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Posts posted by spidey

  1. Belichick is a great coach, no question, but how long can a team have it's nuts washed by the local media before they start believing their own hype?  I'm praying the Pats players start thinking like Pete Shepard on WEEI.




    I am not sure Belichick is that great a coach lets see what happens now that Charlie and Romeo are gone. But the media is in love with this guy and so are the officials.


    What always amazed me was they call BB a defensive genious and the only solution he had to stop the KGun was to have his players fall down and fake injuries to get stoppage in play.

  2. Now that gas prices are going to be close to 3.00/gal up here in the near future sooner or later .....steps will be taken in my house to conserve fuel consumption


    -No unnecessary trips...if it is not on the way home from work or to work then we don't go


    -dining out is going away


    -the wife is carpooling which will save us a ton of gas since we live 1 hr away from our jobs


    -cars tuned up

    Any other advice you can give or any ideas you may have would be great

    (wisecracks aside)


    Write a letter to Bush asking him to get off vacation and stay in washington for a few days so that AF1 and all the other support equipment can conserve on the fuel they will waste as well as all the fuel used on those who follow him around.

  3. During a discussion of Patriot opponents on WEEI in 2005, every team BUT the Bills were analyzed.  How's that for disrespect?





    Fine with me I want the Pats and ever other team in the league to ignore us and look beyond our games. Local Pats fans I have met are worried about the Bills at least the ones who know squat about football that is.

  4. Subject: Married

    Can You Get Married in Heaven?

    On their way to get married, a young Catholic couple is involved in a

    fatal car accident. The couple find themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates

    waiting for St. Peter to process them into Heaven.

    While waiting, they begin to wonder: Could they possibly get married in


    When St. Peter showed up, they asked him. St. Peter says, "I don't know.

    This is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out", and he


    The couple sat and waited, and waited. Two months passed and the couple is

    still waiting. As they waited, they discussed that IF they were allowed to

    get married in Heaven, what was the eternal aspect of it all. "What if it

    doesn't work?" they wondered, "Are we stuck together FOREVER?"

    After yet another month, St. Peter finally returns, looking somewhat

    bedraggled. "Yes," he informs the couple, "you CAN get married in Heaven."

    "Great!" said the couple, "But we were just wondering, what if things

    don't work out? Could we also get a divorce in Heaven?"

    St. Peter, red-faced with anger, slams his clipboard onto the ground.

    "What's wrong?" asked the frightened couple.

    "OH, COME ON!" St. Peter shouts, "It took me three months to find a priest

    up here! Do you have ANY idea how long it'll take me to find a lawyer?"



    Great punchline.

  5. I moved the tailgate section under the main Sports Talk section.  The Baseball forum and Sabres forum have been relocated there too.


    I removed the test forum and added a new member forum to welcome new members before they venture onto the wall.  This is located within TSW forum.


    I removed the bug report forum.  The Wall of Fame will return when I get a chance to update it.


    We are looking for nominations for the Baseball forum moderator(s).


    Let me know if this works or if we can rearrange things better.




    Now if ya could figure out how to return this to a football discussion forum ya would do something that matters

  6. weather warnings for most of virginia including metro richmond.....better not knock out my cable, I want to watch the fairly odd parents tonite :rolleyes:  ;)


    POOJ How can you think of that at a time like this. Just echoing your theme in another thread. Stay safe noticed the wind has picked up here in raleigh apparently feeder bands that have been pulled up by Katrina

  7. maybe I can help clear your head! :rolleyes:




    ........You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life

    See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen


    Friday night and the lights are low

    Looking out for the place to go

    Where they play the right music, getting in the swing

    You come in to look for a king

    Anybody could be that guy

    Night is young and the music’s high

    With a bit of rock music, everything is fine

    You’re in the mood for a dance

    And when you get the chance...


    You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen

    Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine

    You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life

    See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen


    You’re a teaser, you turn ’em on

    Leave them burning and then you’re gone

    Looking out for another, anyone will do

    You’re in the mood for a dance

    And when you get the chance...


    You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen

    Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine

    You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life

    See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen



    Damn You POOJ now instead of Saints marching I have dancing queens in my head

  8. That may be gas as in the gaseous form and not gasoline. Fuel from bio waste is being researched heavily and is implemented in several developing economies (India, China) for several years now. Basically, you take the waste, decompose it to form methane which is a gas that can be used to cook and power stuff like generators. The waste is sealed in a proper 'fermentor' so the stench does not get out. Don't go seeing conspiracy theories where there aren't any.  :lol:


    No this guy wasnt creating methane to fuel anything he was pouring the fuel into gas tank of a lawn mower and compressor. Unforutnately the local news didnt spend alot of time except to show us the compressor and tells us that he has been sut down since the local residents complained of the odor.

  9. I thought it was MDA too could be Variety Club though Ennjay.  I can't remember anything past the first line though.  How's the rest go?


    Call 644 9700 call 644 9700


    If you call...?


    It was the Variety club telethon and always on channel 7, these were the days before cable and one really had limited number of channels and programming to choose from. Oh wait TV existed before DirectTV nah must have been a bad dream :lol:


    The song went something like this "call 644 9700 call 644 9700 and when you call that magic number ....."

  10. Heard on local news here that a local guy can create gas fuel at about 5 cents a gallon using chicken. Not just chiecken waste but also chicken parts that are usually thrown away. He demonstrated the gas running a generator, mower and other equipment. However his lab was recently closed by local Cary police since the other people in the area were complaining of the stench created. Amazing that this guy has invented this mechanism and created the refinement process etc and is being shut down. Something smells rotten in NC and its not that chicken he is cooking.

  11. Not the most stable construction material in the world, that's for sure. In light rain, there were leaks at Gampel Pavillion during games when I was at UConn.


    The thing being that the reactionaries with microphones are turning "might" into "has" when it's just not the case.... yet.


    But they now have rain coming in so not just a small leak anymore, 60 holes accoding to NBC!!!!

  12. I occasionaly stop in on a msg board on slickdeals.net.. anyway, someone posted:


    Fill your gas tanks up before you go to sleep


    "Oil is going to take a huge jump tomorrow due to Katrina. The perception of the rigs being out of service, not to mention their are a few refineries in the area where the 'cane is going to hit, is going to blow the per barrel price through the roof. We could see $70+ per barrel this week yielding gas price hikes nationwide."


    Anything to worry about?


    well just hope anyone on the message board that lives in the area gets the hell out NOW!!!

  13. She still has a lot of bounce in her step but I think she might be getting tired  :D


    Is it time?


    Well let's put it to a vote.


    If you are tired of my Avatar with her cute bellybutton  :rolleyes:  say the word and I'll shop around for a newer model,


    Yes let us see the REAL thing this time :lol::lol:;)

  14. No political statements in this post.


    This information is something that everyone should know. Oil companies need to report each month to the US Department of Engery where they purchase their oil from. Fox News reported today which five oil companies do not purchase oil from the Middle East.


    Companies That Do Not Import Oil From The Middle East:



    ConocoPhillips (76)




    What's The Difference?

    The report stated that the money you spend at gas stations that purchase oil from the Middle East does go to charities in the Middle East that are being fronted by Terrorist groups.


    Seriously, share this list with everyone. Mobil -- where I used to get gas -- is one of the biggest importers of Middle Eastern oil.



    Wonder were the Native Americans get their gas from?

  15. 55/45 Bills is mine.

    Everyone says that this is Bills country and rightfully so.  My curiousity is how close is the comparison to you.  I love the Bills and Sabres just about equally with a slight edge to the Bills.  Yet, once football season is over I get really excited to concentrate on hockey. 


    Does one really dominate the other to you?  If so, why.


    I think ya go month by month

    Sept - 100% Bills

    Oct - 100% Bills

    Nov - 90% Bills n10% Sabres

    Dec - depends on Bills record but more like 70 Bills 30% Sabres

    Jan - depends if Bills in playoffs if so 100% Bills else 100% Sabres

    Feb - Apr 100& Sabres

  16. Don't know if this has been posted, (maybe it hasn't because no one cares  :devil:


    I have no link to support this but 1180 WHAM was running promos today that the Coach will be doing a radio call-in format program following Bills games this season.


    Well now I wont complain that WHAM doesnt come in anymore in the Raleigh Area at night, some station from Florida seems to be broadcasting on 1180 and is stronger.


    This guy is one of the biggest bafoons in all of radio and as muchas a blow hard as other talk radio "superstars"

  17. You'll never guess what happened!  I just got an e-mail from a lawyer in Lagos who tells me my long lost Uncle Morgan was eaten by crocodiles. (or was it alligators?)  Anyway Uncle Morgan left me $10 million dollars!  All I have to do is send this lawyer my credit card and bank account numbers, and he'll transfer the money to me!!


    Wow! Am I lucky of what?




    we must be cousins I just got the same. So are we splitting the 10M or get 10M each?

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