy food.

  6. No we dont need a song...the SHOUT song is great, and i dont know why anyone would want to replace it...if you do, then you've obviously never screamed it at the top of your lungs at the Ralph with 70,000 others after the bills have scored...


    Actually I have and I also have been in the stands singing ang going crazy over Talking Proud, Talking Proud! Especially after beating the dolfags for first time after the 0 for the 70's. I guess since many on this board have only been around for the Shout days so dont remember the Talking Proud days as well.

  7. So American car makers are being run into the ground over all the union perks,

    So are you absolving GM's management from having anything to do with their plight?  Read some topics on GM management and golden parachutes and you'll see what I'm getting at.  (Mind you, I'm not disagreeing that the unions are certainly part of the problem as well.)


    People blame Unions alot however seem to want to overlook what senior management in large corporations are doing. Why does the CEO need to have a salary of 10M with stock options out the wazoo, full 100% salary on leaving company along with full medical coverage while his high tech workers are having benefits trimmed, no pay increases, no stock option or ones that are worthless and retirees benefits trimmed annually? Wake up folks GREED that started in the ME generation that elected Reagan with his tax cuts for everyone is what is running and ruining many American Businesses and many of these dont have Unions to at least be a watchdog.

  8. Something to discuss until training camp begins.


    So in the late 70's and early 80's we had Talking Proud, which really was about Buffalo. Since the late 80's been the shout song. Isnt it time for a change for the post score celebrations? Does anyone have good suggestions now that we have moved into the 2000's?

  9. Its actually been hotter in Buffalo the last couple of days than it has been here in Raleigh.


    Last week I was in Phoenix and it topped out at 114*.  And to tell you the truth, it really wasn't that bad.


    But yesterday the Humidty was 76% with temps in Mid 80's. Plus its lovely waking up each morning in the summer and seeing the humidty at 100% I never realized you could have 100% humidity and not be raining out. Oh well we needed the rain we have received last 2 days minus 6 inches for the year and lawns and golf courses turning brown.

  10. Man I received same letter u better move fast before I do. I also won this lottery for 30M or such still spending that as fast as I can <_< . I had an email ID for the FBI that I used to forward these to.


    The latest was the email that looked like official ebay letter wanting me to reenter my account info.


    Amazin what folks fall for along with those "tool" enlargement pills :D

  11. Personally, i prefer I-270 north to Rt.15 north thru Gettysburg, Harrisburg, Williamport, Mansfield, PA.... to I-390 north towards Rochester to I-90 West to Buffalo. just be careful to follow signs around Harrisburg for 15 north.  A few lights along the way but it's just as fast and much more scenic than the turnpike.. 15 is pretty much a 2 lane highway/expressway the whole way.


    But I would go US 17 North off of 95 to 81N to 15. beats going around DC

  12. Guy point system:


    Shutting the fug up while the game is on: 1,000,000

    Making love: 20

    Fuggin: 2,000,000

    Dinner on the table when we get home: 5,000

    Coming home to find a cat: -22,333,000

    Keeping the fridge stocked: 500

    Keeping the fridge stocked with lowfat whatever or some kind of turkey dressed up as real meat: -12,500

    Good BJ: 500,000

    Bad BJ: 499,999

    Telling us the oil light on the car came on the very same day it happens: 15,000

    Telling us the oil light on the car came on any other time: -500,000


    Interesting I guess u have another kitty around the house?

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